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Kansas Car Accident Lawyer Releases First Book On Steps To Take After A Car Accident Injury

June 26, 2015 – – The Law Center for Car Accident Injuries, a law firm based in Wichita, KS, is proud to announce that their personal injury lawyer, Paul Hogan, has released his first book. This book, 7 Highly Effective Steps to Get the Money You Deserve when You’ve Been Injured in a Kansas Car Accident, has been written to help people know what they need to do after suffering an injury in a car accident. As can be seen on the Law Center website, http://CarAccidentInjuryLawCenter.com/, their goal is to ensure people are able to have their questions answered and can get the information they need. The book perfectly fits in with those goals, which is why it is available as a free download. This will help more people injured in car accidents.

“Years ago just before I was to take the bar exam my life was turned upside down when my mother was killed in a car accident”, says Paul Hogan from Law Center for Car Accident Injuries. “Now I dedicate my practice to helping people whose lives have been turned upside down when they’ve been injured in a car accident. I want to make sure their questions are answered, and that they understand their rights. My free eBook is designed as a guide to have some of these questions answered, although people can also contact me directly with any questions.”

The Law Center is a legal firm with a difference. They only focus on injuries sustained during vehicle accidents. These can be cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, buses, mopeds or involving pedestrians. Because the company limits its practice specifically in these areas, they understand injured people want their claims resolved as soon as possible.

What makes this firm different is other attorneys want all injury cases. They are busy in Workers Compensation Court, Social Security hearings, chasing dog bite and slip and fall cases. These are needed legal services. Those attorneys want to add car accident injury cases to their practice. They advertise for them. With all of this on their plate they then offer the old standard “no fee no recovery” guarantee.

The Law Center has taken the old standard “no fee no recovery” guarantee to the next level in that they are the first and only firm at this time in Kansas to offer a client a “road test” of their services. They provide each new client a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee in writing that states that if they are unhappy for any reason during the first 90 days they can discharge the lawyer and not owe one penny.

What also makes this company different, however, is their personal touch. They want to work with their customers, building a relationship with them and understanding their personal needs. This is why they have also created a comprehensive Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/InjuryLawCenter, where people can ask questions and view some of Paul Hogan’s success stories to date.

“Paul Hogan and staff really make you feel better about your situation, the weight of the world is released from your shoulders…”, says Rabeka Drew on Facebook. Indeed, this is emulated by many other clients that he has successfully been able to help. Every success Hogan’s clients have is a success for him as well. This is why every settlement is celebrated and shared with the world, as a victory for Hogan is a victory for his clients.

Paul Hogan has been licensed to practice since 1975. As stated, he focuses only on vehicle accident injuries. Furthermore, as can be seen on http://www.avvo.com/attorneys/67211-ks-paul-hogan-1775539.html, he offers not just a free consultation, but also a 90 day 100% satisfaction guarantee with his service.


Contact Law Center for Car Accident Injuries:

Paul Hogan
928 S Broadway
Wichita, KS 67211

ReleaseID: 60002173

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