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New Website Launched To Promote The Power of Positive Thinking

March 22, 2019 – – Powerful Positive Thinking recently launched its new website, at https://www.powerfulpositivethinking.org/, seeking to share the benefits of optimism with the public. They state that its effectiveness comes from its ability to combine, “basic common sense with lifestyle choices,” and that, “it’s something that all of us have—it just needs developing.” The website also teaches visitors how to achieve that new, positive mindset.

This organisation has a simple formula that they use as a motto: Positive Thinking + Common Sense + Action = Power. Of course, it is impossible to change every aspect of how a person thinks in one night, especially considering low self-esteem that brings with it a pessimistic subconscious. However, the website has multiple blogs that all target one aspect of negative thinking and how to remedy it.

Their homepage has several subcategories blogs available to read. There are blogs for Books, Esteem, Happiness, Health, The Law Of Attraction, Love, Money, and Positive Thinking. Then, within each subcategory, there is an even deeper variety of topics covered.

For instance, under the category Esteem, one article is titled: Words Can Wound – So Make The Decision To Let Them Go. This article speaks about the way certain hurtful words or phrases can, “fester and grow,” for the rest of that person’s life if they do not let go of the pain associated with it. Those words are described as a, “catalyst trigger,” that forever reminds the person of the pain they still feel, and goes on to explain strategies to overcome that pain, as it would be impossible to erase the memory itself.

Some of these strategies involve the fact that a person changes over time, so they are different from when they once received the insult. In addition, if the insult was taken very personally and stays in the receiving party’s mind, it is usually because the person delivering the message was someone who had a close relationship with the person insulted. However, the lesson of the article is that people should, “first lose any bitterness and be ready to forgive,” and perhaps even discuss it with the person who had made the hurtful comment.

Yet another article under the same category is titled: There Are A Real Life Benefits When You Stop Complaining. It begins with an interesting statistic that says, “researchers suggest that people complain up to 50 or more times every day.” It then defines the type of complaining that is detrimental to a person’s life as the sort of trivial complaining over small, otherwise insignificant details. In addition, the article goes on to give advice on how to remedy this issue, such as focusing on minor things to be grateful for rather than minor things to be annoyed by, and ends by listing several positive effects to doing this, such as a better mood and increased energy with a positive aura that is visible to other people too.

Esteem further includes an article that discusses the drawbacks of digital communication, called: Poor Communication, Cyberbullying And The Gladiator Instinct. This article focuses on the difficulties of conveying feelings through technology due to a lack of available body language to interpret. Powerful Positive Thinking describes the detrimental consequences that can result from a poorly thought out text, and the suicidal thoughts that cyberbullying can cause over social media. Once again, they describe methods to overcome this adversity, such as forgiving the perpetrators and slowly rebuilding self-esteem.

These three articles alone, under the subcategory of Esteem, showcase the diversity of topics covered on the website. Other blog posts speak about self-help books and their benefits, along with recommendations for various parts of the population, and even more go on to talk about diets or what the proper motivation should be for huge life changes. More articles discuss employment and effective ways to manage money.

Powerful Positive Thinking’s new website contains a plethora of information for any potential website visitors. Those looking for more information may contact Michael Younge of Powerful Positive Thinking, or connect with the company via their Twitter platform here: https://twitter.com/powerful_ppt. This account sends out tweets when new blogs are published, and even adds links to inspirational videos.


For more information about Powerful Positive Thinking, contact the company here:

Powerful Positive Thinking
Michael Younge
Palace Court, 15-17 London Road, Maidstone, Kent, England, ME16 8JE

ReleaseID: 60026283

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