Monthly Archives: December 2015

The Top 3 Best WordPress Hosting 2015 Announced by

The best 3 WordPress hosting 2015 is announced by based on the aspects of WordPress compatibility, budget-friendliness, page loading speed, hosting reliability, technical support and industry reputation.

San Francisco, US – December 27, 2015 /MarketersMedia/, one of the leading hosting review sites, today publishes the best 3 WordPress hosting in the year of 2015 after reviewing and comparing dozens of top options in the market, including JustHost, Arvixe and InMotion Hosting. To come out the final result, their professional reviewers have done the following tasks since the middle of this year.

• Sign up with their hosting plans and experience the hosting solutions personally.
• Collect the feedbacks from hundreds of real customers all over the world.
• Search for the reviews of these web hosts.
• Monitor their hosting performance with two identical websites using the Uptime Robot.

After 6 months of efforts, JustHost is listed as the top option for hosting the WordPress site. According to the real-world monitoring that starts since the middle of this year, this web host achieves a 99.99% uptime for the tested website, along with the fast server response speed that is around 366 ms.

Besides, as compared with many other candidates reviewed by this site, JustHost offers the budget-friendly WordPress hosting plans that start from $2.5/mo only with this special promotional link. Each package comes with plenty of disk space and monthly data transfer, a free domain name, the cPanel control panel, up to $300 advertising credits and many more.

In addition to JustHost, Arvixe and InMotion Hosting are the other great recommendations in this year, offering the ultimately reliable environment for hosting WordPress. According to the online research, both of them host the websites using the DELL branded web servers to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of website data. Additionally, to ensure an unceasingly working of these machines, these two web hosts locate them at multiple world-class data centers that come with the advanced technologies for security, power and climate.

As tested, they all achieve at least 99.99% uptime for the tested websites. As for the server response speed, the site hosted with Arvixe requires 445 ms on average and the site hosted with InMotion Hosting requires around 237 ms.

Moreover, this review site has found some promotional campaigns offered by these two web hosts to reduce the hosting charges.

• Arvixe releases the coupon code BWH360 for a 30% discount, which reduces the price down to $2.8/mo.
• InMotion Hosting offers a promotional link for the 50% discount, which reduces the price down to $3.49/mo.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Eunge
Organization: Eunge Media and Technology Group Ltd


Release ID: 99982

Wartune Browser to Book Finishes Indiegogo Campaign and Continues with Novel

Many players paid a lot of attention to the Wartune Browser to Book campaign when they first found out that a Wartune novel was being written. Though the Wartune team may not have received as much funds as they had hoped for, they will continue with the novel as promised. Chioma Osifo, the novel’s author has double-down on her focus and they aims to have the novel finished by the second quarter of next year.

Proficient City did a fair amount to promote the Wartune team promote Browser to Book. They held a Fan Art Contest on Facebook, shared drawings made by some of Wartune’s most talented fans, and kept everyone up to date with the campaign’s progress on their official website and social media pages.

The Wartune team received a fair amount of fan art since the project started on November 28th, all made with passion and skill. Wartune fans are extremely talented, and dedicating their talents to this noble and innovative video game was a great boon for it. It seems these purveyors of their art were excited at the thought that their divine works could be published in the Wartune novel, given space with the noble words. Proficient City has yet to announce which of these prodigious pieces of art will be selected, but have plans to do so soon. Players, especially those who would like to know more about this impressive game’s history, are still invited to support Browser to Book directly or help share posts on Facebook and twitter.


This is the first time Wartune has held an alternate media project in its three years, and to celebrate the occasion they have prepared hordes of swag, including limited-edition postcards, unique dog tags, third-anniversary t-shirts and more. They put great effort into picking the materials and making each gift special, so make sure you get yours while you still can, especially the postcards.

The Browser to Book campaign ends December 27th, and the author is very busy. They’ve already selected some potential book covers, each with its own subtle mood. If you’d like to see them and voice your thoughts you can do so on the Wartune Facebook page.

