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Sugar Addiction and the Key to Freedom by Florence Christophers, the Kick Sugar Coach

Sugar addiction is real, so is recovery.

Canada – October 5, 2023

Everyone recognizes the addictive nature of drugs and alcohol, but the addictive nature of sugar flies under the radar. But it should not. A growing body of science shows that sugar can be as addictive as other substances of use and abuse and is directly contributing to a global health crisis.

Like other addictions, the ‘first bite’ of sugar triggers a predictable cascade of chemical reactions, resulting in a dopamine spike followed by a crash. In the early days, sugar seems fun and harmless, but its overconsumption quickly brings catastrophic consequences, and by the time people are ready to cut back, they’re hooked.

For those who fall on the sugar addiction spectrum, choosing to abstain from sugar is the fast-track to freedom. It is the golden key to a whole new life in body, mind and spirit. And yet, abstinence is a word that strikes terror into the hearts of all those with a sweet tooth. Abstinence feels impossible and too extreme. And yet, those who have embraced it discover breaking up with sugar is one hundred percent possible, and it is vastly preferable. 

According to Florence Christophers, The Kick Sugar Coach, abstinence is a tried and tested path to recovery because it pre-empts the first bite. “The first bite is the core problem,” she states. Once the addictive substance is in the bloodstream, people lose control over how much or how often they consume it. “We might think we have control once we take the first bite, but we don’t. It doesn’t matter how much self-discipline and willpower we exert, sooner or later we are back in the ditch,” Florence shares. 

Once sugar is consumed, most people wind up eating more than they want to and feel frustrated and demoralized. This can go on for months, years, or even decades. Fortunately, abstinence ends the struggle. “Abstinence curtails cravings – the hallmark of physical dependency on a psychoactive substance”, Florence explains.  “Abstinence is the safe, sure-footed path to recovery that guarantees a happy ending. Most people describe their new relationship with food as peaceful and joyful.” 

The downside of fully abstaining from sugar is that it initially feels like a death sentence. It feels depriving and scary. Over time, however, not eating sugar feels easy and effortless, and cravings disappear. People who used to struggle with the compulsive consumption of sweet and processed foods now fall in love with whole foods. They form new happy memories with healthy feel-good foods instead.

In the early days of recovery, the idea of never eating sugar is unfathomable. Most people think a lifetime without sugar will make them miserable. Ironically, the exact opposite is true. Long term, sugar makes people miserable. It guarantees their senior years will be fraught with health issues such as weight gain, diabetes, depression, cancer, dementia and cardiovascular disease. All of these and more are associated with refined sugar consumption. This is very much unlike whole foods

“Whole foods can repair the body, heal the brain, and restore the capacity to feel happy and healthy,” Florence states. “Sugar does the complete opposite. It poisons cells, damages the brain, disrupts the microbiome, causes bloating, feeds cancer, leads to weight gain, and more.” 

For those considering a permanent breakup with sugar, it is helpful to remember sugar’s weapon of choice is the suggestion and justification of JUST ‘one bite’. Why? Because it always leads to more. To get off the ‘I want more’ train, it is worthwhile exploring the power of abstinence. 

Ditching sugar to achieve health and mental health benefits is a common reason people choose to cut back on their consumption. But approaching sugar reduction or elimination like it is a diet (a sugar-free diet) will backfire. Diets simply don’t work long-term. They lead to bingeing and food obsession. “It is better to think less about outcomes and more about the simple act of abstaining,” suggests Florence. Much like people with allergies who avoid all foods that could cause a negative reaction, people with sugar addiction avoid refined carbs for the same reason. 

“In my personal experience, abstinence is a game-changer. Abstinence is the foundation of a better life,” says Florence, “in every way possible.”

For those struggling to adopt and maintain a sugar-free lifestyle, there is help.

Every year, a free online educational event called the Kick Sugar Summit brings together people from all walks of life. The event features interviews with over 50 world experts and shares the science of sugar, sugar addiction, and practical paths to sugar addiction recovery. This year, the Kick Sugar Summit will launch on October 16th, 2023 for its 9th annual event.

Register for the Kick Sugar Summit and join The Kick Sugar Coach in understanding and overcoming sugar addiction for good.

Contact Info:
Name: Florence Christophers
Email: Send Email
Organization: The Kick Sugar Coach
Phone: 4035400648
Website: http://www.kicksugarsummit.com

Release ID: 89109367

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