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Zombiedisasterkits.com Confirms Keyboard Bacteria Can Affect Health During Colds And Flu Season

March 08, 2016 – – Zombiedisasterkits.com, a company based out of Vancouver, Washington, has recently updated their blog with information on the sanitation of the common computer keyboard. In their report, the team explains that many QWERTY boards are actually filthier than a toilet seat. They explained: “The National Center for Health Research found that the average shared keyboards in office settings has 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.”

It is for purposes like this that My BioDefense has designed a portable method to fight the germs which are potentially present after each use of electronic equipment. The My BioDefense UV wand is designed to kill up to 99.9% of the bacteria found on common household and office products quickly and efficiently using Ultra Violet light. This is vital, especially during the cold and flu season.

Sold online through the company website at www.zombiedisasterkits.com, and also through their alternative sales channel, Amazon.com, the tool runs on four AAA batteries, or by USB cable. The company has aimed the device toward homeowners and office workers, but My BioDefense UV-C Sterilizing Travel Wand can also be used in schools, hospitals, hotels, and daycare centers or anywhere computer keyboards are abundant.

One of the points made in the blog post is that many doctors and medical professionals have updated their documentation methods to mainly electronic data input. This means that nurses and hospital workers are constantly putting their hands on a keyboard or computer mouse, and could be inadvertently spreading bacteria. More about this can also be seen on My BioDefense’s Amazon.com page.

The company describes the usefulness of their product in these situations as follows; “MyBioDefense UV-C Sanitizing Wand can help without using harsh chemicals, disposable wipes or smelly concoctions that are really bad for electronic equipment. 99.9% of common germs that cause pneumonia, strep throat, staph infection, colds and dysentery can be sanitized with a series of four second My BioDefense Wand exposures across a keyboard, mouse or tablet.”

The UV-C Travel Wand is small enough to fit into a purse, backpack, or briefcase, and can be transferred from home to work easily and used discreetly. To sterilize keyboards, the company suggests uploading the free online app for sterilizing times and then holding the wand above each section of the electronic device until the app timer beeps to announce the completion of a section. The entire process can be completed in less than a minute.


Contact Zombiedisasterkits.com:

Jillian Gregg
PO Box 1539
Vancouver, Washington 98668

ReleaseID: 60008461

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