Monthly Archives: October 2019

Silver Spruce Completes Melchett Lake Due Diligence Field Program

BRIDGEWATER, NS / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSXV:SSE)(Frankfort:S6Q1) ("Silver Spruce" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of its field due diligence program on the Melchett Lake Zn-Au-Ag volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") project, an advanced precious and base metal project in the Thunder Bay Mining District, northern Ontario, Canada. Mobilization to the Property by air from Nakina was conducted on October 3rd, 2019 for a seven-day field program focusing on the known targets with drill core and surface exposures.

"We are very pleased to report on management site visits to provide oversight on targeted exploration and data verification on the Melchett Lake VMS-Au Property which will support a pending decision to earn a 100% interest in the project," stated Karl Boltz, CEO of Silver Spruce.

"We continue to advance our due diligence pending multi-element geochemical results from rock and core samples, while building our Leapfrog GIS database with recently revised drill hole co-ordinates and all available drilling, geophysical and geological information to identify additional VMS sulphide mineral responses and alteration vectors leading to drill target identification," stated Greg Davison, Director of Silver Spruce. "Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines work permits currently are in place for our follow-up exploration program including geological sampling, trenching and diamond drilling."

Letter of Intent

Silver Spruce Resources Inc. signed a binding Letter of Intent ("LOI") to acquire 100% of the Melchett Lake Zn-Au-Ag volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") project, Thunder Bay Mining District, northern Ontario, Canada. The LOI was executed on September 9th, 2019. Silver Spruce has a 90-day window after signing the LOI to carry out its due diligence and prepare a Definitive Agreement ("DA").

Due Diligence and Exploration

The current work was performed to update and verify the multi-kilometre strike length of the known areas of mineralization, broad intervals of mineralization, intense alteration profile similar to well-known polymetallic deposits, and presence of high-grade values of both precious metals and base metals reported from the historical exploration.

Field work for the due diligence program focused on geological sampling and data verification on known occurrences, GPS location surveys of the historical drill collars to update the 2D and 3D Leapfrog model, and preservation and sampling of the diamond drill core stored on the Property.

The team examined the principal showings and trenches, and drill core at the Relf and Nakina targets separated by 5km along the principal mineralized trend. Limited ground truthing of geochemical and geophysical targets was conducted over areas peripheral to the known mineralization.

The Property was accessed via float equipped aircraft from Nakina to fly camps on both Relf Lake and Kapikotongwa Lake, the latter west of Melchett Lake, and by helicopter to camp sites and target areas from Nakina Airport.

The team spent four days at the Relf Lake showings and three days at the Nakina showings. Silver Spruce Director, Greg Davison, who worked the Melchett Lake area for Kerr Addison Mines and Tribute Minerals, respectively, led the management visit to the Property. Consulting Geologist Luc Lepage, MSc, PGeo, was the manager of the on-site activities for the field program. Mr. Lepage has extensive international experience including field work at the nearby Marshall Lake VMS project.

Drill core from the Stratabound Minerals program of two holes in 2007 and 2008 was stacked at the Relf Lake collar sites whereas Kerr Addison core from the 1983-1987 programs were stored in racks near the Kapikotongwa Lake ("Kap") camp location, two kilometres west of the Nakina showings. The former core was well preserved, and all of the remaining core was laid out and reviewed before cross-stacking, and 10cm whole core samples were collected for metal and alteration geochemistry. The altered and mineralized intervals previously were sampled in select sections using whole core (20% of 1metre intervals per 8metres, additional intervals in well mineralized core) and the abundant gap intervals were marked. The collars for the Relf area holes and the main trench zone were re-located using GPS.

The core at Kap-Nakina included Kerr Addison holes from both the Nakina and Relf targets. The core racks were in very poor condition and only a small proportion of the core was readily accessible for sampling as labels and core integrity were limited. Samples for geochemistry were selected only where hole identification was verified. The collars for the Nakina area holes, which exhibited significant variance from the assessment literature, and the trench zones, were re-located using GPS.