Books are such wonderful things, and this one is sure to be an absolute delight. Find out the thrilling origins of the epic fantasy RPG, increase your vocabulary, and maybe relax with a glass of wine while you read. Life’s short, might as well read a good book and spend the time right.

More information, please go visit Wartune’s official website:

Or you can follow their official Facebook page:

About Proficient City

Proficient City is a subsidiary of Game Hollywood. It has published over 20 games including Wartune, DDTank Mobile, and Eternal Fury. It has been publishing games since 2008, has offices in Asia and Spain, and will soon be opening a branch in North America.

Media Contact
Company Name: Proficient City Limited
Contact Person: Matt
Phone: 86 020 8405 6975
State: Guangdong
Country: China

ReleaseID: 528216

Source: GetNews

Thoughtful Gift Airwheel saddle-equipped Electric Scooter A3 to Show Sincere Love

What is a good gift? It is not the value of the gift that is important, but it is the thought that counts. With high safety assurance and leather seat, the target clients of Airwheel twin-wheel electric scooter A3 is not only young people any more. For the healthier lifestyle and fitting-keep, more old people are attracted by the comfortable and smart riding.

“As a child, the biggest worry for me is my parents’ health,” said James, a company manager who is always busy at work, for the Christmas of this year, he wants to give a special and thoughtful gift to the elders, that is the new product – Airwheel self-balancing electric scooter A3. “What parents really need is not the gift itself, but the heart of their sweetie.”

Video Link:

In most people’s minds, the electric scooter only belongs to young people, to break this strange rule, Airwheel company develops a new sitting-posture twin-wheel electric scooter A3 with a new concept. Airwheel electric scooter A3 not only expands the target customers to a larger scale, but brings happiness and health to riders’ daily life, for the great popularity among the people, Airwheel A3 is about to make globe debut and lets more and more people know the new vehicle which helps them live a new healthy life.

Airwheel saddle-equipped scooter A3 which has light and thin magnesium aluminum frame and sturdy, polished, scratch-proof and colorfast shell is made with advanced intelligent technology, specially, the tone of white and orange stand for sporty and joyful elements is designed elaborately for the representation. Absolutely, fashion is one feature of Airwheel A3. The seat is the biggest difference from traditional scooters, so developers make more efforts on it, under the ergonomic principle, the sleek saddle in V-shape is designed, so people can enjoy more comfortable ride than that of the standing wheeler.


Time can change people’s appearance, but cannot change people’s mentality, Airwheel self-balancing electric scooter A3 is the right tool to help people find a healthier lifestyle. So James thinks that Airwheel is more than a gift, but a stylish exercise machine with high quality for parents.

Media Contact
Company Name: Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd
Contact Person: Mr. Tang
Phone: +8618861270200
City: LA
State: CA
Country: United States

Source: ABNewswire

ReleaseID: 47729

Alexapure Pro Ready to Tackle Flint’s Lead-Contaminated Water

The mayor of Flint, Mich., declared a state of emergency as the city’s water supply reveals high levels of lead. In response, Water4Patriots recommends that people purify the water coming out of their faucets.

Nashville, Tenn., United States – December 27, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

More than two months ago, Water4Patriots officials warned about the dangerously high levels of lead that doctors in Flint, Mich., were finding in the blood of children, and recommended the Alexapure Pro tabletop water purification product as a solution.

Doctors asked city officials at the time to stop using water from the Flint River. Now, the Washington Post reports that the Flint mayor has declared a state of emergency due to the crisis.

“Lead is a neurotoxin, a poison and a very dangerous problem, especially for children,” said Allen Baler, Partner at 4Patriots LLC. “According to the World Health Organization, years later it can result in learning disabilities, shortening of attention spans and anti-social behavior. The Alexapure Pro could have provided safe water – from any source – to Flint residents.

