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IM Consultant Services Releases “How To Get More Clients” Blog Post

February 22, 2017 – – IM Consultant Services, a company based in Cincinnati, OH, has announced the release of a new blog post, How To Get More Clients. The post is directed specifically at coaches and consultants, who need to interact directly with individual clients. While having only recently been posted, the blog has already received numerous likes, and various social shares.

Mike Marko, owner and founder of IM Consultant Services, says: “I bet you have been asking yourself how you could have more clients. In fact, this is one of the questions I get asked very commonly by both coaches and consultants. This is because getting new clients is the lifeblood of any consulting and coaching business. My new blog post highlights some simple tools that are available to them, that have a big impact.”

It is a known fact that coaches and consultants often struggle to get more clients. In his new blog post, Marko aims to provide people with information to turn that around, helping them to attract new clients. In fact, the blog post highlights no less than 31 important tips that coaches and consultants can start applying straight away.

IM Consultant Services regularly releases blog posts and information on practical tips and tools that businesses can employ. They also offer a range of digital marketing services, as well as consultancy. These include consulting services in areas, such as social media marketing, paid ads, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, pay per click advertising, online marketing funnels, website design, press releases, and email marketing. Essentially, their focus is on branding, helping businesses to become the recognized authority in their niche. Through these services, they aim to set themselves apart as delivering the best internet marketing Cincinnati businesses can use.

Mike Marko has dedicated his life to becoming an entrepreneur and to showing others what they can achieve. He points that he has been successful in this, and now spends most of his time coaching others, when he is not spending time with his three children. “My goal is to make sure entrepreneurs are equipped with the tools they need to make it in this world, and I encourage anyone to contact me to get started.”


Contact IM Consultant Services:

Mike Marko
PO Box 62451
Cincinnati, OH 45262

ReleaseID: 60014933

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