Rock sampling was carried out at both the Nakina and Relf targets at known trench locations. The Nakina targets are characterized by high silica-pyrite and a well foliated micaceous fabric. The Relf trenches are intensely altered and well oxidized on surface with extensive gossans with very friable to siliceous quartz-sericite schists, pervasive discoloration by iron and massive to spongy ferroan "blackjack" sphalerite in thin stringers to sphalerite-pyrite lenses of several centimetres, over an exposure of more than forty by twenty metres. The schists exhibited finely disseminated pyrite within granular quartz-sericite with pinch swell textures and steep dips along an east-west fabric. Lineations, from limited measurements, in the area are steeply dipping and appear orthogonal to the principal oblate alignment of the mineralization.

A total of seventy-two (72) rock and core samples were collected, sixty of which were submitted for multi-element geochemical analysis and the results are pending.

Maps and site photographs of the core and trench areas are available on the Silver Spruce website at Melchett Maps and Melchett Photos, and the geological and GIS compilations will be reported and posted on the Company website in due course.

An update to the NI 43-101 technical reporting initiated by an independent Qualified Person ("QP") is planned during Q1 2020 upon acquisition of the detailed airborne and downhole geophysical survey data, structural geology analysis, receipt of the due diligence assays, interpretation of the geochemical vectors and development of the 2020 program proposals.

Project Background

The Property, located within Melchett Lake greenstone belt of the English River Sub-province of the Archean-age Superior Province, is underlain by a bimodal mafic-felsic sequence of pyroclastics, tuffs and flows with cherts and Fe-lean to Fe-rich iron formation. Several occurrences of polymetallic Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au VMS style mineralization are similar in character to ore deposits exploited at Mattabi, Winston Lake, Geco, Brunswick, Rouyn-Noranda and Uchi Lake. There are locally high-grade lenses of Zn & Ag with variable Cu, Au and Pb, and historical gold grades to 28.8g/t Au, silver grades to 560g/t Ag and zinc grades to 19.1%.

Highlights of the prospective geology, alteration and mineralization include multiple folded or stacked horizons of coincident alteration and metal mineralization, high Zn/Cu, Zn/Pb and Ag/Au ratios, extensive remobilization of major and trace elements with defined enrichment (Fe, Mg, Co, Cr, Cd) and depletion (Na, Sr, Ca) zones, and continuity, increased alteration and anomalous metal values over large intervals (up to 245 metres in DDH SB-07-01 from 345-590metres) with a strong electromagnetic (BHTEM) 20 channel off-hole response.

Selected grab samples taken from the Relf Zone by Shawmin averaged 13.0% zinc (Zn), 1.2% lead (Pb), 0.26% copper (Cu) and 325g/t silver (Ag); best results received were 19.1% Zn, 2.2% Pb, 0.40% Cu, 565g/t Ag and 1.72g/t gold (Au). A selection of Relf Zone samples collected in 1984 by Kerr Addison geologist and current Silver Spruce director G. Davison is shown below.

Sample No.

Zinc %

Lead %

Copper %

Silver g/t


























At the Nakina l Zone, Nakina Mines reported, in separate samples, 14.85% Zn and 28.8g/t Au from a pyritized felsic volcanic unit. Rock sampling of a pyritized felsic volcanic unit in the Nakina 2 Zone by Kerr Addison returned a value of 15.08g/t Au.

Gold mineralization in the Iron Lake area, which was not examined during the current due diligence program, is traced for at least 600metres within a sheared, sericite-silica altered felsic metavolcanic and contains 3-8% pyrite, with lesser chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Grab samples reported 7.7g/t Au, 13.05g/t Au and 13.48g/t Au.

All of the above metal values were reported by past operators in the Melchett Lake area, from grab samples which may not be representative of the metal grades, and are historical in nature.

Exploration History

Base metals were first reported in 1959 by Kerr-Lund and Little Long Lac Gold Mines in the Kerr-Lund (Relf) Zone. Between 1964 and 1997, the area was held by Shawmin, Nakina Mines, Chimo Gold Mines, Falconbridge, Cominco, Kerr Addison Mines, Minnova, Inmet and Redbird. Tribute staked a large claim group in 1999 and during 2002 completed a 217 line-kilometre DIGHEMv airborne magnetic and electromagnetic geophysical survey using a 100metre separation. Stratabound Minerals, during 2007 and 2008, completed two drill holes and downhole geophysics with Maxwell modelling. The property was staked by the current Vendors in 2017.

In addition, Fugro carried out a regional airborne magnetic gradiometer survey for the Ontario Geological Survey from 2009-2010 which comprised over 75,000 line-kilometres of data acquisition, flown in a north-to-south direction with 200 metre flight line spacing and with full coverage over the Property and the Melchett Lake greenstone belt.

