Nadezhda Grishaeva shares her goals for making basketball more accessible across the world
Professional basketball player Nadezhda Grishaeva has long wished to establish a basketball academy. She goes on to say, “Dreams are like that: today you are dreaming it, tomorrow you are living it.”
London, England, United Kingdom – December 14, 2023 —
While it may be difficult and time-consuming to make your goals come true, it is absolutely doable, as Nadezhda discovered when she founded her very own incomparable Anvil fitness club.
Nadezhda is also a basketball agent, and she has concentrated her efforts in the Middle East for the past two years. Every day, she analyses and systemsatizes material gleaned from her travels, meetings, and talks with bureaucrats, coaches, players, and their parents all across the world, notably in the Middle East. Nadezhda now has a clearer understanding of the state of basketball in the Gulf countries and, to a large extent, a clearer understanding of the main goals, ambitions, and development goals for the sport in these countries.
She explains: “My analysis shows that the existing financial and technical foundation is insufficient for the promotion of basketball both as a mass sport and as a sport of the highest achievements. At the same time, the growing popularity of basketball in the Middle East is associated with great potential for growth.”
Today, the atmosphere for the subsequent popularization and development of basketball is generally well-received by everyone, but Nadezhda wants to provide a clear outline of the most glaring problems that prevent basketball from realizing its true potential as an appealing sport that is accessible for everyone, and also point out the most effective ways to solve them.
She goes on to say, “The first problem is that the population of the Gulf countries have either poor or superficial knowledge of the rules of this sport. The majority of the population has little understanding of the merits and benefits of playing basketball.”
The second problem that stands out immediately is the lack of a clearly structured, logical and understandable system for children’s and youth sports, which includes the recruitment and training of sports reserves for national sports teams. There are a number of unresolved issues in the field of regulatory, organizational and managerial, logistical, scientific, methodological, medical, biological and personnel support, which negatively affect the pace of basketball development and interfere with both basketball development and training of reserves for national teams.”
She continues, “The third problem must be recognized as the insufficient development of infrastructure for playing basketball, both as a sport of highest achievements and as a mass sport accessible to absolutely all segments of the population: from primary school children to people who are deep into their retirement.”
In her third point, her desire to open her own basketball school collides with the strong desire of local residents and expats, of which there are many in these nations, to learn and train in pleasant facilities under the supervision of experienced professionals.
Of course, the role of the government in solving the above-mentioned problems and issues is substantial. The main goal is to create conditions that would create opportunities for people to lead a healthy lifestyle by playing basketball on a regular basis, and perhaps, as a result, even increase their competitiveness on the international stage.
Among the main problems that need to be solved in order to achieve this goal, she will include the following:
1) develop and implement a set of measures to promote basketball as a sport
2) improve the training methods for top-class athletes and sports reserves to increase competitiveness on the international sports arena
3) increase and further develop organizational, managerial, personnel, scientific, methodological, medical and biological support
4) develop infrastructure. Nadezhda views the following activities as the main focus areas of my basketball academy:
– Improving the training of top-class athletes
– Developing children’s and youth sports and preparing the most viable
and prospective sports reserves
– Putting research into practice and implementing latest developments in
the field of theoretical and methodological foundations of the athlete training
Nadezhda sums up her thoughts on the project, “I am convinced that the successful implementation of the proposed measures will ensure that more people will take an interest in basketball and it won’t be long before there is a need for systematic PE classes and sports training sessions.”
Contact Info:
Name: Nadezhda Grishaeva
Email: Send Email
Organization: Nadezhda Grishaeva
Release ID: 89116230
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