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Most Influential Entrepreneurs of 2019 As Compared To Amazon’s Jeff Bezos

DALLAS, TX / ACCESSWIRE / March 15, 2019 / Amazon (AMZN) is a cloud computing giant and the largest American e-commerce company. It was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos. In an interesting twist, Amazon has made significant investments in brick and mortar, opening its first bookstore in Seattle in late 2015 and since then expanding to 13 locations. In 2017, the company completed its acquisition of Whole Foods and in early 2018 opened an Amazon Go grocery store to the public at the company’s headquarters in Seattle.

We mention this because being an entrepreneur is hard. Like ducks, entrepreneurs are calm on the surface, while paddling like crazy underneath. Despite the appearance of entrepreneurship being a carefree career path, it is quite the opposite. Some of the unspoken hard truths of entrepreneurship include the fact that it’s stressful across numerous fronts, and the frustrations often have a way to be never-ending. The best way for novice entrepreneurs to avoid certain pitfalls is to learn from the trials and tribulations of more seasoned entrepreneurs, as they are capable to offer insights first-timers can learn from, without going about it the hard way.

Through my own entrepreneurial journey, I have found several fellow entrepreneurs who embody characteristics of success. As the CEO of Imperium Group (IG) and being a young entrepreneur, I celebrate those who follow their own paths. Here at IG, we vetted close to 100 entrepreneurs to pick out who in our opinion could change the game in 2019. In this article, we’ll look at key themes that attributed to the growth of these individual entrepreneurs who not only succeeded in the past but the ones we believe will build the empires of tomorrow. We took a little time to get to know these entrepreneurs and squeeze out tidbits of advice from them. The following insights have been provided by some of the top business leaders in high-tech across numerous industries, from blockchain, to med tech, to DIY, finance, and more. When implemented correctly, their combined wisdom is bound to serve as the secret sauce of success for novice entrepreneurs.

1. Jordan Nazario – Digilism

After much thought and consideration, Jordan Nazario landed in at number one on this list not because of his impressively young age, but rather due to the way he’s disrupted an entire industry in under a year. As a 22-year-old, Jordan Nazario was recognized as the 11th Most Influential Entrepreneur of 2018 last year by Entrepreneur Magazine. Nazario is the founder of Mogul Influence and Managing Partner at Digilism, a cutting edge creative digital solutions company specializing in the current market of E-Commerce, Branding, Consulting, High-Ticket Sales, Client Acquisition, and more. Nazario is an entrepreneur, sales expert and creator of the program Mogul Influence, a program he created to help entrepreneurs, college students and those looking to build powerful connections with public figures to get “skip-the-line” access into the private world of hidden benefits, networks and jobs.

“It’s not about who you know, it’s about who knows you.” says Nazario.

Since creating Mogul Influence, Jordan Nazario has managed to disrupt and revolutionize the way we approach building million dollar connections. He emphasizes the idea that, “You don’t need an Ivy league education or have to be an extrovert that loves to meet new people to be successful.” Instead of all the dropshipping and SMMA courses being released, Nazario created Mogul Influence to start a new trend of programs, which is harnessing your business by building your network full of powerful individuals.

Nazario has built a rapid following online and a $100,000+ digital solutions empire with his team in less than 90 days, largely thanks to his authentic and relentless use of social media. He produces more raw high-value content (especially video) than probably any other expert, and uses social media to distribute it. He is known for his videos that are captivating and straight to the point. Nazzario does not hold back anything, which is what’s allowed him to garner a following stemmed from authenticity.

Jordan Nazario is definitely a name to watch out for these next few years. In the last 365 days Nazzario has: dropped out of college, slept on his parent’s basement floor, built his first agency KLVR Growth, and became a partner in Digilism. Jordan Nazario is the true definition of defying the odds and doing whatever it takes to become successful.

2. Justin Escalona, 22 – FOUNDER, 1340 COLLECTIVE

Justin Escalona deserves a placement on this list due to his ability to create a million dollar e-commerce clothing company called 1340 COLLECTIVE out of his college apartment. Being only 22, Justin is a film student at the University of Southern California and unexpectedly stumbled into the clothing industry. 1340 COLLECTIVE is based out of Los Angeles, CA and focuses on creating streetwear clothing.

