WordPress Authority NexToronto Reveals Easy Ways to Improve Performance and SEO
In new series at agency’s site, experts detail straightforward ways of making a WordPress site even more responsive and visible, NexToronto reports
TORONTO – August 17, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —
With the dominant WordPress content management system, NexToronto (a WordPress Development Agency in Toronto) has made the open source software its number one choice in developing websites. NexToronto has also published several posts on how businesses and other users can derive even more value from the platform. As experts and enthuisasts in the growing wordpress culture, NexToronto aims to help businesses consistently improve their online presence. NexToronto regularly accounts for related factors that most web developers tend to overlook. In a new series of posts at the agency’s website, NexToronto experts detail how users can benefit from the use of a simple, image-compressing plugin that speeds up page loading, achieve more effective presence in Google through search engine optimization and make their current WordPress installations even more rewarding to own and operate.
“WordPress is a fantastic piece of software that has proven itself over many years in the field,” NexToronto Danny Dambrosio CEO & wordpress developer Toronto said. “Even so, a great many WordPress sites online today could benefit from some simple, straightforward tweaks. In our new series, we’ve taken a look at some of the most effective and rewarding of these, and done so in ways that anyone can put into action. We’ll have plenty more for our visitors to read up on in the future, and we’re always available to handle any kind of work related to Internet marketing or WordPress Toronto businesses and others might benefit from.”
Now a full-featured, full-fledged content management system, WordPress is a free or opensource software that began life as a relatively simple piece of blogging software in 2003. Since then, a rapid pace of development and the careful stewardship provided by the foundation that oversees it have made WordPress into a true Internet phenomenon. Powering over a quarter of the web’s top 10 million sites at last count, the system is used for everything from the kinds of low-key blogging that inspired its creation to heavy-duty websites that serve as the online headquarters of enterprises worth billions.
As competing WordPress development toronto companies stick to their usual plugins, NexToronto regularly explores new plugins and the full range of what the system is capable in order to improve its arsenal and knowledgebase. Whether by creating brand-new sites from the ground up for clients; enhancing existing WordPress properties with additional functionality or performance-boosting improvements; or seeing to ongoing maintenance and security, NexToronto consistently helps clients derive the greatest possible value from a free, open-source platform that has a great deal to offer.
In the new series at the NexToronto website, this expertise is put on display in ways that will allow readers of any background to take useful action themselves. The recent posts detail everything from the advantages and uses of a particularly capable WordPress image-compression plugin to some simple tweaks that can produce more responsive WordPress pages that benefit from improved search engine prominence. Visitors will find the new posts online now at the NexToronto website, where more information about the agency’s highly effective WordPress development and Internet marketing services is also available.
About NexToronto WordPress Development Toronto:
Connecting the dots in ways that produce more traffic, leads, and results, NexToronto provides a full range of WordPress, web development, e-commerce, and Internet marketing services to clients in Toronto and beyond.
For more information, please visit http://www.nextoronto.com
Contact Info:
Name: Danny Dambrosio
Organization: NexToronto WordPress Development Toronto
Address: 2 Lippincott Crt Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 7M5
Phone: 416-893-3231
Release ID: 128108