The free Auto Insurance Saver Rate Cost Comparison tool helps consumers throughout the USA efficiently and quickly shop for better deals and lower rates on car insurance.
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ –Colorado drivers are finding the free Auto Insurance Saver tool from a big help finding lower car insurance rates. This free online tool is an easy to use car insurance rate-quote shopping tool available in most every state in the United States and is a particularly huge hit in Colorado.
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The service free and can used without obligation. The concept is that when insurance agents compete for a customers business, the driving public saves money. And, best of all this is an easy way to rate shop because consumers don’t even have to may an outgoing call to agents.
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Many insurance industry professionals say many Americans are typically overpaying for car insurance by $350 to $600 annually, sometimes much more.
When you get behind the wheel of an automobile, you must have car insurance in Colorado. One significant issue did change in the state about twelve years ago. Colorado was originally a “no-fault” area, but they altered that rule so that insurance premiums would be lower. It also helped to keep people from abusing the system. Because of this change, insurance companies have to know who caused the accident before they will complete a claim. This is known as a tort system.
Anyone who operates a vehicle in Colorado has to hold liability insurance. This means that if they cause an accident, the other party will get damages through the driver’s insurance. It is required that Colorado drivers have at least $25,000 for bodily injury (per person), $15,000 for property damage (per accident) and $50,000 for bodily injury (per accident). No other car insurance is required, although it may be a good idea to have additional coverage.
For drivers that would like additional protection, there are a number of other options available. Collision coverage is one of them. If you hit something, and you have collision coverage, your vehicle’s damages will be covered. Comprehensive coverage is another option. This ensures that you will receive damages in the event that something non-accident related happens to your car. For example, if the car is stolen, you are covered.
Medical payment coverage is a third option. You can purchase it in $1000 increments. However, you do not have to get this type of coverage. You can also purchase coverage that protects you in the event that you are hit by a driver that does not have insurance or that does not have enough insurance to pay for your damages. Finally, there are a few other options, including towing coverage and rental car coverage.
What happens if you do not have insurance? Each time a police officer pulls you over or speaks to you after an accident, they will request proof of insurance. If you do not have this with you, the officer will likely check the database to see whether you have insurance or not. Regardless of the outcome of that search, you can get a ticket simply because you did not have proof of insurance with your person.
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About is a leading online auto insurance shopping marketplace that connects consumers with select insurance company agents. operates the free automated auto insurance rate-shopping tool called “Auto Insurance Saver” currently available in most every state in the United States. The unique automated tool enables consumers to quickly access competing auto insurance rate quotes from a number of select top insurance providers who are competing for the driver’s insurance business, without being required to enter too much personal information. does not provide quotes directly to consumers. does not provide insurance and is not a licensed insurance provider but connects consumers with select insurance agents via its unique, free “Auto Insurance Saver” tool.
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Source: ABNewswire
ReleaseID: 32358