1340 was created in Justin’s freshman dorm room at USC. The name is actually the room number Justin used to live in. 1340 COLLECTIVE releases two collections per month and are only available for one week at a time. Once the pieces are sold out, they are never restocked. 1340 thrives due to their ability to capitalize on creating exclusivity and urgency to buy their products. In order to expand the business, 1340 is currently collaborating with popular musicians and brands to create innovative clothing.

“I made 1340 because a kid in my dorm was always bragging about how cool he was because he made a clothing company. I couldn’t understand why he was always flaunting himself around because he only sold 15 pieces. I got super motivated to outdo him and within the first week of me making my company, I generated $20,000… Who’s bragging now?”

3. Blake Wynn, 19 – CEO, Just Wynn & B Wynn Sports

Wynn earned a spot on the list because of his already lengthy resume of successful business ventures at the young age of 19. As CEO of the Just Wynn social media machine, as well as his newly founded sports marketing agency, B Wynn Sports, Wynn works with a variety of brands and companies to bring premier content to the platforms of himself and his athletes.

At the age of 16, Wynn began his marketing career with the launch of his Youtube channel “Just Wynn”, which has accumulated a massive viewership of more than 100 million total views, many of which, come from his fanbase of over 400,000 subscribers. B Wynn Sports works with over a dozen NFL athletes and many distinguished brands in order to curate unique marketing campaigns. With the help of his “right hand man” and B Wynn Sports COO Brock Prince, Wynn has been able to assemble the foundation of a marketing empire that will surely thrive over the course of 2019 and years to come. In 2019, Wynn aims to grow his own social media presence by speaking at various conferences, schools, and panels, where he plans to help teach others how to be the best at marketing their ideas to the world.

What makes Wynn such a unique member of this list on top of his young age is his mentality. “Entrepreneurship cannot be taught, and it is not a skill. It is a mindset that one inherently has, and it is what drives them not to simply be great, but to be the best. I intend to spend the rest of my life trying to be the best for my staff, for my clients, and for my family.”

4. Faiz Warsani, 17 – Founder, Paradise Media

Warsani had started his journey with e-commerce as a sophomore in high school. He began dropshipping products from Ali-Express and later transitioned into creating 6 figure brands with these products. The Chicago based teen has had multiple 5 figure sales days with the use of Facebook ads and top Instagram influencers including WorldStar.

Faiz is now running 2 rapidly growing stores and is also working on a program that will teach avid online entrepreneurs on how they can start and grow their very own business.

“E-commerce was a gateway to freedom for me, I took the opportunities I was presented with and worked very hard to turn it into successes mainly so I didn’t have to go to school anymore. Living a financially free life and being able to make the people around me happy is what has motivated me from the start. I only see things getting better from here.”

5. Erin Dimond 31 – Founder of Erin Dimond Fitness

Dimond is a fitness entrepreneur who made her first $1 million in revenue as a solo ran business and started turning a profit on Day 1 with Online Personal Training.

“There is very little overhead in a business that is done entirely online where your time and expertise is the only resource being sold.” Through social media marketing and personal branding, Dimond has been able to engage an audience of 190,000 people on Instagram and has individually helped over 3,000 people transform their bodies.Dimond still coaches individuals from all walks of life but specializes in helping female entrepreneurs, and professionals manage a healthy lifestyle amidst a demanding and busy schedule. Dimond’s new passion and entrepreneurial ventures lie in mentoring fitness experts and personal trainers leverage their time and expertise to create extremely profitable businesses online.

“It’s just too easy in today’s social media world. There is no reason that any fitness expert should be limited to making $25-$50/hour and stuck inside a gym all day. It just takes a few strategic tips on making sales, learning how to grow and engage an audience and marketing director in your niche to make yourself stand out and a monthly income of 20-40K while working from anywhere is possible for any fitness expert.”

6. Evan Boser, 20

Boser earned a spot on the list because of his unrivaled ability to social hack attention and amplify brands at scale. At the age of just 20, Boser has successfully identified the formula to social domination for consumer facing brands at scale. Conservatively, we estimate he delivers 5,000,000 impressions daily to his clients.

