UN Announces Optimistic Goal to End AIDS Epidemic
Reishi Force has released a new report, drawing even more attention to the outstandingly optimistic goal of the UN organization to put an end to the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Learn more about it here.
Tampa, FL, United States – July 14, 2015 /PressCable/ —
The leader of the UN revealed their hope to finally put an end to the AIDS epidemic by 2030, calling their mission “ambitious but realistic.” This report reveals that the organization plans to achieve success on this mission by providing every world citizen with proper prevention, treatment, and care.
The organization has also drastically reduced the cost of antiretroviral treatment, lowering the price from over $10,000 to less than $100 for a full year of treatment. Credit for this success has been given to the UNAIDS sub-committee, which is solely responsible for spearheading this operation.
Michel Sidibe, executive director of UNAIDS, said in the report “During the first decade of the epidemic, there was very little to offer someone dying from AIDS. The best you could hope for was that your family wouldn’t throw you out.” The director also stated that their main hope for success is “breaking the tight grip on government policies and drug prices.”
To date, the most remarkable success achieved by the agency has been lowering the infection rate among children, by providing pregnant women with the treatment needed to prevent passing the infection on to the unborn babies.
A representative for Reishi Force, Mary Lewis, shares the company’s passionate stance on this issue and the great progress being made. When asked about this new goal set by the UN, Lewis said “As a united global community, I think we all can appreciate the UN taking the initiative needed to finally put an end to this deadly virus that has claimed far too many lives. We, as a company, stand behind the UN and hope they receive the support needed from powerful government figures to turn this mission into a success.
One of the main hurdles the UN is trying to overcome at the moment is the critical legislation needed that would allow third-world countries to override drug patents and manufacture copies of the successful medications. Those interested in learning more about the UN’s mission to overcome AIDS can read the full report at http://reishiforce.com/un-aids-epidemic.
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Contact Info:
Name: Heather Thomas
Organization: Reishi Force
Phone: 1-800-701-4556
Release ID: 86712