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Xarelto Lawsuit Update: Dates for Bellwether Trials Set

September 22, 2015 – – BloodThinnerHelp.com reports today that dates have been set for the bellwether trials in the multidistrict litigation against the manufacturers of an anticoagulant called Xarelto. The lawsuits allege that Xarelto causes severe internal bleeding, serious injuries, and death. For more information on the Xarelto lawsuits, click here.

The order was issued on Friday by U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon, the judge who is presiding over the Xarelto multidistrict litigation, or MDL. A total of four trials have been scheduled so far. Judge Fallon ordered that the first Xarelto trial will be held in the Eastern District of Louisiana on February 6, 2017 and the second one in the same district on March 13, 2017. The third trial will be held in Mississippi on April 24, 2017 and the fourth in Texas on May 30, 2017.

The Xarelto MDL:

The Xarelto MDL was formed in December 2014 after a motion to consolidate the growing number of lawsuits against the manufacturers of the anticoagulant. Since the MDL was formed, the number of lawsuits filed in it have skyrocketed and it has become one of the fastest-growing mass torts concerning a product liability claim. The MDL was formed to consolidate the lawsuits, conserve judicial resources, and speed up the pretrial litigation and discovery process for both the plaintiffs and the defendants. In addition to the federal MDL in Louisiana, a mass tort group has been established in Philadelphia to consolidate cases filed that make similar allegations against the drug’s manufacturers, Bayer AG and Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the pharmaceutical division of Johnson&Johnson

The Dangerous Side Effects of Xarelto:

Xarelto is the subject of controversy and legal action because of the dangerous side effects the drug has been linked to. Since Xarelto was released onto the United States market after receiving FDA approval in 2011, several studies have linked Xarelto to adverse events such as uncontrollable internal bleeding, brain hemorrhages, stroke, and pulmonary embolism, which almost always result in serious injury and even death in some cases. Xarelto is a much more dangerous drug than traditional blood thinners such as Warfarin because Xarelto does not come with a corresponding antidote. If a patient taking Warfarin experiences an internal bleeding event, a doctor will be able to administer vitamin K and the blood will clot again. If a patient taking Xarelto experiences an internal bleed, there is no drug that can be administered to stop the bleeding, resulting in an uncontrollable internal bleeding event. In these cases, serious life-saving medical measures must usually be taken to stop the bleeding. Many of the lawsuits allege that Xarelto’s manufacturers had prior knowledge of these serious risks associated with the drug and put the drug to market anyway.

“Now that the trial dates are set, we expect to see even more lawsuits come forward,” Xarelto attorney Marc Goldich said, “If Xarelto’s manufacturers did indeed have knowledge of the dangers of the drug, they deserve to be brought to justice. We strongly encourage anyone who feels that they have been harmed by Xarelto to contact us immediately.”

For any questions regarding this press release or the pending Xarelto litigation, please contact Marc Goldich at (866) 425-8902.


Contact BloodThinnerHelp.com:

Marc Goldich
1500 Walnut Street, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

ReleaseID: 60004315

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