Since getting his start in 2012, Evan has garnered a robust portfolio of work making him a perfect fit for this list. From working with Fortune 500 supplement & fashion brands, to Professional Athletes & Internet Stars; Evan’s proven his innate ability to amplify any piece of social content he touches.

“If you’re in the business of marketing others businesses and aren’t delivering over the top results every month, you’re in the business of fraud. Know your shit, or step aside so others that do can save brands millions of wasted spend.”

7. Bear Degidio

Bear Degidio earned a spot on the list because of his projects & brand developments in online strategy and marketing. As managing partner of Hollywood Sports Park, Giant San Diego, & SC Village the world’s leading paintball & airsoft parks, Bear is considered the world’s leader in paintball & airsoft park marketing & operations. Bear has been able to utilize top social platforms & e-commerce to expand his business to over 400,000 annual participants.

In creating new online and digital marketing strategies Bear has utilized this expertise to create a business of brands ranging from online direct to consumer monthly grooming boxes, Men Grooming Co, to a full fashion clothing line, Loose Thoughts, available at Urban Outfitters, to a social media powered Burger restaurant, Ground House Burger in Irvine. Constantly expanding his involvement in online & director to consumer brands.

“We are living in an unique world, things are constantly evolving and people want product and information instantaneous” Bear told me. “I’m constantly trying to reinvent the process of connecting & having a clear concise dialogue with the end user via online & digital strategies that equate to sales & a sense of brand understanding.”

8. Ricky Andrade, 23 — Founder and CEO, Market Masters

This website is proudly featuring Andrade because of the immense impact he’s made in the Forex industry at such a young age. Market Masters Academy was founded to help people succeed in the Forex market, eradicating and minimizing losses, and trading anywhere from $200 to 6 figures on an international scale.

Market Masters Academy works to provide clear and concise knowledge for its students and securing a stellar win ratio in the Forex market. Andrade and his team continue to transform his students into highly profitable traders, scaling accounts and creating a matrix of successful forex entrepreneurs. In addition, Market Masters Academy provides an array of services such as On Point FX Signals, the exact copy and paste trades Ricky and his students use to yield profit, the Intense 7 Day Training, exclusive one on one mentorship, masterminds, and more.

Ricky Andrade is one of the youngest influencer entrepreneurs and success coach, and one of the biggest Forex public figures, helping others reach their potential and providing guidance to students all around the world. Aside from his multi-million dollar business, Andrade does weekly cash giveaways on his instagram @Officialrickyandrade, and has given away more than $23,000 in the past few months.

“Be the light that helps others see, for then you will truly be successful.” — Ricky Andrade

9. Melisa Vong, 23 – CEO Namskara

Melisa earned a spot on this list because of her impressive reputation in the e-commerce industry as a serial entrepreneur, co-founder, mentor, public speaker and investor in multiple 6 and 7 figure brands in the Beauty and Health space.

With 7 brands and counting under her belt, she has played a critical role in successful brand launches, setting up and managing product development pipelines from concept to launch, and creating captivating marketing stories. While discovering the blueprint for launching successful e-commerce businesses, Melisa co-founded Ecom Garden to help others start and scale their own businesses and invest in emerging e-commerce brands.

“In order to scale, automate, and optimize your business, you have to be willing to outsource and hire the right talent to take over the day to day business activities,” Melisa told me when asked how she was able to successfully launch and manage so many brands at the same time. “The biggest thing for me to come to terms with was releasing the need to do everything myself – once I realized this, I was able to scale more quickly and focus on making strategic business decisions instead of micromanaging and working on tasks that had little impact on the overall business growth.”

If you want to learn from Melisa, you can follow her on Instagram @Melisa.

10. Vasily Kichigin, 24 — CEO, WNOG MEDIA

When it comes to the frantic hustle of online freelancing, it takes passion and grit to get to the top. Russian Vasily Kichigin is a master of Instagram storytelling and outreach, helping his clients to build stronger brands with engaging posts that build consumer relationships.

