Monthly Archives: July 2015

Kids In The House Offers Advice on How to Handle Teen Dating From Leading Parenting Experts

LOS ANGELES, CA – When is it appropriate for your teen to start dating? How do you make sure your teen is staying safe without invading your child’s privacy? It is important for you to know, that as a parent, you must be there for your teen through all the ups and downs.

Kids In The House has information from parenting professionals who study behavior, relationships and the teen brain. Content is housed in snackable sizes on the site, usually ranging from around one minute to ten minutes.

When looking for answers specific to a topic like teen dating, video tags help users pinpoint exactly what they are looking for.

Teens who are thinking about dating, online dating or who have already started will find that their expectations often do not line up with reality.

“The media is saturated with depictions of unhealthy relationships,” says Leana Greene, CEO of Kids In The House. “Adults are much better at sifting through this information while teenagers are more easily influenced.”

Whether that means teens are going to their parents’ rooms crying at midnight after a brutal breakup or struggling to cope with an enforced evening curfew, parents must support their children as they explore romantic avenues.

“Parents cannot tell their kids how to navigate through these new relationships,” says Greene. “It’s up to the teens to discover for themselves what kinds of relationships they are looking for and parents need to be there for support.”

Kids In The House can help you be a good assistant as your teen navigates his or her new relationship. Other experts on the site can help with other teen dating issues like the sex talk and what is appropriate for your teen.

About Kids in the House

Kids in the House is the world’s largest parenting video library with over 9,000 videos from 450 experts including physicians, psychologists, researchers, educators, best-selling authors, and other celebrated cultural voices. The website hosts short-form video content that features parenting professionals from all areas sharing their tips for all parenting styles.

Kids in the House is a place where parents have the opportunity to hear and share different perspectives. Where there are questions, Kids In The House has the solutions from inquiries into pregnancy to getting into college. The library aims to help parents and caregivers better help their children through education, inspiration, and entertainment. The videos are indexed and searchable by topic in the following categories: All Parents, Pregnancy, Adoption, Baby, Toddler, Preschool, Elementary, Teen, and Special Needs.

Leana Greene, founder and CEO of Kids in the House, is a parenting trends expert and one of the top female entrepreneurs in the United States. She aims for the website to be the most comprehensive parenting resource available—one that respects the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.


Media Contact
Company Name: Kids in the House
Contact Person: Yan Huang
Phone: (310) 899-6026
Address:1453 14th Suite F
City: Santa Monica
State: CA
Country: United States

ReleaseID: 505923

Source: GetNews

Experts from Kids In The House Reveal What to Do When Your Teen Starts Dating

Los Angeles, CA – Imagine your teenage daughter coming home one day and announcing that she has a new boyfriend. For many mothers and fathers, this proclamation would bring up many questions: Who? Where did you meet this person? Have I met him? What are his intentions? Etc. Kids In The House hopes to ease your mind a little with advice from parenting professionals.

Kids In The House hosts a video online featuring parenting experts who study behavior, relationships and the teen brain. Content is housed in snackable sizes, usually ranging from around one minute to ten minutes, making it easy for users to custom search answers to their many questions.

When looking for specific topics like teen dating or teen relationships, tags on the videos pinpoint the most precise answer to the user’s question.

What can often start as excitement for a new relationship for teens can then morph into a range of emotions from fear to lackluster enthusiasm. This happens because teens do not manage their expectations for these new relationships. That is what they have their parents for!

“Teens have unrealistic expectations because of what they see on TV, in magazines and on screen,” says Leana Greene, CEO of Kids In The House. “While adults might be able to read what is realistic and what is not, teens do not have that same filter.”

In order to keep expectations realistic, parents need to listen to their teens and only offer advice when it is asked for. The best way for teens to find out what they want in a relationship is for them to safely explore different avenues.

“No teenager is going to think that her parents understand what she is going through,” says Greene. “That’s why it’s up to the parents to be good listeners so that the child can feel like her parents better understand.”

Be relatable first and foremost. For other bits of advice on how to connect with teens who are dating, check out The Kids In The House website.

