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Xarelto Lawsuit Numbers Projected To Increase

October 13, 2015 – – BloodThinnerHelp.com reports on the growing amount of Xarelto lawsuits being filed, and why patients across the nation are filing them.

Prior to the discovery of Xarelto, some types of blood thinners required the patient to visit their physician for routine blood tests, which enable doctors to monitor their effects and make any necessary dosage adjustments. These patients also have limitations on what foods they are able to ingest while taking blood thinners. Due to the constraints caused by these drugs, many turn to Xarelto; the latest version of blood thinner, which does not have these same requirements.

Xarelto is a “one-size-fits-all” blood thinner. Although this increases its overall appeal, it can also cause problems. Taking any form of “one-size-fits-all” drug can be dangerous. Many plaintiffs now allege that due to this characteristic, Xarelto has caused them serious health issues involving severe bleeding and other connected side effects. Additional alleged side effects include gastrointestinal and varied internal bleeding, brain hemorrhages, strokes, and even death.

Initial lawsuits regarding Xarelto were filed against manufacturers Johnson & Johnson and Bayer in the first half of 2014. It is anticipated that these trials will begin during the second half of 2016. At this point, no settlement reports have been confirmed, although many believe this is what will likely occur.

In settlement negotiations for Xarelto, it is likely that several factors will determine the amount of damages plaintiffs are able to receive. These factors typically include: the extent of the injury and amount of time it takes to heal, the money involved in getting required medical attention, the impact that the injury may have had on the victim, including physical and mental health and pain and suffering experienced, the amount of wages lost due to time off of work, or, in the case of death, the losses suffered by family members surrounding the victim.

Lawsuits currently number about 2,000, but it is anticipated that over the next few years, several thousand more cases will be filed. This litigation is in its beginning stages and is likely to take some time, even before settlement negotiations are able to begin. Complaints involved also similarly allege that the manufacturers of Xarelto failed to properly research and warn the bleeding risks associated with the drug.

Those who have suffered serious health problems after using Xarelto may be entitled to join the litigation and receive compensation.

“We strongly urge you to contact us as soon as possible,” said attorney Marc Goldich. “We are expecting to see cases continually filed as this litigation proceeds, and your case deserves to be evaluated.”

To contact attorney Marc Goldich for additional information regarding your rights, call 866-425-8902 at your convenience.


Contact BloodThinnerHelp.com:

Marc Goldich
1500 Walnut Street, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

ReleaseID: 60004686

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