Geochemical Analysis, Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Samples were collected by the Company's QPs, packaged in plastic bags with Tyvek tags and shipped by contract air services to Nakina and, using the QPs' private vehicles, delivered directly to the ALS Global sample preparation facilities in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Photographs of the individual rock and core samples were collected from each sample prior to shipment. Several select rock samples from the Nakina and Relf trenches were split as required, with a representative portion bagged and sealed in packages by the QPs for analysis. These rock samples selected for display and investor meetings were photographed at the offices of the QP, and all images will be made available on the Company web site in due course.

Samples were weighed on receipt (WEI-21) and logged into the global tracking system (LOG-22). The samples were crushed to 70% passing 2mm (PREP-31) and a split of up to 250 grams was pulverized to 85% passing 75 micrometres (-200 mesh).

The sample pulps were transferred internally to ALS Global's North Vancouver analytical facility for analysis. ALS Global in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, is a facility certified as ISO 9001:2008 and accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 from the Standards Council of Canada.

Twenty-four pulps (25gram split) were then submitted for analysis by Aqua Regia Digestion followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) multi-element analyses (ALS Code AuME-TL43, 51 elements).

Thirty-six pulps were submitted for whole rock oxide, metals and multi-element analysis by lithium borate fusion and acid digestion followed by Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) (ALS Code ME-ICP06, 13 elements), Loss on Ignition (LOI) at 1000C by furnace or TGA, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) on the same fused bead after acid digestion (ALS Code ME-MS81d, 30 elements), and measured by Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) after a near-total digestion in a mixture of HCl, HNO3, HClO4, and HF (ALS Code ME-4ACD81, 12 elements).

All precious and base metal analyses that reach the over-limits of AuME-TL43, ME-MS81d or ME-4ACD81 will be re-analyzed with an Ore Grade method. Over-limit Cu (>1%), Pb (>1%), Zn (>1%) and Ag (>100ppm) samples are analyzed by Ore Grade 4 Acid Digestion followed by Ore Grade Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) for Pb (ALS Code Pb-OG62) and Ag (ALS Code Ag-OG62), and by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) for Cu (ALS Code Cu-AA62) and Zn (ALS Code Zn-AA62). Gold will be analyzed using 30gram fire assay with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (ALS Code Au-AA23). Over-limit Au (>10ppm) will be conducted by 30gram fire assay with Gravimetric finish (ALS Code Au-GRA21).

No independent or in-house quality control samples (blanks, standards, duplicates) were inserted into the sample sets. ALS Global conducts its own internal QA/QC program of blanks, standards and duplicates, and the results are provided with the Company sample certificates. The results of the ALS control samples will be reviewed by the Company's QP and evaluated for acceptable tolerances. All sample and pulp rejects will be stored at ALS Global pending full review of the analytical data, and future selection of pulps for independent third-party check analyses, as requisite.

Qualified Person

Greg Davison, MSc, PGeo and Silver Spruce Director, is the Company's internal Qualified Person (QP) for the Melchett Lake Project and is responsible for the technical content of this press release within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), under TSX guidelines. Mr. Davison worked the Melchett Lake area as Project manager and VP Exploration for Kerr Addison Mines (1983 and 1984) and Tribute Minerals (1999 to 2002), respectively. Consulting geologist Luc LePage, MSc, PGeo was the manager of the on-site activities for the field program and is a QP within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), under TSX guidelines.

About Silver Spruce Resources Inc.

Silver Spruce Resources Inc. is a Canadian junior exploration company pursuing development of the Pino De Plata project in western Chihuahua State, Mexico. The Company has signed a binding Letter of Intent to acquire 100% of the Melchett Lake Zn-Au-Ag project in northern Ontario, Canada and a binding Letter of Agreement to acquire 100% of the advanced Cocula gold project in Jalisco State, Mexico. Silver Spruce Resources Inc. continues to investigate opportunities that Management has identified or that have been presented to the Company for consideration.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The company seeks Safe Harbour.


Silver Spruce Resources Inc.

Karl Boltz, President/CEO/Director
(866) 641-3397

SOURCE: Silver Spruce Resources Inc.