“Of course, Flint is not the only place where tap water has become unhealthy for consumption. Numerous contaminants coming out of the faucet are being found across the country, including fluoride, arsenic, heavy metals and pharmaceuticals. A reliable water filtering system is essential if people want to protect themselves, their kids and their grandkids from this serious problem.”

Water4Patriots recently announced a solution called the Alexapure Pro, a revolutionary tabletop purification product capable of transforming contaminated water from virtually any source into clean, safe, delicious water.

An advanced engineered, two-stage filter removes up to 99.99 percent of contaminants, including heavy metals like the lead found in Flint’s water supply, as well as arsenic, fluoride, pharmaceuticals – even E. coli and polio. Drinking contaminated water, regardless of the source, can cause serious illness and even death.

With a 2.3 gallon-per-hour flow rate, the Alexapure Pro purifies water about three times faster than any of its competitors. Users will be able to access up to 5,000 gallons of fresh, clean water from it before the filter needs to be replaced. Priced at $197, that comes out to approximately 4 cents per gallon. Bottled water, usually originating from unknown sources, costs considerably more.

No gas, electricity or water pressure is needed to operate the Alexapure Pro. It removes contaminants such as those found in Flint’s water using only gravity, producing the most essential item to have now and during an emergency: clean, crystal-clear water.

In addition to complimentary shipping, those who purchase the Alexapure Pro water filtration system also receive a credit card-sized steel survival tool featuring 11 different functions, as well as a hardcopy book, “The Water Survival Guide.”

They are also able to acquire the Alexapure Go Bottle (priced at $47), which features the same advanced engineering of the Alexapure Pro and which can filter 300 gallons of water, can be stored in a backpack or bug-out bag, and is ideal for camping, hiking, biking or any other outdoor activities.

Also available from Water4Patriots is the Survival Spring ($24.95), a nine-inch long, two-ounce straw made of BPA-free, food-grade materials that can filter up to 300 gallons of water and can easily be carried anywhere.

Water4Patriots provides products that help people eliminate contaminants from their drinking water, including the Alexapure Pro tabletop water purifier, the Alexapure Pro Go Bottle and the Survival Spring straw. Each product purifies contaminated water from virtually any source into clean, safe, delicious water.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Tim Boyle
Organization: 4Patriots LLC


Release ID: 99980

New Year’s Eve party for 18-30 year olds at the Addison Conference Center

Young Adults of Worth announced their New Year’s Eve party will be held in the Addison Conference Center on December 31, 2015 beginning at 8:00 PM.

The Colony, TX, United States – December 26, 2015 /PressCable/

Young adults looking for the latest information on a New Year’s Eve party with no alcohol allowed can register to attend the Young Adults of Worth New Year’s Eve Party 2015 scheduled for December 31, 2015 at 8:00 PM.

Young Adults of Worth is sponsoring this year’s event, which will include:

A gathering of 18-30 years old – to ring in 2016.

A food truck will be on hand with snacks and drinks for every ticket purchaser.

A photo wall and skill games are planned for everyone to increase chances for raffle drawing prizes – including a dance contest. A list of prizes can be found on the YAoW website.

No alcohol allowed – this is a safe environment for those NOT wanting to get drunk. This event is made for those who don’t want alcohol to take control of their life. Christian music will be played with a DJ and video screen. Social media posts will appear on the screen for interaction of the participants.

Full details of the event, including how to purchase tickets, can be found on the company website at

When asked about the reasons behind creating this event, the host of the event, Ken Leaman of Young Adults of Worth said:

“It’s a safe atmosphere with good clean fun for young adults in the north Dallas area. This is the first event created for young adults looking for a place to interact with peers in a non-threatening environment. We’re planning on spreading this type of activity across the country in the years to come. Our long-term plans are to have a center with similar activities on a regular basis for young adults who don’t want to get pulled into unhealthy activities.”

