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Dr. Bruce Lipton Helps Couples Find Love And Dodge Divorce

March 29, 2019 – – In today’s world, almost 40% of marriages end in divorce, and that statistic is higher for second, third, and fourth marriages. The emotions that a divorcing couple feel, such as sadness, worry, and stress, can adversely affect mental health, but what many people don’t recognize is that these negative emotions can also affect physical health.

When stress becomes chronic, as it can easily become both during and after a divorce, it can negatively impact every organ and system within the body. One study has found that those who have gone through a divorce were 24% more likely to experience a cardiac arrest episode. An individual’s risk of sustaining a heart attack goes up to 77% if they have gone through the divorce process twice. Besides heart disease, divorcees are also at a higher risk of developing other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and mobility issues.

While the people directly involved in the relationship that is ending in divorce are extremely affected by the whole process, many don’t recognize the turmoil that the children of divorcing parents experience. Children whose parents are undergoing the divorce process often experience feelings of guilt, distress, anger, anxiety, and disbelief. For many of these children, their parents have been the biggest constant in their lives, and they don’t know how to process the fact that their parents will no longer have a relationship with each other. This can cause children to have feelings of resentment towards their parents, and lead them to avoid talking to their parents about the emotions they have regarding the divorce.

Although many children are able to quickly adjust to life with divorced parents after about a year of experiencing their new family routine, some children aren’t able to overcome the mental turmoil of this life changing event—and experience lifelong psychological problems stemming from their parents’ divorce.

Fortunately for many couples who feel their marriage disintegrating, or for couples who simply want to improve an already stable marriage, Dr. Bruce Lipton is an expert in stem cell biology and the pathways that connect the mind to the smallest cells in the body. Using his scientific approach, Dr. Lipton can help couples fully understand how psychology, biochemistry, and quantum physics all come together to influence the physical body and mind and how they affect individuals in their relationships. The doctor and author is a believer in healing relationships holistically, who seeks to educate his readers on both the mental and physical aspects of improving a healthy, loving, and passionate relationship.

Most married couples have experienced what Dr. Lipton has dubbed, “The Honeymoon Effect.” This phenomena is what couples experience when their relationship is still young and hasn’t yet been affected by financial burdens, daily stressors, raising children, and a whole host of other situations that can cause marital problems in the long run. Unfortunately, many couples start to notice the strong feelings of love, passion, energy, and bliss that they experienced early in their relationship start to fade after several years of marriage.

While many believe the decrease in strong feelings towards each other is a normal part of marriage, Dr. Lipton wants to help as many couples as he can reignite their feelings of love and passion towards one another. It is for this reason that he wrote his book of the same name, ‘The Honeymoon Effect,’ and his friend and German translator Detlev Tesch created the accompanying meditation CD to help couples avoid divorce.

The most important thing that Dr. Lipton highlights in ‘The Honeymoon Effect,’ and the accompanying meditation program, is that the post-honeymoon stage is not something that all couples inevitably fall into. The Honeymoon Effect, the phenomena the book is named after, is a highly personalized set of emotions that couples feel towards each other after getting to know each other, creating new memories together, experiencing new things, and building their relationship.

In his book, Dr. Lipton helps couples become aware of how they initially created their own Honeymoon Effect together, and how they eventually lost it through the course of their relationship. Helping couples become aware of their emotions towards each other throughout their relationship, and how those emotions have changed over time, is the first step in helping couples recreate and sustain their honeymoon experience again. Dr. Lipton’s goal is to give couples the knowledge to preserve, or even save, their marriages through his work.

Those looking for more information may contact Detlev Tesch of Tesch Consulting to learn more. Interested parties may also connect with Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD through his website and social media platforms to stay up to date with his latest news and announcements.


For more information about Tesch Consulting, contact the company here:

Tesch Consulting
Detlev Tesch
Tesch Consulting
Kuedinghovener Str. 142
53227 Bonn

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