ReleaseID: 564835

GRN Holding Corporation, (Formerly Discovery Gold Corporation) adds Deborah Pace as Director of Investor Relations

SEATTLE, WA / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / GRN Holding Corporation, Formerly Discovery Gold Corporation, (OTC PINK:DCGD, the "Company"), is pleased to announce it has added Deborah Pace to its team as Director of Investor Relations.

Deborah has over 25 years of journalism, broadcasting, public relations and media relations experience in a variety of settings that include building and nurturing relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. For the past 14 years, Deborah has been a financial journalist with Acuris, and she has previously held various roles in print, radio and television media, as well as in marketing and public relations.

"We're pleased to have Deborah as a solid addition to our team," said Justin Costello, CEO of the Company. "She brings an extensive amount of communications experience and financial expertise to GRN Holding Corp. and will be a key member of the team tasked with creating new, and building on existing, relationships in a number of areas."

Regarding the appointment to the Director of Investor Relations position, Ms. Pace said, "I am excited to be joining a hard-working, growth-minded team of executives in such a diversified and growing industry. GRN Holding Corporation is a game-changer at the forefront of a budding industry, and I am looking forward to bringing my skillset to the table to help catapult its growth."

About GRN Hold Corporation

GRN Holding Corporation (OTC:DCGD) is a Nevada registered publicly traded company.

For more information, please contact:

Richard Hawkins

Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains "forward-looking statements" which are not purely historical and may include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things, the development, costs and results of new business opportunities and words such as "anticipate", "seek", intend", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "project", "plan", or similar phrases may be deemed "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with new projects, the future U.S. and global economies, the impact of competition, and the Company's reliance on existing regulations regarding the use and development of cannabis-based products. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that any beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in our annual report on Form 10-k, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information, please visit

SOURCE: GRN Holding Corporation

ReleaseID: 564836

Inaugural Flight of Global Hemp Group’s Hemp Biocomposite Drone for Agricultural Monitoring

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / GLOBAL HEMP GROUP INC. ("GHG" or the "Company") (CSE:GHG)(OTC PINK:GBHPF)(FRANKFURT:GHG) is pleased toannounce that the "Field Agent" hemp drone has made its inaugural flight over Global Hemp's joint venture hemp farm in Scio, Oregon. The flight was a great success and marked the beginning of the beta testing phase of the Hemp-Fiber biocomposite drone developed specifically for agricultural monitoring. Further beta testing will be conducted over the coming weeks to continue the development of Field Agent as the project moves into Phase II to begin developing the manufacturing and marketing plan.

In order to have increased access to hemp biomass to complete work on the Field Agent and to initiate a number of additional hemp development projects contemplated, Q Worx LLC ("QWorx") has recently relocated their operations from Florida to Scio, Oregon to be near the Company's hemp farm. QWorx will now have access to hemp stalk, fiber, hurd, seed and fan leaves for research on these various projects. QWorx is currently researching the feasibility of developing a binder from components of the hemp seed, fan leaves and/or stalk of the hemp plant to develop a 100% biodegradable composite material. The hemp stalk and seed contain useful lignins, cellulose, and starches that can potentially be used in the formulation of a non-toxic, biodegradable binder.

GHG has been impressed with the progress QWorx has made on the development of the Field Agent prototype. In light of this, the Company is excited to announce that it has entered into a second Technology Development Agreement with QWorx to develop a cold air rapid drying system specially designed for drying hemp and cannabis flower. This unique drying system will deliver a much more efficient solution than traditional drying systems that use heat. By using cold air for drying and curing versus the traditional warm air, degradation of cannabinoids that occurs when heat is applied will be greatly reduced. The system is extremely versatile as it can also be operated using heat if required. The system is designed to reduce labor and fuel costs associated with most current drying systems and will significantly reduce the drying time for the flower. The drying system will not only be cost effective to operate; it can potentially generate 40% to 60% of the energy required to operate it, using a unique and proprietary technology being developed by QWorx. The dryer prototype is expected to be ready for testing on the first harvest from the Company's greenhouse operation later this year.

The cold air rapid drying system has been designed with very few moving parts that could break down, and will have a shell constructed out of hemp composite material made from the biomass produced at GHG's hemp farm. This is just one more example of utilizing what most hemp farmers consider waste, the hemp stalks. Hemp is the only plant on earth that can feed, clothe, house, fuel and medicate society, Global Hemp Group and QWorx intend to promote whole plant processing. There is no waste from the harvested hemp plant, 100% of the plant is useable.