The Young Adults of Worth website has full details about this year’s event including how to purchase tickets at:

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Ken Leaman
Organization: Young Adults of Worth
Address: 6405 Wexley Ln, The Colony, TX 75056
Phone: 214-717-1316

Release ID: 99977

How The Art of Investing in Distressed Mortgages Defies Convention at Year End

Keyhole Academy LLC has defied convention in the Real Estate Investing market with the year end sale of The Comprehensive Course on the Business of Investing in Second Mortgages . Further information can be found at and

Glen Head, NY 11545, United States – December 26, 2015 /PressCable/

Keyhole Academy LLC today announced a year-end sale on its industry acclaimed Comprehensive Course on the Business of Investing in Second Mortgages. This advanced course was initially released less than two years ago, after development for over ten years. The main aim of this one time sale was to allow new students to take advantage a possible year end tax deduction and a substantial one time discount… and by defying convention, this Online Educational Course did so, with a difference and an impact.

Sherman Arnowitz, Founder and President at Keyhole Academy LLC, says: “Keyhole Academy wanted to try something new with The Comprehensive Course on the Business of Investing in Second Mortgages. Anyone familiar with the real estate Investing education market will probably have noticed how everyone else always seems to teach broadly focused courses with less than the amount of information needed for you to be able to succeed.. Keyhole Academy felt this was a problem because the student will have invested substantially and not gotten the outcome desired.”

So as a welcome breath of fresh air, the Comprehensive Course on the Business of Investing in Second Mortgages was created. This course gives all the details needed for the student to be successful in distressed note investing.. Keyhole Academy LLC chose to make this move because industry authority, Mr. Arnowitz, learned the hard way without any kind of a course like this and wanted to help others avoid the many mistakes Keyhole Financial has made..

Sherman Arnowitz also said “Keyhole Academy wants to give our customers a substantial discount of $1000, valuable ongoing live and recorded webinars during the course, one-on-one consulting with Sherman, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.. With The Comprehensive Course on the Business of Investing in Second Mortgages , students have a fresh new education option. Keyhole Academy wants customers to want to tell friends about this course just like telling them about a great movie they had just seen last night, when using The Comprehensive Course on the Business of Investing in Second Mortgages . Trying something new is always a risk, but it’s a risk Keyhole Academy believes is worth taking.”

Keyhole Academy is an affiliate of Keyhole Financial LLC, which has been in business for over 15 years. Since Day 1 it has always aimed to to be the most comprehensive real estate education resource in the market. The company’s goal is to have success in investing first and then to teach about it.

This isn’t the first time Keyhole Academy LLC has defied convention, either. Prior to the last couple of years Sherman just did successful investing himself, and now Keyhole Academy is excited to teach others how to do successfully what Sherman has done. not to try to teach something it has not done or would like to do.

The year end sale for the Comprehensive Course on the Business of Investing in Second Mortgages is now available through December 31, 2016, and can be purchased directly at Students can also purchase Mr. Arnowitz’s recent Amazon Best Selling book about distressed note investing at the company website, and find many FREE resources about real estate investing.

For further information about Keyhole Academy LLC, all this can be discovered at

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Sherman Arnowitz
Organization: Keyhole Academy, LLC
Address: PO Box 331, Glen Head, NY, 11545
Phone: 516-277-1879

Release ID: 99979

GreatCoffeeBrewers.Com Now Offering Reviews and Advice on Buying Great Quality Drip Coffee Makers

Buying the Best Drip Coffee Maker from Great Coffee Brewers

Bridgeport, United States – December 26, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

Offering free advice on all-things drip coffee markers, GreatCoffeeBrewers.Com is now online. Coffee fanatics and experts have left reviews on various brands of drip coffee makers

26th December, 2015 – The World Wide Web coffee drinking statistics show that over 54% of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every day. In fact, the average coffee drinker drinks 3 cups per day, spends over $160.00 a year on coffee and the total number of U.S daily coffee drinkers has reached 100 million.

