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BNBPunks Introduces The BNB NFT Marketplace

BNBPunks team is proud to introduce the latest BNB NFT Marketplace.

Los Angeles, CA , US – September 9, 2021

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files.

The BNB NFT marketplace is a marketplace that features all forms of digital artworks and collectibles. Powered by the Binance blockchain infrastructure and community, the BNB NFT marketplace provides the highest liquidity platform for users to launch and trade NFTs.


BigSteppa a famous BSC Influencer plug who has brought so many successors names to the BSC world such as Lil Baby, Soulja Boy, Juicy J, and many more, He started in the BSC space about some years ago but has been around cryptocurrency ever since 2011 and has been doing excellent.

How Does The BNB NFT Marketplace Empower?

A First of its kind, BNBPunks is a full access NFT that grants you early releases of NFTs from a wide range of celebrities with Soulja Boy and Juicy J being the first up contenders. This will come with our own Marketplace and we are highly confident of a BNB NFT listing as well.

The initial 1000 punks were 0.4BNB, and are now .5BNB at 2000-3000 mints the price will be upped to .55 and so forth. All proceeds of NFT sales go straight to marketing and development.

10,000 completely unique NFTs, AI-Generated, no two are the same and have well over 100+ unique traits of different rarity to choose from, once they’re minted they’re GONE and there will never be more! The original BNBPunks grants you a grandfather position in any and every project we launch.

The Journey on NFT

Since embarking on this new path, BigSteppa has quickly made a name for himself in the world of digital collectibles. His highly anticipated NFT project received media coverage on Los Angeles and worldwide TV stations.

The artwork, a mosaic of 500,000 images chronicling his life, was born out of BigSteppa’s desire to have a place in the Guinness World Records. The artist gathered images he had published over the course of many years on websites, to piece together “My Life”—an artwork that recounts the places he’s visited and moments he’s lived through until now.

What Does the Future Hold for NFTS?

BigSteppa’s passion for NFT is evident in his beliefs and creations. In fact, he told us on the day of our interview, he, ironically, decided to work hard and bring out the BNBPunks, replacing each empty frame with a blank piece of paper containing the NFT token number. The intent? A symbolic move in his journey to adapt to a new world. According to BigSteppa, “Blessed are those who have bought patents or registered trademarks because NFTs are the future.”

Social links

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BNBPunks
Telegram: https://t.me/BNBPunks
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2NetNm33sk

Contact Info:
Name: BigSteppa
Email: Send Email
Organization: BNBPunks
Address: Los Angeles, CA
Website: https://www.binancepunks.io/

Release ID: 89044965

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