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Low T Lawsuits: The Latest Trial Updates

September 30, 2015 – – Banville Law reports on the latest low testosterone lawsuit trial information. The low t lawsuits are compiled of around 2,500 complaints against drug manufacturers. The complaints share similar allegations concerning the marketing of the products, and serious side effects that have been connected to their use in several studies.

Low testosterone therapy treatments are used to combat side effects associated with lowering levels of testosterone in men as they age. Some of the men who have undergone treatment with these products have experienced heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, and even death. Many victims also allege that the manufacturers failed to provide proper warning regarding the risks of these side effects, and even purposefully neglected this duty.

As men age, their testosterone levels lower naturally. This can cause several adverse side effects, including a decrease in bone density, muscle mass, and sexual drive, and an increase in weight, fatigue, and irritability. Many of these men turn to low t treatments in order to lessen these effects, and feel younger once again. While the FDA approved the treatments for those with specific diagnosable conditions such as hypogonadism, they did not intend it to be a ‘fountain of youth’ drug by any means.

After several studies seemed to link the low t drugs to serious health complications, the FDA responded by releasing a statement asking the manufacturers to provide more thorough warning labels on the products, and reminding consumers of the approved and intended use for the drugs.

As low testosterone lawsuits continue to be filed, the Bellwether trials are scheduled to begin in 2016 and continue through 2017. These trials will focus solely on defendant AbbVie, the maker of AndroGel; one of the most popular low t therapy options currently on the market.

Bellwether trials involve selecting a specific amount of cases which will represent all cases to predict potential trial outcomes for the plaintiffs and defendants. By October 31st of this year, both the plaintiffs and defendants will select eight cases relating to heart attacks associated with AndroGel use, and another eight cases relating to blood clots associated with AndroGel use. The following set of bellwether trials, which will reference the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing other testosterone drugs, are set to begin the second half of 2017.

It has additionally been stated that by March 1st of 2016, the court is likely to have chosen three cases involving heart attacks, and three involving blood clots relating to AndroGel use. Dates selected by the court for blood clot cases to begin are: October 31, 2016, December 5, 2016, and January 9, 2017. Dates selected by the court for heart attack cases to begin are: February 13, 2017, March 20, 2017, and April 24, 2017.

For those looking for more information about the upcoming low testosterone lawsuits, or would like to discuss joining the litigation, please reach out to Laurence Banville, Esq. Laurence is currently working to help individuals struggling with health issues after using a low testosterone therapy prescription. He also sponsors LowTestosteroneCase.com, where those interested can find further details concerning this topic. To speak with Laurence Banville, Esq. directly, contact 917-809-6595 anytime.


Contact Banville Law:

Laurence Banville, Esq.
165 West End Avenue, #1H
New York, NY 10023
United States (US)

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