Kichigin’s journey started in 2015 in Charleston, SC where he played Division I NCAA tennis for the College of Charleston. At the same time, the entrepreneurial spirit of the US drove Kichigin to start a side hustle to support him – and it wasn’t long before he found his groove in the world of social media marketing.

Kichigin’s drive to embrace his entrepreneurial dreams and succeed in the hard-hitting “hustle” environment of Fiverr saw him reach the status of Top-Rated Seller on the platform in just two years. The part-time hustle soon turned into a full-time business, with over 16,000 orders to date and a roster of clients that includes Nekter Juice Bar, Mövenpick, Holiday Inn and many others.

Today, Kichigin runs a team of 14 people from his offices in St. Petersburg, New York and Manila He also heads WNOG MEDIA, video production and Instagram -based marketing and advertising firm which leverages Fiverr’s powerful backend office to serve clients from the United States to Hong Kong and Australia.

11. Erik Huberman, 32 – Founder and CEO, Hawke Media

Erik Huberman has earned a spot on the list for building the fastest growing marketing consultancy in the country, Hawke Media, without any outside funding or debt. He has done so, by building a team of 150 people in 5 years while servicing over 1500 different brands from many Fortune 100s down to many exciting startups.

Hawke Media is an outsourced CMO and Marketing team to brands. Built on the idea that all companies deserve access to top marketing talent at an affordable rate, they have built a model to allow companies to spin up specific marketing expertise on an a la carte, month to month basis. This has basically allowed over 1500 brands to build out their marketing organizations in ways they never could before, thus enabling them to focus on building amazing products and services while receiving the help they need to get it out to their consumers.

“After building some of my own brands, and advising for others, it just didn’t make sense to me how hard it was to get good marketing help. 99% of agencies have no idea what they are doing, the other 1% are expensive, want long contracts, or have some other barrier to work with them. Hiring in house isn’t cost effective, that’s if you can actually find and attract talent, and then you end up operating in a vacuum. I started Hawke Media, because I was just sick of the ecosystem and wanted to fix it.”

12. Nick Gathrite, 27 — CEO, Daily

Nick Gathrite earned a spot on the list because of his amazing energy, passion and results for building brands and businesses. Nick was a former football star at the University of Texas, at El Paso (UTEP) and is now CEO of a business consulting agency based out of Newport Beach, California. Gathrite works with clients ranging from professional athletes and celebrities, to Fortune 100 companies. He spends most of his time on helping them maximize and grow their entire business, but the primary focus initially is marketing their brand to the masses.

The Daily Strides team have helped to transform some of the world’s most renown brands, celebrities and influencers. Daily Strides goal is to develop its clients into a self-sustained brand, your company into a household name, and your business into a powerhouse. Driven by innovation and natural human behavior; they set a reliable standard for others to abide by and prosper from. In addition, Gathrite focuses intently in helping leaders raise their standards within themselves and always maintaining a peak state.

“You can have the best product in the world but if no one knows about it then its no longer the best. I enjoy helping every brand and business maximize their potential by developing it into something that everyone wants enjoy and experience.”

13. Jesse Foreman – NFL Agent & Founder of Fanoptic.

Jesse Foreman has negotiated over $20,000,000 in contracts, representing some of the best athletes and entertainers in the world. He earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Cincinnati School of Law, to pursue his goal of a NFL agent. He is also the founder of one of the first Sports Social Networking Platforms, Fanoptic, which is still in its early phases.

Jesse is a serial entrepreneur and started his first company at the age of 15. He believes that taking big chances and facing fears is a crucial aspect of being an entrepreneur and in life. This has led to him participating in running with the bulls and swimming with sharks. Jesse is a growing influencer on Instagram at @thenflagent and will soon be launching his own website and podcast.

“Your attention is the most important asset that you own. Who you give it to and what you spend your time on, is the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Take big risk and embrace failure.” Jesse Foreman

14. Charles Ambrose, 16 – CEO, Founder of Cuick

Ambrose earned a spot on this list because of his passion for social media and marketing. As a high school junior, Charles founded Cuick, a media company that connects social media influencers with advertisers looking to promote a product, service, or themselves. Cuick now has over one hundred Instagram accounts and millions of followers.

