Women Business Enterprises Documentary Showcases Successful Women Supporting Diversity
July 17, 2015 – – WBEC-WEST (Women Business Enterprise Council), a company based in Mesa, Arizona, released a short documentary about women in business and corporations who are supporting diversity. Among the multifarious women-inspired companies include SDG&E, Allstate, Chevron, Southern California Edison, Janeen LLC and Bank of America. The 9-minute video also shows the testimonials of self-made millionaires who have braved the uncertainty and struggles of venturing into business.
In a book of Pamela Williamson, Ph.D. entitled Minority and Women Business Enterprise Certification Levels Playing Field, she explains how the minority and women owned business enterprises continue to expand. “I am very pleased and excited to see how the minorities and women make a great change in terms of business. I see a lot of people nowadays are more open to the idea of women being not just home makers, but also great leaders” said Williamson. As the Executive Director of Women Business Enterprise Council herself, Williamson understands the ins and outs of starting a business. Together with the Council’s Board Chairman Robin Billups, the book aims to guide the minority and women business owners who are looking for greater procurement opportunities.
By being certified, the minority and women business enterprises will have an edge among its competitors. This is also a proven method of eliminating the unqualified candidates from the roll. Furthermore, information concerning access to government contracts at the local, state and federal levels is way higher.
One of the people who decided to have a copy of the book said: “This book is an excellent resource for any minority or women owned business seeking certification. It not only details the certification process, but also outlines how certification can benefit your business and help you acquire more contracts. I also enjoyed hearing the testimonials from business owners who have gone through the certification process.”
Meanwhile, WBEC-West continues to empower women who are exploring the possibility of joining Women Business Enterprises by means of a Procurement Opportunity Conference and Awards Dinner. The said event will be held on September 15 and 17 at the Bacara Resort and Spa in Santa Barbara, California. The conference is expected to attract participation from government entities, corporate America, community partners and women business owners.
Contact WBEC-WEST:
Pamela Williamson, Ph.D.
(480) 969-9232.
1515 North Greenfield Road
Suite 102, Mesa AZ 85205
ReleaseID: 60002573