About Kids in the House

Kids In The House is the world’s largest parenting video library with over 8,000 videos from 450 experts including physicians, psychologists, researchers, educators, best-selling authors, and other celebrated cultural voices. The website hosts short-form video content that features parenting professionals sharing advice for all parenting styles.

Kids in the House is a place where parents have the opportunity to hear and share different perspectives. Where there are questions, Kids In The House has the solutions from inquiries into pregnancy to getting into college. The library aims to help parents and caregivers better help their children through education, inspiration, and entertainment.

Leana Greene, founder and CEO of Kids in the House, is a Parenting Trends Expert and one of the top female entrepreneurs in the United States. She aims for the website to be the most comprehensive parenting resource available—one that respects the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.


Media Contact
Company Name: Kids in the House
Contact Person: Yan Huang
Phone: (310) 899-6026
Address:1453 14th Suite F
City: Santa Monica
State: CA
Country: United States

ReleaseID: 505925

Source: GetNews

The Top Health Publishws New Editorial About The Benefits Of Ayuverdic Oil Pulling has published a new guide making people aware of the benefits of oil pulling, an ancient ayuverdic technique for drawing toxins out of the body with history’s first mouthwash.

New York, NY, United States of America – July 14, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

Oil pulling is an unusual technique developed hundreds of years ago in India, under the tradition of ayuverdic medicine. Putting a tablespoon of oil into the mouth and pushing it through the teeth, swilling it around the mouth and allowing it to rest there is said to have numerous health benefits when performed for 10-15 minutes a day. The Top Health has published a new article about these benefits, to help more people discover the practice and feel its effects for themselves.

The editorial describes what is oil pulling, how to undertake oil pulling, how to build up a tolerance to the practice and how it will positively affect those who do. The technique is used for drawing toxins out of the body through the saliva glands, and also has the beneficial effects of speeding up metabolism, which can make a real difference to those seeking to lose weight.

The article is just one of many on the website that discuss how natural remedies and everyday ingredients help people support and improve their own health and wellbeing. The site offers advice on using coconuts, honey, turmeric and other ingredients for everything from muscle building to homemade deodorant.

A spokesperson for The Top Health explained, “The Top Health is pleased to be able to introduce oil pulling to new audiences. This unusual technique has been demonstrated to have tangible effects on the body, and help people move toward the kind of discipline and routine that will help them live fuller, healthier and even longer lives. Our oil pulling resources are based on extensive research and personal experience, so individuals can rest assured that all the information they need has been represented on our site. We look forward to introducing more new techniques to the site in the coming months.”

About The Top Health: The Top Health aims to help people who want to live organically and use nature as their pharmacy. They provide regularly updated content including well researched health remedies, as well as information on how to make natural products at home that are safe for individuals and their families to use as medicinal alternatives to pharmaceuticals.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Julius Christensen
Organization: The Top Health
Phone: 27711424690


Release ID: 86667

Rear View Mirror: a sophisticated blog collection from a nomadic traveler

Andrea Anastasakis’s web site contains stories and photos of her unorthodox European travels

Andrea Anastasakis is living the life that many of us have dreamed about.

Born in Australia, she has lived in London, Paris and now Budapest. At the age of 20, Anastasakis embarked on a six-month, around-the-world journey and she hasn’t stopped traveling since. Most of her time these days is spent road-tripping around Central Europe and the Balkans.

If you find this intriguing, you can read all about Anastasakis’s travels on her Rear View Mirror website,, which is a collection of her various blogs. It contains interesting stories and photos of trips to 28 European countries, providing an insider’s look at the back roads and lesser-known stops.


Travel blogger Andrea Anastasakis in southern Albania

Skimming through the blog titles will give you a good idea of her unique perspective. Here are some examples:

• Would You Visit Innsbruck?
• The Best of Germany’s Awesome Big Cities
• Soviet Estonia: The Good, The Bad and The Miserable
• Kaunas Castle and My First Baltic Sunset
• Get the picture? It’s not your typical travelogue.

Now in her late 30s, Anastasakis embraces her nomadic existence. At some stops, takes cooking classes and learns the local language.