This immense follower count has led to the creation of a community where social media influencers can unite to build each other up and grow each other’s accounts. Ambrose looks to extend Cuick’s reach beyond Instagram into other media platforms. He believes that social media is not only the future but the present, and television for news will soon be a thing of the past. Follow us on Instagram @cuickmedia.

“Do not only dream big, but do big. Trust in God, and trust in yourself that everything will be all right.”

15. Kate Stallings, 24 — CEO, Kate Creative Media

Kate earned a spot on this list for her ability to effectively transform businesses by designing custom websites paired with a detailed marketing plan to ensure success. Kate Creative Media is a one-stop-shop for companies looking to bring their business online quickly, securely and creatively. Kate has developed KCM into a top Canton-Based Web Design, SEO and Marketing company, offering affordable Hosting and Domain packages for all web needs.

Starting an eBay business called M&K Value Nation at 16, Kate quickly familiarized herself with the ins and outs of entrepreneurship and building strong customer relationships. Today, Kate works with small to medium sized service-based companies and non-profits such as Cops for Kids with Cancer, all across the United States. Clients experience phenomenal customer service and recommend KCM to any business or organization looking for a more personal connection.

She holds monthly workshops called WEB TALKS in Canton, MA to assist business owners on how to market their company online correctly in the modern tech environment. Kate’s first workshop titled “How
to Grow Your Business Online in 2019”
sold out in two weeks.

“People will tell you that you can’t be successful at something you love. Prove them wrong.”

16. Henok (Henny) Yeshanew, 23, Founder of Lion Marketing Agency

Henny earned a spot on the list because of his dedication to bring his marketing agency to one of the top in the industry. As a founder, he was able to scale the agency to ground breaking records and win multiple awards for helping clients achieve high ROI. The agency is located in the heart of Toronto where businesses are continue to grow exponentially and Henny is in the forefront of delivering massive results for these businesses.

Henny teamed up with a partner named Adam Hepburn, and as a joint force build a clientele of medium to large enterprises. In less than a year, their agency has surpassed six-figures and projected to leap into 7 figures in no time. The agency is comprised of 7 team members who work together day in and day out to deliver results far better then the industry level. They have been deliver an average return of 6.14x ROI for their clients for all social media campaigns. Aside from the marketing agency, Henny continues to offer support and mentorship to young entrepreneurs and students who want to succeed in this industry.

“Social media portrays entrepreneurship in the worst way possible; bottle service, sports car, and private jets. The truth is, you will have nights where sleep is not an option and the loneliness eats at you but the best part is, the finish line gets closer every day.”

17. Jyotsna Mehta, 43 – Founder, Keva Health, Boston MA

Jyotsna earned a spot on the list because of her passion to bring her experiences in real world data, outcomes research and epidemiology together and build a digital startup company from scratch and launch an asthma digital app inspired by her 5 year old who has asthma. With her unique blend of academia, regulatory and pharma experiences, her company Keva Health’s mission is to improve patient experience and outcomes through evidence-based digital innovation and analytics. As Founder of Keva Health, she and her husband Shail Mehta, CTO have built a digital platform that creates personalized care experiences for patients using chatbot and AI technology. Keva’s digital team is engaged in building apps that monitor and improve patients’ health outcomes by providing continuous feedback and helps the patient to manage his or her condition. The team aims to build digital solutions that bridge the gap between physician and patient and reduce costs for payers. Her consulting team includes data scientists, epidemiologists, and developers to solve your business problems. Jyotsna also mentors and trains interns and women as part of her start up to make them future leaders.

The development of smartphones and smart devices makes it possible for collecting data securely at any time and providing real-time feedback. Applications on iOS or Android devices can help to manage disease interactively, help patients to implement individual action plans, provide personalized reminders, and send alerts based on their individual risk profiles. Keva’s vision is for their digital platform to allow patients to create their own digital record in between office visits through smartphones, use artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify risk profiles for patients and integrate EMR (electronic medical record) and other health care data thereby reducing healthcare costs and improving outcomes.


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SOURCE: SV Advisory Group

ReleaseID: 539196

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