However, when it comes to buying a drip coffee maker, many people don’t know what they are supposed to consider or look into. Being the first website of its kind, GreatCoffeeBrewers.Com is doing rounds on social media and is becoming popular among coffee drinkers who are looking for expert advice and user reviews. As stated by the spokesperson for GreatCoffeeBrewers.Com, the site provides important coffee maker reviews, advice, rating comparisons, best prices and the pros & cons of the top selling coffee makers.

“Buying a coffee maker has never been easier,” stated the spokesperson in an official press statement, her further added “In depth research has been completed for the free ‘Buying Guide‘ on Great Coffee Brewers so that readers can buy the best drip coffee maker for their money. In order to ease the process of purchasing a good drip coffeemaker, Great Coffee Brewers has also published in-depth reviews of the top five best coffee-making machines available on the market today.”

The website provides insightful reviews with detailed explanations of every feature of a machine so that readers can take a look at their features and pros and cons to have a better understanding. Enabling customers to buy top rated coffee makers, the reviews on the drip coffee machines are written by actual customers who have purchased the products previously.

Brands recently reviewed include Hamilton Beach, Mr. Coffee, Moccamaster, Bunn and Zojirushi Coffee Makers. For more details the site can be viewed on the site.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:
Name: Eric Danes
Organization: Great Coffee Brewers
Address: 8426 Tuttle Road, Bridgeport, NY 13030
Phone: 3156996556


Release ID: 99629

A brief introduction to Airwheel intelligent self balancing motorcycles

Most of us are familiar with the electric scooters, but not the Airwheel intelligent electric scooters. As it is known to all, the self-balancing scooters have been widely used in various fields, such as police and security personnel on patrol, personal entertainment and excursions, tourist attractions, factories, airports, shopping malls and other places.

Airwheel self-balancing scooter can not only move quickly in the open area, but also can flexibly dodge in complex terrain, in line with today’s young people to pursue the trend of being cool and trendy. Meanwhile, stylish appearance and bright colours enhance the aesthetic degrees. Up to now, there are six series self-balancing electric scooters with different features. According to the different models, there are some different of top speeds, maximum range and item weights.

Video Link:

Airwheel X-series have the characteristics of green environmental protection, and can be carried around. Airwheel Q-series are the first self balancing motorcycle, adopting aerospace attitude control theory, fuzzy software algorithm, and gyroscope system to maintain balance by leaning forward and backward. Also it is carried a Bluetooth for personalized communications, entertainment and leisure functions such as music broadcast. Airwheel-S-series change one-wheel classic design, with such features as personalized and colourful lights, built-in magnetic levitation device and intelligent real-time monitoring which lay a foundation to build a cool fashion of interconnected ecosystem.


For A series, there is no similar product in market yet with a seat. So it is also called sitting posture self-balancing scooter. It is also featured by LED screen, which indicates speed, battery status, mileage and temperature. The newly M series have equipped with the magnetic levitation motor which brings more powerful output power with the top speed of 20km per hour to fully enjoy the feeling of surfing on land. The Z series, different from the conventional two wheel electric scooters, have enabled riders to experience the comfortable and long journey experience.

Airwheel electric scooters are sold in worldwide covering 400 chains shop in world’s major target market. Now, Airwheel is building a few large logistics centre, in order to enhance the company’s market responsiveness and market oriented to derivative. This is only a brief introduction of the Airwheel self-balancing electric scooters.

Media Contact
Company Name: Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd
Contact Person: Mr. Tang
Phone: +8618861270200
City: LA
State: CA
Country: United States

Source: ABNewswire

ReleaseID: 47728

Colourful mini mobility Airwheel Q series twin-wheel scooter and colourful life

Different from other self-balancing electric scooters, the Airwheel Q series products guarantee a high standard of stability, by virtue of its twin wheels, as well as an extended usage range, that goes from 18km to 45km (depending on models). The Q1, Q3, Q5 and Q6 models are identified by their colorful designs, and by their weights that vary from 10.6kg to 13.7kg. Colorful Airwheel Q series will give you a colorful life.