“For as long as I can remember, I wanted to leave my hometown of Perth and travel the world,” she recalls. “After traveling around the world at a young age, I realized that there was so much more to see.”

After moving to Paris in 1999, she struck up a relationship with Ferbent Nela, who lived in London at the time, and the two became inseparable traveling companions.

“We’re without a home base and slowly making our way around Europe by road,” she explains. “I write about our road trips and day trips as well as destination guides and where to enjoy the local cuisine. We’re travelling slowly to get a better understanding of the places we visit and the people who live there.”

Here’s an interesting snippet from her travels to Estonia: “No stopping and no photos. Those were my strict instructions before crossing into Russia without a visa.

“The road is remote with only a few villagers passing through each day. I could just make out the barbed wire fence through the trees as I approached. There were signs forbidding pedestrians to enter and hand-painted posts marked the border.”

And one from Copenhagen: “A city with a history, beautiful architecture, pretty parks and a cafe culture. A city with a modern edge. Dynamic, eco-conscious and a laid-back vibe… I’m convinced I’d fit right into the Scandinavian lifestyle and culture.”

If you’d like to read more about Anastasakis’s travels, visit and sign up for her Rear View Mirror blogs. Her Google Plus page is also available at and her Youtube channel is at

She can be reached directly at


Road tripping the beaches of Sardinia, Italy

Media Contact
Company Name: Rear View Mirror
Contact Person: Andrea Anastasakis
Phone: +33 6 17 82 76 94
City: Budapest
Country: Hungary

ReleaseID: 505922

Source: GetNews

I Gave A Buck Campaign Launched To Help Internet Buy A House For A Disabled Mother

I Gave A Buck is a campaign created to ask one dollar of each individual who sees the campaign, in order to put down a deposit on a home for the creator’s disabled mother.

Indianapolis, IN, United States of America – July 14, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

A single dollar doesn’t count for much in the modern era, and there’s very little that people can afford to buy with it alone. Hundreds of people see a buck disappear into a vending machine for a soda, to drink the soda and never see the dollar or the soda again. To consume is necessary, but to create is a higher calling. One man is creating a social experiment online to see if he can buy a house for his disabled mother through donations of a single dollar from people around the internet. He has launched I Gave A Buck to track his progress.

Founder Ryan Mercer is a full time carer for his disabled mother, and together they live in a hovel. Ryan wanted to provide a better home for his mother, but the down payment would take him years to save. He is now using I Gave A Buck to help people help him achieve his goal, by giving away what is a disposable amount for one individual, but from thousands, could transform a life for the better.

Individuals can pay via Amazon, PayPal or Bitcoin, with larger payments being made via GoFundMe for anyone who is inspired to give more than the requested dollar to create the house the internet built. His ambitious target is $24,000, meaning he is relying on the generosity of spirit of 24,000 people throughout the United States and the world.

A spokesperson for I Gave A Buck explained, “The I Gave A Buck campaign was created to allow Ryan to ask for help. We have seen that the internet is capable of great and terrible things, and this is an opportunity for online communities to show what good there is in the world when we connect and work together. One dollar is a negligible amount for each single person donating, but together they can give Ryan’s mother a home in her later life that will bring her incredible joy. Perhaps on a daily basis we do very little for wider society, this is a chance to truly effect a person’s life for the better and all for one dollar.”

About I Gave A Buck: I Gave A Buck is a new website created by Ryan Mercer, who is a permanent carer for his disabled mother. His aim is to raise enough through contributions of just one dollar from individuals throughout the internet to be able to put a down payment on a house for her to live in, and is promoting the campaign virally through the power of social media.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Ryan Mercer
Organization: I Gave a Buck
Phone: 317-203-9649


Release ID: 86677

Deep Trekker Publishes New Video Guide to Remotely Operated Vehicles for Aquaculture

New guide at company’s website shows how much affordable ROVs have to offer to aquaculture operations, Deep Trekker reports

Ayr, Ontario, Canada – July 14, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

Deep Trekker Inc. announced the publication of a new video guide to the use of remotely operated vehicles in aquaculture. Making it simpler, safer, and quicker than ever before to take care of everything from routine net inspection to scouting new sites, ROVs of the kind produced by Deep Trekker are proving to be an indispensable addition to the toolkits of many of today’s top aquaculture specialists. The brand new guide at the Deep Trekker website at will be of great interest to anyone involved with aquaculture or with an interest in innovative uses for technology.

