Houston TX, 07/15/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/
Summer is here which means more people will be hitting the roads in droves for daily summer leisure activities as well as extensive travel. With all of the excitement that surrounds the season, transportation safety advocates are encouraging drivers to be mindful about accompanying driving risks. These include safety hazards typically linked to extreme heat as well as summer holidays that lead to more vehicles being on the road.
According to the Houston based car accident attorneys of the Houston Eberstein Witherite law firm, there are periods during the summer where safety risks appear to increase for drivers in Houston, as evidenced by statistics that illustrate a higher number of motor vehicle accidents have in the past occurred during these times frames. For example during Memorial Day weekend, which is the unofficial start of summer, Houston personal injury attorney Jonathan Harris who works with Eberstein Witherite says, “the rates of accident injury increase because there are more drivers engaging in problem behaviors such as drinking and driving.”
The Texas Department of Public Safety released information prior to Memorial Day weekend of this year citing that more than 5,000 speeding citations and 400 arrests linked to drunk driving were made throughout the state during the weekend leading up to Memorial Day in 2014.
The attorney further notes that summer holidays like Memorial Day weekend and the Fourth of July present multiple driving dangers at a time in some cases, including increased rates of drinking and driving and driver fatigue among those traveling distances and participating in celebrations as more people take to the roads during these time periods. In fact, the Institute for Highway Safety has deemed Independence Day the deadliest day of the year for U.S. road travelers.
Source: US Recall News Report “3 Most Dangerous Summer Days to Drive”
According to IIHS data, there was an average of 127 deaths each 4th of July between 2008 and 2012…Once again, drunk driving accidents and a high volume of travelers played a big role.
Extreme heat also presents challenges that many drivers are not aware places them at a higher risk of becoming involved in a serious accident. When car components like tires are not properly monitored or maintained, they are more prone to breaking down in extreme heat. Blowouts on tires that are not well monitored and worn down, and bad judgement calls for dehydrated or heat exhausted drivers are two common problems linked to a number of car accidents that occur during the summer months.
In the event that one becomes involved in a car accident in Houston as a result of these and other summer driving risks, it is often in their best interest to contact a Houston personal injury attorney who specializes in these types of claims. If one has sustained injuries or damages in an accident linked to the negligence of someone else, they may be able to recover compensation as prescribed under Texas personal injury laws.
Transportation safety advocates like Harris recommend that Houston drivers exercise caution when getting on the road this summer at all times.
Media Contact:
Lucy Tiseo
Eberstein Witherite LLP
Phone: 866-774-5410
Connect with Eberstein Witherite on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
Media Information:
Phone: 1800-227-9732
Url: 1-800 Car Wreck Houston
Read the full story at http://newsreleases.submitpressrelease123.com/2015/07/20/summer-driving-dangers/
ReleaseID: 15825