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World’s #1 Ranked DFS Player Launches RotoQL

New York, NY, United States, 12/24/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Daily fantasy sports (DFS) players may now have a reason to be more optimistic. RotoQL, a company co-founded by Saahil Sud who goes by the username Maxdalury—the world’s number one DFS player—is officially launching its app to the public.

Based in New York City, RotoQL began operations in October of 2015 with seed funding from undisclosed high net worth investors. Its goal is to give DFS players the tools and analytics they need to build lineups confidently and quickly. To accomplish this, the team has developed an all-in-one platform equipped with querying, scripting and workflow technology.

The app’s founders—Saahil Sud and Justin Park—bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to RotoQL.

Saahil Sud’s research and ideas have been very influential in designing the program. He originally began his career as a data scientist, but then transitioned to a full-time DFS player. He has since won millions of dollars. With the RotoQL app, users get access to the types of strategies that helped Maxdalury become the #1 DFS player in the world.

Justin Park, a co-founder and RotoQL’s CEO, previously founded Vidaao, an online marketplace for video production. He also recently served as Chief Operating Officer at APlus, a digital media company founded by Ashton Kutcher. His expertise and experience have been paramount in ensuring RotoQL achieves its mission: to provide DFS players with a comprehensive toolkit that optimizes lineups and reduces research time.

As the fastest optimizer in the industry, the RotoQL app can produce up to 100 lineups instantaneously. Additionally, the app’s powerful querying technology enables users to synthesize hundreds of thousands of data points into actionable insights.

RotoQL also places emphasis on its workflow tools, allowing users to adjust lineups on the go and export them to Excel. Thanks to a Chrome extension, players can even use the app to seamlessly import saved lineups into DFS platforms.

For DFS players, such an app means opportunity. Not only will lineup setting become less stressful, players will also enjoy an increased chance of winning. That is plenty of reason to be optimistic.

RotoQL will start charging for its Premium offering on January 31, 2016.

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Read the full story at http://newsreleases.submitpressrelease123.com/2015/12/28/worlds-1-ranked-dfs-player-launches-rotoql/

ReleaseID: 18093

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