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Jack Lombardi Announces WPengine Word Press Hosting Review

March 29, 2019 – – Jack Lombardi with Chicago Website Design SEO Company in Chicago, Illinois has announced the publication of his WPengine review. Lombardi states that the review is available on the company’s website and offers insights into the hosting program offered by WPengine.

“We use WPengine for hosting websites,” says Lombardi. “I know that choosing a hosting company can be difficult. There are many things to consider, so I wanted to offer some insights on this particular hosting company and what people can do with it when they use it.”

Lombardi says that there are currently any number of reviews for the hosting platform that are available to read online, but says that businesses need to be careful that they are reading reviews from people who have actually used the hosting company. He says that as a business owner, it is important to always know where one’s information comes from.

“Reviews are available for anything,” says Lombardi. “The thing is, people need to be careful about what they read. There are going to be bad reviews for every product, sometimes paid for by the competitors for that product. My review is 100 percent honest and unbiased and based on personal experience with the platform.”

Lombardi says that the number one benefit of WPengine.com is that the company has data centers all over the world to support websites and to give clients faster loading times. Given that the company currently hosts more than 70,000 clients in over 120 countries, Lombardi says that the data centers are a definite benefit of service.

He adds that the company offers safety and security benefits, as well. He states in his review that every website depends on a platform that keeps it up and running and protects its data from certain bugs and viruses. He states that the hosting company has data that shows that it blocks approximately two million website attacks on a daily basis, and that hosting is made more secure with the use of firewalls and threat detection software.

Lombardi says that the company does not just cater to small businesses. The hosting company currently has larger clients such as National Geographic and Yelp, two of the most visited websites in the world. Lombardi says that even these bigger name clients are more than satisfied with the results of their hosting programs.

The SEO consultant states that he provides this unbiased review in an attempt to help those who are building their online businesses to choose the best hosting company for their needs. In his review, he outlines five reasons that the hosting company has been beneficial to Chicago Website Design SEO Company and Lombardi’s own views on the company and its services.

“People certainly do not have to take my word for it,” says Lombardi. “As SEO consultants, we always encourage our clients to do their research before they decide on something as important as website hosting.”

Lombardi urges those who are currently looking at hosting companies to read the review to get a better idea of the benefits of this WordPress hosting company. Lombardi and his team at Chicago Website Design SEO Company have been consulting with businesses of all sizes since 2008. The company has a headquarters in Chicago, but also has offices in seven additional cities in the United States and services those in the U.S. as well as abroad.

Lombardi says that those who are interested in learning more about the website hosting company can visit them on their website. He states that those interested in an SEO consultation or any of the other services that CWDSC offers can visit them on their own website to learn more or to find direct contact information. Lombardi states that his team consists of specialists who have a combined experience level of more than a quarter of a century. He states that any business owner that is looking to improve their online presence can contact the company for a consultation.


For more information about Chicago Website Design SEO Company, contact the company here:

Chicago Website Design SEO Company
Jack Lombardi
10 S. Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL. 60606

ReleaseID: 60026505

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