Playa Productions Announces Release of The Bachelorette Season 1 on YouTube
The scripted, comedy series based on ABC’s The Bachelorette will premiere on YouTube April 20, 2020.
April 21, 2020 —
Playa del Rey, CA – Danielle Murray, Content Creator and CEO of Playa Productions is pleased to announce that her new show, The Bachelorette Season 1, is now showing on YouTube. The scripted, comedy series is based on ABC’s The Bachelorette. It will premiere on YouTube this April 20th, and will air every Monday and Thursday until The Finale.
The Bachelorette Season 1 is a series that revolves around an 11-week period where 13 men are vying for Danielle Murray’s heart. The 11-weeks all lead up to the final, most dramatic episodes: Hometown Dates, Fantasy Suites, Men Tell All, and The Final Rose. The episodes also include “Guys Jump Out of A Plane”, “Surfing”, and “Guys Talk In Kitchen”.
Danielle Murray wrote, produced, worked as the Creative Executive on this project, as well as starring as “The Bachelorette”.
“It’s an addicting-to-watch show!” Danielle says. “Even more than the comedy – which will not be everyone’s cup of tea – people are going to love it because they will want to know: who is going to hometowns? Who is going to get their heart broken? Who is going to get drunk and act like a fool? It’s as addicting to watch as the real Bachelor Franchise.”
The cast includes Danielle Murray playing The Bachelorette, Joe Longo playing Rick Rotella, “Business Man” from Los Angeles, California; Connor Murphy playing Caleb Irons, Professional Surfer from Long Beach, California; Jeremy Burling playing Brad Nash, Musician from Brooklyn, New York; Luke Carlson playing Derrick Walker, Donut Shop Owner from Boise, Idaho; RJ Melgar playing Anthony Carroll who is unemployed from Studebaker, Michigan; Roland De Leon who is playing Jon Patel, Wedding Photographer from Portland, Maine; Nick McLoughlin who is playing Tyler Branson, Venture Capitalist from San Diego, California; Jared Fleming who is playing Jeffrey Matthews, Flight Attendant from Springfield, Massachusetts; Luke Hawksworth who is playing Dan Parker, Serial Entrepreneur from Louisville, Kentucky; Tim Parrish who is playing JP, Reality TV Star from Hollywood, California; Taylor Hill who is playing Justin Pilinski, Project Manager from Denver, Colorado; Sean Leon who is playing Jonathan Cirque, Fashion Designer from Los Angeles, California. Dirk Ellis who is playing Beck Leck, Marketing account Manager from Milwaukee, Wisconsi;. Susan Touchborn who is playing Tami Murray; Nika Balina who is playing Bianca Balina; Sterling Long-Colbo who is playing “Hot dad”, and Dan Lindgren playing the part of Chris Harrison.
You can watch and subscribe to the series on YouTube.
Visit The Bachelorette, Season 1’s website at . Or follow Playa Productions to find out about upcoming productions on Facebook.
Contact Info:
Name: Danielle Murray
Email: Send Email
Organization: Playa Productions
Phone: 419-366-2035
Release ID: 88954502