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Xarelto Lawsuit Update: Difference Between Xarelto MDL and A Class Action Lawsuit

November 12, 2015 – – BloodThinnerHelp.com reports today explaining the differences between the current Xarelto litigation, a multidistrict litigation, and a class action lawsuit. Both of these are legal systems designed to handle large amounts of cases but they are very different and should not be confused, although sometimes the terms are incorrectly used interchangeably.

MDL vs. Class Action:

An MDL is a litigation management system where cases that make the similar allegations against the same defendants are consolidated. An MDL speeds up the entire litigation process for everybody involved by streamlining the pretrial and discovery processes. An MDL also saves on judicial resources. An MDL is different from a class action because an MDL still allows for cases filed in it to be tried separately and for settlements to be decided on an individual basis. This is especially important for litigation such as the Xarelto litigation because the plaintiff’s injuries vary greatly from case to case. In a class action, the settlements are the same for everybody involved, making it very inappropriate for the Xarelto litigation. For more detailed information about the Xarelto litigation, click here.

The Xarelto MDL:

The Xarelto MDL was established in December of 2014 after a motion was made to consolidate the rising number of cases filed against the manufactures of Xarelto, Bayer AG and Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subdivision of Johnson&Johnson. There are currently over 1,200 lawsuits filed in the MDL which is consolidated in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. The MDL is presided over by Judge Eldon Fallon.

Allegations Made By Xarelto Lawsuits:

The Xarelto lawsuits filed all generally make the same allegations, which is why they are able to be consolidated. The lawsuits allege that Xarelto causes serious internal bleeding that leads to severe injuries and even death in some patients, that the manufacturers of Xarelto failed to adequately warn patients and doctors about the real dangers of the drug, and that the manufacturers of Xarelto were negligent by releasing the drug onto the market without a corresponding antidote.

Xarelto can be very dangerous without a corresponding antidote. This means that if a patient is taking Xarelto and suffers from an internal bleed, there is no way to stop the bleeding, often leading to serious complications. If a patient taking the traditional blood thinner Warfarin suffers from an internal bleeding incident, a doctor can administer vitamin K and the patient’s blood will clot again, a very different situation than patients taking Xarelto are in.

For any questions regarding this press release or the pending Xarelto litigation, please contact Marc Goldich at (866) 425-8902.


Contact BloodThinnerHelp.com:

Marc Goldich
1500 Walnut Street, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

ReleaseID: 60005383

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