“One of the most impressive things about our remotely operated vehicles is just how versatile they are,” Deep Trekker representative Amanda Coulas said, “Whether for oil and energy exploration hundreds of feet under water or scouting out the perfect pool for a new aquaculture expansion, our ROVs are right at home in a huge variety of environments and roles. We think that our brand new video guide covering the use of ROVs for aquaculture will give readers an even better idea as to just how much they are capable of.”

With many of the world’s great fisheries nearing exhaustion, aquaculture is becoming an increasingly important source of food for much of the global population. Cultivating fish of many species in controlled environments like isolated tanks, ponds, or staked-out pens in harbors is not just possible, it is often one of the most economical and environmentally friendly ways of all of producing the animal-based protein that so many people seek for their diets.

With a pair of compact, remotely operated vehicles that share a unique set of features, Deep Trekker Inc. is an invaluable partner to many of the most successful and forward-thinking aquaculture operations around the world today. Unlike the bulky, expensive ROVs that are the standard elsewhere in the industry, Deep Trekker’s DTG2 and DTX2 units are affordable for companies of virtually any size, making highly capable ROV functionality far more accessible than in the past.

As the company’s new video guide to the uses of ROVs for aquaculture shows, the Deep Trekker DTG2, for example, can be used for everything from the regular inspection of fish nets to the retrieval of expired fish before they can pose a risk to healthy ones. Simple to operate, the highly maneuverable Deep Trekker ROVs can greatly increase operational efficiency for aquaculture companies, while also contributing to greater safety and other important improvements.

The new Deep Trekker video guide is available in the “ROV News” section at the company’s website. Visitors to the site can also learn more about the company’s products, as well as their many uses in industries as diverse as oil and energy, commercial salvage, emergency response, and more.

About Deep Trekker Inc.:
With the world’s first highly affordable, remotely operated underwater vehicles, Deep Trekker brings new capabilities and options to clients in a wide range of industries, helping to cut costs, boost efficiency, and more.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Amanda Coulas
Organization: Deep Trekker Inc.
Phone: 519-342-3177


Release ID: 86692

EnergyTEK Corp. Renews Letter of Intent to Joint Venture 3 Well Oil Lease Venture in Kentucky

Drilling Expected to Commence in August, 2015

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / July 14, 2015 / EnergyTEK Corp. (OTCQB:ENTK) announced today that it has renewed a Letter of Intent with Energy Management Resources LLC (“EMR”) to form a joint venture to acquire the Working Interest of EMR, the lease operator, for up to 3 oil wells in Kentucky. The acquisition would also include all existing equipment associated with the first well drilled by EMR. Craig Crawford, President of EnergyTEK, stated, “Newly updated geology reports have been received that have validated the prospects for a successful shallow well drilling program,
and we remain optimistic about the probability of success in this area of existing producing oil fields in Kentucky. Mr. Crawford went on to say, “The commencement of the drilling program is subject to our research validating the data received, confirming the economics of the drilling program and closing of the transaction financing. We hope to have this completed by August, 2015.”

About EnergyTEK Corp.

EnergyTEK Corp. targets unique, promising technologies we believe can improve business growth and profitability, with a particular emphasis on the energy space, especially the oil and gas production markets. We apply those technologies by incubating promising companies with innovative business plans that can utilize technological efficiencies to drive business growth and bottom line operating performance. We are also actively seeking to acquire distressed energy assets in this down cycle in the oil & gas markets, to take advantage of pricing opportunities and joint ventures at prices previously unable to be achieved before the recent market downturn. We support our companies in obtaining necessary working capital financing to support their growth, and in select cases, we will make direct loans and/or equity investments in our own subsidiary companies as well as consider joint venture investments in unique technologies. In the future, we intend to monetize our investments in these companies either by outright sale, or by spin off the subsidiary’s shares into the public markets.