Follow the development of the Scio Oregon Hemp Project and the projects being developed through GHG's partnership with QWorx, as well as a video of the Inaugural flight of the Field Agent on Instagram @hemp_global.

About Global Hemp Group Inc.

Global Hemp Group Inc. (OTC PINK:GBHPF) (CSE:GHG) (FRANKFURT:GHG), is focused on a multi-phased strategy to build a strong presence in the industrial hemp industry in both Canada and the United States. The Company is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, with hemp cultivation operations in Oregon State. The first phase of this strategy is to develop hemp cultivation with the objective of extracting cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, CBN & CBC) and creating a near term revenue stream that will allow the Company to expand and develop successive phases of the strategy. The second phase of the plan will focus on the development of value-added industrial hemp products utilizing the processing of the whole hemp plant, as envisioned in the Company's Hemp Agro-Industrial Zone (HAIZ) strategy.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements

Certain information set forth in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of Global Hemp Group Inc., including, but not limited to the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations, dependence upon regulatory approvals, the availability of future financing and exploration risk, the legality of cannabis and hemp. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.Except as required by law, Global Hemp Group Inc. disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward looking statements or otherwise.

The CSE has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For Further Information Contact Global Hemp Group

Tel: 424-354-2998

SOURCE: Global Hemp Group Inc.

ReleaseID: 564786

STEUBEN TRUST CORPORATION SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. Announces Investigation Of Merger

WILMINGTON, DE / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.:

Do you own shares of Steuben Trust Corporation (OTC PINK:SBHO)? 
Did you purchase any of your shares prior to October 21, 2019?
Do you think the proposed merger is fair?
Do you want to discuss your rights?

Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. announces that it is investigating potential legal claims against the board of directors of Steuben Trust Corporation ("Steuben" or the "Company") (OTC Pink: SBHO) regarding possible breaches of fiduciary duties and other violations of law related to the Company's entry into an agreement to be acquired by Community Bank System, Inc. ("Community Bank System") (NYSE:CBU) in a transaction valued at approximately $106.8 million. Under the terms of the agreement, shareholders of Steuben will receive $12.60 in cash and 0.8054 shares of Community Bank System common stock for each share of Steuben they own.

If you own common stock of Steuben and purchased any shares before October 21, 2019, if you would like to learn more about this investigation, or if you have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interests, please contact Seth D. Rigrodsky or Gina M. Serra toll-free at (888) 969-4242, by e-mail at, or at

Rigrodsky & Long, P.A., with offices in Delaware, New York, and California, has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of investors and achieved substantial corporate governance reforms in numerous cases nationwide, including federal securities fraud actions, shareholder class actions, and shareholder derivative actions.

Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.
Seth D. Rigrodsky
Gina M. Serra
(888) 969-4242
(302) 295-5310
Fax: (302) 654-7530

SOURCE: Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.

ReleaseID: 564436

Truvalue Labs(TM) Announces New Global Head of Client Solutions

Industry Veteran Adam Salvatori, previously with Goldman Sachs®, tapped to grow new and existing client partnerships

SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / Truvalue Labs, the pioneer in AI-driven environmental, social and governance (ESG) data, today announced the addition of Adam Salvatori in a new role as Global Head of Client Solutions. Salvatori will leverage over 13 years of experience in the financial, technology and startup industries to oversee Truvalue Labs' client solutions and integration initiatives while managing new and existing client partnerships. He will be part of the executive leadership team and report to the CEO, Hendrik Bartel.

Prior to joining Truvalue Labs, Salvatori served as Global Head of Commodities Systematic Trading Strats and Head of Americas Commodities Investor Strats at Goldman Sachs. In this role, Salvatori worked with clients to customize financial and digital solutions across asset classes, built strategic partnerships, and helped lead principal investments that drove top line revenue growth. He was one of the original developers and thought leaders of the Goldman Sachs Securities division's digital platform, Marquee™. His career also includes a leadership role with Kensho, where he co-founded and built out the financial products division from scratch. At Kensho, Salvatori helped lead the company through rapid growth stages and was one of the first industry pioneers to leverage AI to systematically construct indices from unstructured data. Salvatori started his career in the tech industry at IBM® as a mainframe cryptographic security engineer, where he received a patent for his work.

