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Zofran Lawsuit Plaintiffs Applaud FDA’s Decision Regarding Folic Acid

April 25, 2016 – – ZofranLegal.com reports that the plaintiffs involved in the ever growing Zofran litigation are pleased that the FDA has taken steps to ensure that another group of parents won’t have to experience the pain they have – the pain of watching a child suffer from a birth defect.

It was recently announced that the FDA had agreed to allow folic acid to be added to Masa flour. It has long been known that this vitamin, when taken during pregnancy, may help to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. It has also been speculated that it may prevent certain heart defects, cleft lip, and cleft palate. By allowing this addition, the FDA could potentially help thousands of mothers and their unborn children.

Zofran lawsuit plaintiffs know full well how these birth defects can impact a child’s life from the very beginning. Currently, more than 230 lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturers of the anti-emetic drug, GlaxoSmithKline, each one alleging that when Zofran was ingested by an expectant mother, the drug caused a birth defect in an unborn child. Birth defects claimed in these complaints include atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, cleft lip, cleft palate, clubfoot, ear deformities, kidney defects, and respiratory distress syndrome.

Parents are seeking to obtain compensation on their child’s behalf for medical expenses, pain and suffering and emotional trauma. In nearly every case, the child required at least one surgical operation in order to correct their defect. Many have been left with permanent scarring and will continue to require medical care for the rest of their lives. Parents have also frequently noted that due to complications of the birth defect, these children are often teased by their peers and have struggled to develop normal social skills.

New complaints are being filed on a regular basis and the attorneys at Monheit Law are working to ensure all parents who believe their child was harmed by Zofran have the opportunity to explore their legal options. Complimentary consultations are currently being offered to qualified families. To learn more, contact Michael Monheit at 877-620-8411.


Contact ZofranLegal.com:

Michael Monheit
1368 Barrowdale Road, Rydal, PA 19046

ReleaseID: 60009517

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