For further information, call Princeton Research at 702-650-3000

Precautionary and Forward-Looking Statements This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. “Forward looking statements” describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “may,” “future,” “plan” or “planned,” “will” or “should,” “expected,” “anticipates,” “draft,” “eventually” or “projected.” You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude or risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in the Company’s disclosures or filings with the SEC. You are further cautioned that penny stocks and stocks of smaller companies like EnergyTEK Corp. are inherently volatile and risky and that no investor should buy this stock unless they can afford the loss of their entire investment.

EnergyTEK Corp.

ReleaseID: 430556

Sublyme Web Design Reveals 3 Google Mobile Friendly Best Practices

LOS ANGELES – July 14, 2015 – With 2015 more than halfway over, it has become impossible to ignore the fact that the majority of Internet users access the Internet via their mobile phones. With this in mind, it is imperative that a company has a website geared towards reaching these users. Google made a change to its search engine on April 21, 2015 that included a “Mobile Friendly” differentiation. This means Google searches now give preference to websites that are mobile friendly over those that are not. To find out if your site is up to current mobile standards, check it with Google’s Mobile Friendly Test tool.

Sublyme Web Design gives the following 3 tips to make sure that your website stands out and reaches the customers searching for it:

1. Responsive code is the way to go.

Some people use the terms “responsive” and “mobile site” interchangeably. However, they are two completely different things. A mobile site means the developer would create an actual website that was only visible when accessed via a mobile phone. It is designed for only one specific screen size (i.e. a mobile phone). The problem with mobile sites is the vast array of different mobile screen sizes that are out there. Responsive code uses CSS3 to add code to an existing site, which then goes by screen size to determine the layout of the site. The way the site looks is “responsive” to the screen size it is being viewed by. This allows your site to be easily accessed on any size screen without worrying about creating multiple sites per screen size.

2. Fast loading and easy to use.

The site MUST load fast! If your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load, you’ve most likely alienated your user from the start. Your user must be able to easily tap buttons and read fonts on a tiny screen. Having a larger font and more space to tap buttons will help your user navigate your site. You also want to be sure that any sliders and photo galleries that are on your site are also touch-friendly so that the user can easily swipe through and view what they are looking for.

3. Add a tap-friendly call-to-action.

Most users are on the go trying to look up information on your company. Your mobile friendly site should include an easy way for them to call you, look up pertinent company information such as hours, location/directions, and menus. If your customer is looking up your business on their mobile phone, it is likely that they are looking for a quick and easy way to find or contact you. Overall, the key to having a mobile friendly site is making your site easily accessible to someone looking at it from a tiny screen. This can be easily attained through optimizing your existing desktop website to be responsive.

Convert your site quickly and pain-free by contacting Sublyme Web Design at 310-776-0968.

About Sublyme Web Design

Rachel Verret (on Twitter as @rachelcverret) founded Sublyme Web Design & Development in 2009. Based in Los Angeles, CA, Sublyme continues to service clients all around the United States.

More information can be found on the company website:

Full Article:

Distributed by Press Release Jet

Media Contact
Company Name: Sublyme Web Design
Contact Person: Rachel Verret
Phone: 310-776-0968
City: Los Angeles
State: CA
Country: United States

ReleaseID: 505921

Source: GetNews

Wearable Medical Devices Market to Reach $41 Billion Market By 2020

Growing Health Awareness & Demand from Millennial Population to Drive Wearable Medical Devices to $41 Billion Market by 2020

The Report “Wearable Medical Devices Market – By Type (Therapeutic Wearable Devices, Diagnostic Devices, Vital Sign Monitoring Devices, Activity Monitors, Electrocardiographs and Others); By Application (Home Health Care, Remote Patient Monitoring, Fitness And Sports and Others) & By Geography – Global Forecast (2014-2020)” Published by IndustryArc, The Wearable Medical Devices Market is projected to grow remarkably at 21.3% to generate revenue of $41.3 Billion by 2020.

