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X-ray Crystallography Technology from Creative Biostructure will Have A New Innovation

With the success of the LCLs, X-ray crystallography technology will obtain more achievements in the future.

Shirley, USA – August 17, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —

LCLs gained such success in just a few years, which makes the researchers believe that the further development of X-ray crystallography technology, related software and detection equipment will drive more new results in the near future.

The structure of proteins directly determines their function, and protein structure analysis can provide important information for people to develop highly targeted therapeutic drugs. So far, the understanding of the protein structure, mostly cannot live without X ray crystallography. For a century, many of the achievements of the Nobel prize have benefited from this technology. However, if scientists are using X-ray crystallography to study protein structure determination, they need to use many of the known data, to fill in the data gaps.

Now the Creative Biostructure develops a new technique of X-ray, analyzing the exact structure of protein, and constructing the complete 3D model of the protein, which is an important milestone of protein structure analysis.

Lysozyme is a protein that has been studied extensively. Researchers used Linac Coherent Light Source and complex computer analysis tools to generate an accurate model of the lysozyme.

Since many important protein crystals are too small, it is difficult to analyze using the traditional X – ray technology and epitope mapping. And the special nature of LCLS can help people to resolve smaller crystals, revealing more important protein structures.

When the protein structure is determined by X ray technique, it is not practical to use a large amount of data in order to get enough accurate signal. This latest experiment shows that the new X-ray technology can show the exact information of the unknown biological structure from scratch.

As early as decades ago, the structure of lysozyme was analyzed. Now, researchers use this protein to consider the accuracy of the new X – ray technique. They soak the lysozyme crystal in a solution containing gadolinium, which is combined with lysozyme that produce strong signals in the presence of X – rays. By using this signal, the researchers make an accurate reconstruction of lysozyme molecule structure.

The researchers plan to further adjust and improve the technology and apply it to more and more complex proteins, such as membrane proteins. Membrane protein, which has a large number of important cellular functions, is an important target in new drug development. However, it is known that the structure of a small number of membrane proteins are discovered.
Scientists have been encouraged, because this study will bring a new opportunity to X ray technology, and you can resolve smaller 3D sample structures.

For more information, please visit http://www.creative-biostructure.com

Contact Info:
Name: Thomas Hooper
Organization: Creative Biostructure
Address: 45-1 Ramsey Road, Shirley, NY 11967, USA
Phone: 5166698109

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/x-ray-crystallography-technology-from-creative-biostructure-will-have-a-new-innovation/128218

Release ID: 128218

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