"First and foremost, client success is the most critical aspect of our strategy at Truvalue Labs," said Hendrik Bartel, CEO. "Adam is a natural fit for our team, and he joins at an exciting time to help support our ongoing momentum as we work to double down on our explosive growth trajectory going into 2020."

"As ESG continues to go mainstream, and the applications of AI in finance continue to explode, there is a huge market to tap into, and I look forward to forging new partnerships and working with clients to help them build differentiated solutions," said Salvatori. "Truvalue Labs is a very solutions-centric company with the ultimate goal of helping customers achieve success, and the client solutions team will align directly with that key mission. The caliber of talent and experience that Truvalue Labs has managed to assemble across the globe, as well as the platform's AI capabilities, are parallel to none that I have come across in the industry."

Salvatori will work alongside clients to help them construct differentiated solutions that suit both their unique investment processes and commercial objectives. Truvalue Labs' library of services will be customized in partnership with clients to ensure quality integrations that achieve both the client's business growth and workflow objectives. For more information on Truvalue Labs' latest partnerships, visit

About Truvalue Labs™

Truvalue Labs is the first company to apply artificial intelligence (AI) to uncover timely and material Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) information at scale. The company's mission is to deliver increased transparency to investment professionals by providing data and analytics that go beyond traditional fundamentals. It is backed by investors including Series A round lead Katalyst Ventures, based in San Francisco. The award-winning products, Truvalue Platform™, Truvalue Data™ and Truvalue Cloud™, deliver investable insights by revealing value and risk factors from unstructured data at the speed of current events. Visit to learn more about the SaaS and API products.


Caliber Corporate Advisers
Lauren Perry

SOURCE: Truvalue Labs

ReleaseID: 564831

Voip-Pal CEO Emil Malak on Monetizing Their Switching Technology for Internet Calling

In an interview with CEOCFO Magazine, VOIP-PAL CEO and Director Emil Malak discusses their Patents on the technology needed to switch phone calls from land lines to internet connected calls

WASHINGTON, DC / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / CEOCFO Magazine, an independent investment publication that highlights important technologies and companies, today announced an interview ( with Emil Malak, founder of Voip-Pal (OTCQB:VPLM), a Vancouver, B.C.-based company inventers and pioneers of the switching technology now being used by many of the world's largest telecommunication and social networking companies, without which they could not connect Landline phone calls to Internet phone calls.

As Malak explained in the interview, "We started with five original core patents which we first applied for in November 2006. Between April 2013 and March 2014 those five original patents were all issued. After each patent was issued we filed for continuation patents and have built a portfolio so far of more than 20 patents in the US alone. We also have patents in Europe, Indonesia, Asia and we are expecting approvals soon in other countries".

What the VOIP-PAL patented technology does is allow phone calls routed over the Internet to be seamlessly transferred between traditional landlines, cell phone networks and the internet. Without their technology this would be practically impossible and costly today. Malak notes, "The big players have broken our patent and are using our technology without licensing it. Each one should be paying a fee to use our technology".

Every company that is currently in telecommunications, whether internet or legacy (PSTN), such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Apple, and Facebook, and also companies like Amazon because of Alexa, and Google etc., have been and are still using our Voip-Pal system. "We consider their subscribers to be our indirect subscribers," says Malak

As Malak told CEOCFO's Bud Wayne, "We have been fighting some of the most powerful companies in the world in Apple, Amazon. AT&T, Verizon and Twitter. So far we have prevailed in eight IPR challenges and we expect to prevail soon in four others that were filed earlier this year. We are appealing an Alice 101 challenge before the Federal Appeals Court and defending against another in Federal District Court".

Malak explains how difficult it is for most companies and inventors to bring new technologies to the marketplace, "Big tech companies decided they no longer wanted to pay in order to use other company's patents; they wanted to simply steal intellectual property. So they spent billions of dollars in lobbying efforts."

In discussing other projects he is involved with Emil Malak tells CEOCFO, "We are working on a delivery method that will remove THC and all its harmful effects and just provide the user with all the positive benefits of CBD." When asked if he would patent his other projects, Malak responds, "Oh no! I am following my own advice… We will keep our technology as a strict trade secret".


