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Winchester’s City Insurance Group Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Plans Special Event

Company’s long, impressive history speaks to its commitment to its clients, and upcoming 25th anniversary event at head office will be great fun for all, City Insurance Group reports

Winchester, Hampshire, United Kingdom – July 14, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

The City Insurance Group, one of the United Kingdom’s leading insurance brokers, announced that the company is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. For a quarter of a century, the City Insurance Group has helped drivers, residents, and business owners find the most affordable and suitable solutions for all their insurance needs. In celebration of the City Insurance Group’s 25 anniversary, the company plans a gala BBQ event at its offices at 88/89 High Street, the scheduling and details of which will be announced soon.

“It has been an incredible twenty-five years, and we look forward to many more years of serving our valued customers,” City Insurance Group representative Oliver John Gibbs said, “Whether it means making use of our full-service website or http://www.cityinsurance.co.uk or speaking to a broker in person at our offices, we are confident that the City Insurance Group experience remains the most satisfying and rewarding of all. As a way of saying thanks for all of the support we have received over the years, we are currently planning a public BBQ event and hope to announce the details very soon.”

Taking in over 7% of all the premiums paid worldwide every year, the United Kingdom’s national insurance industry is the third largest of all, according to the Association of British Insurers. More than a third of a million people work in that industry today, in fact, putting its employment numbers well ahead of the combined totals of the electricity, gas, and water industries.

For twenty-five years now, the City Insurance Group has consistently stood as one of the brightest lights in that thriving, fundamentally important industry. Facilitating thousands of policies through its brokerage business, the company enjoys exceptional leverage with many of the world’s top insurers, allowing it to secure premiums for clients that can beat out other options by as much as 30%.

Far from being an impersonal business that focuses on volume, however, the City Insurance Group has distinguished itself just as much through the hands-on, custom-tailored service that it provides to every client. For customers seeking home insurance coverage, for example, City Insurance Group experts work diligently to craft insurance policies that meet their specific, individual needs, something that few brokerages in the United Kingdom can boast of.

Whether for business insurance, coverage for a home, or a policy to cover a car or van, then, the City Insurance Group has been and remains one of the best choices of all for every type of customer in the United Kingdom. Now standing at an impressive quarter of a century, the company’s long history of success is a testament to the quality of the service it consistently provides and the satisfaction of its thousands of valued customers. Details about the upcoming City Insurance Group 25th anniversary BBQ celebration at its head office in Winchester will be announced soon.

About the City Insurance Group:
With the best, most personal service available anywhere and unmatched buying power that produces lower premiums, the City Insurance Group has been one of the United Kingdom’s top sources for insurance for twenty-five years.

For more information about us, please visit http://www.cityinsurance.co.uk/

Contact Info:
Name: Oliver John Gibbs
Organization: City Insurance Group
Phone: 01962 844848

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/winchesters-city-insurance-group-celebrates-25th-anniversary-plans-special-event/86653

Release ID: 86653

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