Browse Market 155 Tables & 45 Figures spread through 155 Pages and an in-depth TOC on “Wearable Medical Devices Market”:

The North American Market is estimated to grow at 21% during the forecast period to reach $19.3bn by 2020. The U.S is the largest market in this region followed by Canada and Mexico.

Wearable Medical Devices are autonomous, non-invasive devices that perform specific medical functions such as managing treatment of chronic diseases or monitoring vital signs of human body. A wearable medical device incorporates capabilities such as wireless data transmission, real time feedback and assessment and so on. Many products with such capabilities are currently commercially available in the market and are targeted at health marketers, researchers, health conscious individuals, and athletes.

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The current generation of Wearable Medical Devices mostly relies on user intervention to record data that is processed offline later on. The market has seen a dramatic rise in recent years owing to factors such as increase in health consciousness among people, increase in health consumer behavior among people, greater health trend to move from hospital care to home care and subsequently to personal care and so on. As a result, medical device manufacturers are shifting their focus from fully fixed equipment to portable devices and more recently to wearable ones.

Based on the fact that wearable medical devices offer solutions for both personal (patient) and user (physician or health care provider), they can be Broadly Classified into Three Categories —

  • Wearable Therapeutic Devices
  • Wearable Diagnostic & Monitoring Devices
  • Wearable Rehabilitative Devices

The millennial population has evolved themselves into more information oriented generation that has been facilitated by the revolution in computing technology. As the consumers from this age group are becoming more health conscious than their predecessors amidst the fast paced life, the wearable medical devices market is set to grow. Keeping in mind the expectations of today’s fast paced generation; device manufacturers are frequently collaborating with designers and developers to cater to several types of enthusiasts including sports, fitness and health.

The increasing concern about personal health is set to propel the wearable devices market in this region. Growing elderly care market and increasing government funding into it is also a key driver for the adoption of WMD in North America. The entry of consumer electronics and smartphone manufacturers has enhanced the awareness of wearable medical devices. For instance, Apple and Omron Healthcare have recently entered this market creating high demand for their products. Americas is followed by Europe and APAC in market size for 2014 with varying growth rates to 2020.

Major Players in the Market Are:

  • Zephyr Technology Corp.
  • Omron Healthcare, Inc.
  • Basis Science
  • Sotera Wireless, Inc.
  • Polar Electro Oy.

Though these Companies have a Dominant Position in the Market, there are a few companies giving stiff competition to the top players with their innovative product designs.

  • Philips Healthcare,
  • ResMed
  • Fitbit, Inc,

Wrist Wearable device manufacturers have utilized mergers and acquisitions as well as product launches to augment entry into related markets and enhance core competencies through additions to product portfolio as well as leveraging capabilities of acquired companies to gain a foothold in high growth markets. The product launches have played a key role in the growth of the major players as a whole, as the growing demand for connected wrist wearable devices both in technological features as well as aesthetic design propels the companies to invest into R&D. Companies have also focused on R&D and innovation of new products to enter the growing wearable medical devices market from related consumer electronics and smartphone markets.

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About IndustryARC:

IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting firm that publishes more than 500 Reports Annually in various industries, such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, Life sciences & Healthcare.

IndustryARC primarily focuses on Cutting Edge Technologies and Newer Applications of the Market. Our Custom Research Services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global demand-supply gap of markets. Our strong analyst team enables us to meet the client research needs at a very quick speed with a variety of options for your business.

We look forward to support the client to be able to better address customer needs; stay ahead in the market; become the top competitor and get real-time recommendations on business strategies and deals. Contact us to find out how we can help you today.