Bud Wayne
CEOCFO Magazine


ReleaseID: 564809


WILMINGTON, DE / ACCESSWIRE /  October 31, 2019 / Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.:

Do you own shares of Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. (NASDAQ GS:CETV)? 
Did you purchase any of your shares prior to October 27, 2019?
Do you think the proposed buyout is fair?
Do you want to discuss your rights?

Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. announces that it is investigating potential legal claims against the board of directors of Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. ("CME" or the "Company") (NASDAQ GS: CETV) regarding possible breaches of fiduciary duties and other violations of law related to the Company's entry into an agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of PPF Group N.V. ("PPF Group") in a transaction valued at approximately $2.1 billion. Under the terms of the agreement, shareholders of CME will receive $4.58 in cash for each share of CME they own.

If you own common stock of CME and purchased any shares before October 27, 2019, if you would like to learn more about this investigation, or if you have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interests, please contact Seth D. Rigrodsky or Gina M. Serra toll-free at (888) 969-4242, by e-mail at, or at

Rigrodsky & Long, P.A., with offices in Delaware, New York, and California, has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of investors and achieved substantial corporate governance reforms in numerous cases nationwide, including federal securities fraud actions, shareholder class actions, and shareholder derivative actions.

Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.
Seth D. Rigrodsky
Gina M. Serra
(888) 969-4242
(302) 295-5310
Fax: (302) 654-7530

SOURCE: Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.

ReleaseID: 564834

YouTube Calisthenics Expert Austin Dunham Launches his New AD Workout Training Program and Coaching

In the Innovative New Program, Dunham Will Teach People How to Get Fit at Home

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / Austin Dunham, a young fitness influencer, entrepreneur and top YouTube calisthenics expert, is pleased to announce the launch of his new AD Workout Training Program and Coaching.

To learn more about AD Workout and/or to sign up for the program, please visit

As a spokesperson for Dunham noted, he began his fitness and calisthenics journey by watching YouTube videos in his dorm room. Dunham needed to improve his ability to do pushups for a physical fitness test for ROTC, and he turned to the social media site for help.

Dunham found the YouTube videos to be so helpful, he was inspired to create his own channel and share with people not only his passion for fitness but his progress and experience with calisthenics.

"As the channel grew, he traveled around the world growing and collaborating with some of the biggest names in the fitness industry, all while building his fitness brand, AD Workout," the spokesperson noted, adding that Dunham launched his AD Workout company in 2016.

Now, through the launch of his AD Workout Training Program and Coaching, Dunham hopes to help even more people to improve their fitness and transform their bodies in amazing and healthy ways. Rather than joining a gym, which can be an expensive endeavor for many people, Dunham's new program allows people to work out from the comfort of their own home.

"Through AD Workout, I hope to transform hundreds of thousands of peoples' lives and bodies through my unique fitness programs and services by gaining real strength and real power," Dunham said, adding that he also hopes to continue to build a strong brand and become the go-to within his niche.

In addition to his AD Workout Training Program and Coaching, Dunham has achieved quite a deal of success on YouTube. He currently has half a million subscribers on the popular website and his name and brand have achieved a great deal of traction in recent months.

"I enjoy creating helpful content online and people connect with me by being inspired by my skills and learning how to do what I do," Dunham said.

About Austin Dunham:

Austin Dunham is a young fitness influencer, entrepreneur and Creator of AD Workout Training Programs and Coaching. With 4-plus years of calisthenics experience, Austin has built accreditation and is now recognized widely as one of the top YouTube Calisthenics Experts. For more information, please visit

Austin Dunham
(904) 349-6949

SOURCE: Austin Dunham

ReleaseID: 563574

Leo Acquisitions Announces Meeting Results

Not for Distribution to U.S. Newswire Services or for Dissemination in the United States.

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / Leo Acquisitions Corp. (NEX:LEQ.H) ("Leo" or the "Company") is pleased to announce at the Company's Annual General and Special Meeting (the "Meeting") held on October 30, 2019, shareholders approved all of the resolutions put forward at the Meeting, namely:

the appointment of RSM Canada, LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the Company's auditor for the ensuing year and authorizing the board of directors to fix its remuneration;
the election of Gerald Goldberg, Warren Goldberg, Michael Newman, Richard Brown, Phil Droznika and Catherine Lu to serve as directors of the Company and to hold office until the next annual meeting of the shareholders or until his or her office is earlier vacated;
the adoption of the Company's new stock option plan; and
a special resolution authorizing the Company to amend its articles of incorporation to change the name of the Company as the board of directors may determine in its discretion in connection with the Company's proposed reverse takeover transaction (the "Transaction") with CBx Brands Inc. (the "Name Change Resolution").