In comparison with other self-balancing electric scooters, the mini mobility Airwheel Q series products referring to twin-wheel self-balancing electric scooters guarantee a high standard of stability,by virtue of its twin wheels, as well as an extended usage range, that goes from 18km to 45km(depending on models). The Q1, Q3, Q5 and Q6 models are identified by their colourful designs, and by their weights that vary from 10.6kg to 13.7kg. Colourful Airwheel Q series twin-wheel scooter will give you a colourful life. For instance, the colourful cushion pads on Q6 not only add more personality to the unit, but also offer more protection for the legs. The pads are replaceable with three colours available for your taste.

Video Link:

To facilitate riding at night, Airwheel twin-wheeled electric scooter installs red LED head and tail lights, to highlight and secure your cruising. The motor of Airwheel Q series are upgraded to be more powerful and quieter. You can ride it freely into elevator, to supermarket, classroom, or anywhere you have to go, and will not be stopped for its being extremely compact and barely making any noise. Also, there is no parking problem.


Apart from many colours at choice, Airwheel Q series are also known for its stability yet provides the same excitement and passion in the riding process. For the sake of riding comfort and safety, the pedals of Airwheel Q series are optimized to be larger, and more harmonious and smoother in externality. Easy to keep balance and control, the Airwheel Q series are the optimal electric scooters for beginners and for those who are lack of confidence to learn the electric self-balancing scooter. A number of girls are fond of the Q series with better balance and bright-colour design. In a word, colourful Airwheel Q series will give you a colourful life.

Media Contact
Company Name: Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd
Contact Person: Mr. Tang
Phone: +8618861270200
City: LA
State: CA
Country: United States

Source: ABNewswire

ReleaseID: 47727

If Christmas Comes, Can Fosjoas K1 electric skateboard be Far Behind?

Christmas is coming! This means the long holiday, delicious food and shopping or traveling. The nice festival cannot lack a kind of exercise to relax. Besides, a suitable means of vehicle to travel around and enjoy the leisure time.

Christmas is one of the most popular festivals in many countries, people like to enjoy the long holiday. Some will choose to travel around for the beautiful scenes while others may want to exercise to keep fit. Though different people have different ways to pass Christmas, Fosjoas K1 is the necessity for all of them. The electric skateboards can meet the demands of various groups of customers. No matter exercise or travel around, Fosjoas K1 is the good accompany for all the customers.


Fosjoas K1 is the motorized skateboards which is designed like the general skateboards. It is equipped with a motor which provides power rather than manual power. The two balancing chips is equipped under the plate to keep balance. The two chips can prevent the case that one of them does not work and prevent the potential dangers and risks for the riders. No matter riding to travel around or doing exercise, riders can choose whether they can travel out or exercise around the house freely.

Remote control is another point. Fosjoas K1 can be started, stopped or speed up through the remote control. Users just need to stand on the plate to enjoy the scenes on the street. Besides, the attach of the wireless remote control skateboards is also changeable. So the tags with certain pattern or logo through the online store of Fosjoas can be bought by customers, which can make the electric skateboards unique.

Some customers may worry that the electric skateboards may be not stable on the rocky path. Equipped with TPU shock absorber, it can reduce the bump effectively. The riding experience will be more comfortable for those customers, so the journey or process of exercise will be enjoyable and satisfactory. The shock absorber can also reduce the accidents or dangers that may be caused by little rocks.


As a result, Fosjoas K1 is the best transport for people with Christmas holiday. Christmas is coming, Fosjoas K1 is not far behind!

Media Contact
Company Name: Moben Intl (England) Co., Limited
Contact Person: Jason
Phone: +86-755-83777600
Address:Room 707, Block A, Electronic Science & Technology Building, No. 2070, Shennan Middle Rd.
City: Shenzhen
State: Guangdong
Country: China

Source: ABNewswire

ReleaseID: 47726