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Top-Rated Defense Attorney Kristin Paulding Reveals How Dating Can Lead To Criminal Allegations – Virginia Beach, VA

Leading criminal defense lawyer Kristin Paulding, partner at 7 Cities Law in Virginia Beach, VA, explains how dating can result in criminal allegations and what people need to know if it happens to them. For more information please visit https://7citieslaw.com

Virginia Beach, VA, Estados Unidos – November 1, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, criminal defense attorney Kristin Paulding, partner at 7 Cities Law in Virginia Beach, VA, revealed how dating can result in criminal allegations and what can be done about it.

For more information please visit https://7citieslaw.com

According to Paulding, criminal allegations of rape or assault are all too common in today’s dating environment. When asked to comment, she told listeners, “Most of the cases involve one person saying it was consensual and the other one saying that it was not. All a woman or man has to do is say that another person sexually assaulted them, and a court can convict based on that evidence alone.”

She further added that there’s often very little helpful physical evidence – such as video or DNA – involved in sex crime allegations when compared to other criminal cases. The presence of DNA evidence cannot tell you if the sexual activity was consensual.

Many of these allegations stem from incidents at parties and college campuses.

“Almost all sexual assaults that I’m seeing on campuses have some element of alcohol involved, so you have to be really careful when you’re drinking and having sexual encounters in that setting. The other party might think that they were too drunk to provide consent.”

Allegations of sex crimes are often made by one person who met the other through online dating.

When asked to elaborate, she said, “With online dating, it’s very commonplace to date people who you have no prior relationship with or even have sexual hookups with people you haven’t been on many dates with. That can be risky in today’s society, because men and women interpret signs and signals differently about what the other person might want to do.”

While these allegations are easy to make, being convicted of a sex crime comes with severe punishments.

“People don’t realize that sexual assaults carry large penalties in terms of many years in jail, potential registration on a sex offender list, and very serious probation that determines where you can live or whether or not you can go on school property. You could further get kicked out of school, your job, the military.”

Given this, it’s vital to hire the right representation if accused of a sex crime. However, most people panic and choose the first lawyer they come across, according to Paulding.

“The inclination is to go out and hire a lawyer immediately to handle it and wrap it up within a few days. The problem is that sexual assault cases are very specialized. I recommend to really take time in the beginning to interview lawyers and find someone who is experienced in trying sexual assault cases and cross-examining against people who have made allegations.”

Source: http://RecommendedExperts.biz

Contact Info:
Name: Kristin Paulding
Email: Send Email
Organization: 7 Cities Law
Address: Building 4, #423, 291 Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, United States
Phone: 757-716-7494
Website: https://7citieslaw.com

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88983701

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