The Name Change Resolution does not take immediate effect and will implemented at such time that the board deems appropriate in connection with the Transaction.

The Company also presented the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2019, 2018 and 2017, together with the auditor's report thereon.

About Leo Acquisitions Corp.

Leo Acquisitions Corp. is a capital pool company as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange. The Company was incorporated on October 28, 2009 and has not commenced commercial operations and has no significant assets other than cash. Leo's common shares are currently halted from trading and are expected to remain halted pending the completion of the Transaction and until after the TSX Venture Exchange has reviewed the materials in support of the Transaction.

Forward-looking Statements

The information in this news release includes certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward looking statements. These statements are based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, the actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicated by these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, the implementation of the Name Change Resolution and the completion of the Transaction. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements as well as future results. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in forward looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct, or that the Transaction will be completed as proposed or at all. Except as required by law, the Company disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise. As of the date of this release, the Company has not entered into a definitive agreement with CBx Brands Inc. with respect to the Transaction and there can be no assurances that such an agreement will be executed or that the Transaction will be completed.

For further information please contact:

Leo Acquisitions Corp.
Gerald Goldberg
Chief Executive Officer
(416) 460-3000

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

SOURCE: Leo Acquisitions Corp.

ReleaseID: 564799

Brandon Groce Announces the Launch of a New Online Course that Teaches Others How to Build Their Brand Online

During the Course, Creatives and Anyone Else Who Wishes to Grow their Brand will Learn How to Gain the Attention their Craft Deserves

WASHINGTON, DC / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2019 / Brandon Groce, a Designer and Digital Strategist, is pleased to announce the launch of his new online course that will teach creatives and others how to build or grow their brand online.

To learn more about the course and/or to enroll, please check out Groce's Instagram page at

As Groce noted, the world of design is not as accessible as many people might imagine. This industry, which has grown over the decades and is responsible for the branding of any company or famous individual, can at times be too exclusive.

Through his work as a Designer and Digital Strategist, Groce wants to fix this issue by providing design education to those who want it. As someone who struggled with finding an appropriate and inspiring learning environment growing up, he can relate with those who feel scared or incapacitated to learn about design.

"When I was younger, I never raised my hand in school because I was too afraid of being wrong. One day I raised my hand because I knew the answer to the question, but everyone had become accustomed to me being wrong, including the teacher. All the students laughed at me and I felt stupid, small and insignificant. Because of that day I strive with all my heart and energy to help individuals who feel the same way I did that day in the classroom," Groce said.

The feeling of shame and embarrassment he felt when he was just a kid who was trying to learn, is in part what inspires Groce to make design education more accessible. Groce recently launched his new course because he wants others to know that regardless of their situation or setbacks, they can achieve progress in their lives and careers.

"I was told I had learning disabilities. I was told by teachers and colleagues that I would never be able to make anything for myself, and I've proved them wrong. I am a college dropout turned designer and digital strategist for Fortune 500s, as well as a design educator. I've worked with some of the largest and coolest brands in the world today," Groce said.

As a designer, Brandon has worked with Adobe, Disney, Hilton, LG, Salesforce, CES and Dannon, among others. Through his work, he helped them build their brand and improve their sales online. In addition, Groce hosts the podcast Design Huddle, where he and his co-host Ryan Warrender, discuss news and important stories related to the world of design.

Groces's next projects include building courses on Adobe XD and animation, since designers constantly ask him how to design and animate the way they see him do on his Instagram feed. In addition, Groce wants to continue collaborating with Adobe on other educational and tutorial content for the creative community.

About Brandon Groce:

Brandon Groce is a Designer and Digital Strategist for Fortune 500 companies. He uses design and social media to create sales funnels and gain massive attention for brands such as Adobe, Disney, Dannon, Hilton, and LG. Over the past year, he's focused on helping other creative entrepreneurs grow their personal brands and gain attention. For more information, please visit

Paula Henderson

SOURCE: Brandon Groce

ReleaseID: 564828