“Wearable Medical Devices Market Industryarc”

Media Contact
Company Name: IndustryARC
Contact Person: Mr. Venkat
Phone: 1-614-588-8538 (ext: 101/102)
Address:14 Middleport Road
City: Hamilton
State: New York
Country: United States

Source: ABNewswire

ReleaseID: 32190

Nurse Call System Market to Reach $13.2 Billion by 2020

Nurse Call System Market Revenue to Surpass $13.2 Billion by 2020, Fuelled By Technological Advancements

Browse Market 72 Data Tables, 24 Figures spread through 147 Pages and in-depth TOC on Nurse Call Systems (NCS) Market – By Type (Traditional NCS, Advanced NCS, Middleware Interfaced NCS), By End Users (Hospitals & Clinics, Senior Living Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities) – Forecast 2015 – 2020

According to a recent study from IndustryARC, the global nurse call systems market was valued close to $9 Billion in 2014 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6.6% over the forecast period to generate $13.2 billion through 2020

Nurse Call System (NCS) is a telecommunication system to transfer communication between patient and a nurse in given healthcare facility. The nurse call systems is a sub-segment of the healthcare monitoring devices market to serve the patients in times of emergency, providing timely help and assistance to the suffering individuals by alerting the doctors or nursing staff. Based on devices, the global NCS market is classified into traditional NCS, advanced NCS and middleware interfaced NCS devices.

It caters to Three Main Classes of End Users, Namely –

  • Clinics and Hospitals
  • Senior Living Facilities
  • Assisted Living Facilities

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Improving infrastructure and favorable healthcare reforms coupled with government healthcare reimbursement policies will drive the demand for nurse call systems in the years to come. The growing demand for home healthcare devices in the recent years, primarily driven by aging population and rising healthcare costs worldwide will propel the usage of nurse call systems across the globe as they promise safety and medical security while being cost-effective and easily available. The ongoing research and development activities will translate into making even more effective and economically viable nurse call systems in the future, contributing to the market growth. However, increasing rate of false alarms and lack of proper infrastructure and skilled resources in many developing countries are some of the major challenges that are being faced by the market as of now.

The traditional nurse call systems occupy a dominant share accounting for 49% of the global nurse call systems market in 2014. However, the need for wireless communication coupled with the advent of newer technologies and availability of innovative NCS at reasonable prices will move the market towards the advanced and middleware interfacing nurse call systems. Hospitals and clinics are the major end users of NCS market, occupying 53% of the global market in 2014 as they are the largest end users in the healthcare industry. The rapidly growing aging population worldwide and the increasing chronic diseases will be the biggest contributing factors for growth of the nurse call systems market on a global level.

North America is the largest geographic segment in the global nurse call systems market, sharing more than 40% of the market and is followed by Europe. The flourishing healthcare sector in North America has encouraged the installation and successful usage of these systems across various hospitals across the U.S. APAC constitutes of 15% of the NCS market in 2014 but is projected to grow rapidly with 12.2% CAGR over the forecast period with the growth in technological advancements, medical tourism and increased governmental spending in order to improve healthcare infrastructure in countries such as China and India.

Key Players of Nurse Call Systems Market jointly held 41% share in in terms of revenue in 2014

  • Hill-Rom Holdings Inc.
  • Tyco SimplexGrinnell LP
  • Ascom Holding AG
  • Honeywell International, Inc., and
  • Rauland-Borg Corporation.

New NCS product launches and collaborations or partnerships have played an significant role in the growth of these key companies, over the past few years. Emergence of new start-up companies that are developing NCS making use of the technological advancements are likely to lead to the development of innovative nurse call systems products and solutions at affordable prices. The key players are further expanding their product portfolio to include newer technologies such as wireless NCS, and advanced integrated NCS devices.

About IndustryARC:

IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting firm that publishes more than 500 Reports Annually in various industries, such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, Life Sciences & Healthcare.

IndustryARC primarily focuses on Cutting Edge Technologies and Newer Applications of the Market. Our Custom Research Services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global demand-supply gap of markets. Our strong analyst team enables us to meet the client research needs at a very quick speed with a variety of options for your business.

We look forward to support the client to be able to better address customer needs; stay ahead in the market; become the top competitor and get real-time recommendations on business strategies and deals. Contact us to find out how we can help you today.


“Nurse Call Systems Market, By Geography, 2014 (%)”

Media Contact
Company Name: IndustryARC
Contact Person: Mr. Venkat
Phone: 1-614-588-8538 (ext: 101/102)
Address:14 Middleport Road
City: Hamilton
State: New York
Country: United States

Source: ABNewswire

ReleaseID: 32188