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Adventure Marketing Hires new Marketing and Project Lead

June 26, 2015 – – Adventure Marketing, a Boise Idaho marketing firm, is happy to announce that they have hired McKenna Buckley as their new Marketing and Project Lead. Mckenna really sets herself apart from others by setting both business and personal goals, all which are fueled by her fiery passion and craving for success. She expresses gratitude towards those who allow her room for opportunity and motivate her to push her past her comfort zone. She has a thirst for knowledge and loves to see the business world in all different perspectives to further her own life experience. She one day sees herself standing in front of others to share her passion and lead others to success.She believes Adventure Marketing is the gateway towards these life goals and finds this company filled with much importance and positivity.

“This is more than just a job to me, this is the beginning of my path not only towards an amazing career but a path towards happiness and success in many aspects. This company supports each other and pushes each and every one of our comfort zones for the better. Adventure Marketing shows results” -Mckenna Buckley

Adventure Marketing takes time to understand the entirety of your business to give you the best plan to make your company successful. Their motto is “to work smarter, not harder”. This company seeks out simplicity when it comes to the understanding of their products and services. With no hesitation, Adventure Marketing breaks down how each product or service works, as well as answer any questions or concerns. They can help you gain the exposure you need for your target audience while driving targeted traffic to your site or brick and mortar store.

The staff at Adventure Marketing are happy to have McKenna as part of their staff and know she will be an integral part of taking their business and customers to the next level.


Contact Adventure Marketing:

Michael Taggart

ReleaseID: 60002315

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