Monthly Archives: December 2019

Foretec Releases Free Report Titled Launch Business with Virtual Office in Singapore

Foretec has today released a free report on How Virtual Office service can help you. titled Launch Business with Virtual Office. For those interested in downloading the report at no cost, it is currently available at

December 29, 2019 /MarketersMedia/

Foretec today has made available and at no cost to the reader; a free comprehensive report on how Virtual Office service can help you. titled: “Launch Business with Virtual Office in Singapore“.

The report has two key aims, written mostly to be relevant to aspiring entrepreneurs, though it will also prove very useful and informative to many others, and anyone dealing with the topic of how Virtual Office service can help you. itself, in any regard.

The report’s primary aim is to provide the reader with massive information about how virtual office services can help them. Norie Sy, the author of the report, explains that this will gives valuable information to the reader and it will ultimately benefit them by providing them knowledge about the importance of having a virtual office.

Norie Sy also states that the report was written with aspiring entrepreneurs largely in mind, because “I felt this report was the best way to benefit most people especially those who are struggling to launch their business.”

It is worth noting that after 6 years, Foretec is in a unique position to produce this report and distribute it to all interested parties, as it has gained a particular insight into the Digital Marketing market.

This comes in no small part from being dedicated to establishing itself as a Top Digital Marketing provider in Singapore and becoming synonymous with delivering cutting edge information openly to its readers, giving them a real advantage.

Its unique position within its industry gives it the authority to produce a reliable report that manages to provide the reader with massive information on how virtual office services can help them and explain why they need this service to launch their business fast.

When asked about why they released the report at this time, Lester Sim, CEO at Foretec said: “I am so excited to release this free report on how virtual office can help them establish their business. We do this because we believe it’s time things were done better. Ultimately this is going to be a huge benefit to our customers because it will help them start their business in Singapore without spending much on leasing and rental fees.”

Interested parties can find the report ready to download, for free, at

More information on Foretec can be found at

Contact Info:
Name: Lester Sim
Email: Send Email
Organization: Foretec

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Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88940514

Microdosing LSD for Alzheimer’s Safe in Early Human Trial

The movement for LSD and psilocybin to confer acute anti-depressant effects have been tested in the past-showing the same results

Orange County , United States – December 28, 2019 /MarketersMedia/

Results from one of the first placebo-controlled clinical trials investigating the effects of microdosing Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) have been published. According to the new study, Phase 1 trial is the first level in testing whether certain kinds of experimental microdose techniques could be beneficial as a therapeutic approach for treating Alzheimer’s disease. While new data doesn’t identify significant cognitive benefits in microdosing, it does prove that the method is safe enough to try on larger groups.

The movement for LSD and psilocybin to confer acute anti-depressant effects have been tested in the past-showing the same results. Psilocybin, in particular, has demonstrated hopeful enough in this area for the FDA to give it Breakthrough Therapy status twice over the last year. One of the new ways this compound helps is by stimulating serotonin 5-HT2A receptors in the brain.

The team explains that these particular brain receptors not only mediate cognitive function, however, but disruptions to these neural processes have also been discovered in most early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, including psychiatric symptoms liked anxiety and depression.

“Our research with serotonin 5-HT2A receptor agonists, such as LSD, suggests that they may represent a new strategy to treat diseases associated with chronic inflammation,” describes Charles Nichols, co-author of the new study.

“LSD’s unique polypharmacology may serve to enhance its capacity to simultaneously modulate multiple key pathological processes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease, including neuroinflammation, that is implicated in its progression from mild cognitive impairment.”

Due to the potency of the LSD, it restricts its ability to be distributed broadly and consistently as conventional medicine. Experts will be able to give one or two potent doses accompanied by structured psychotherapy sessions that may help treat major depression or addiction. Yet, these psychedelics are not realistically deployable in cases for sustained treatments.

Microdosing has become a huge interest not only for users but for the scientist who wants to explore the actual effects. Researchers from the University of Chicago conducted one of the first studies to explore these questions.

The examination did not explore the longer-term effects of microdosing but rather was investigating how single, shallow LSD doses affect a subject’s mood and cognition. A typical hallucinogenic LSD dose is approximately 100 to 200 micrograms (μg). When they tested four different dosages – a placebo, 6.5, 13, or 26 μg – the researchers inferred 13 μg is the highest dose recommended for a microdose. At 26 μg, subjects began experiencing “drug-like sensations.”

However, this new study reports results from a trial carried out in the UK. Phase 1 clinical trial set out mainly to explore the safety and tolerability of periodic LSD microdoses in healthy older adults. The test is primarily a forerunner to a more significant Phase 2 study on the efficacy of LSD microdoses for Alzheimer’s disease.

“The study provides reassuring safety data and opens the door for larger-scale clinical trials to evaluate the potential therapeutic effects of LSD,” says Robin Carhart-Harris, head of the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London.

The new research offers a useful safety profile for sustained LSD microdosing, allowing scientists to move forward with more focused efficacy studies.

However, the new following data on the cognitive outcomes of this kind of microdosing is so far not pointing to the anecdotally popular technique as improving very much at all.

Yet, the new study offers a periodic dosing strategy that more resembles the experience of anecdotal microdoses; yet, it also did not identify any particular cognitive or sensory alterations in its cohort.

When under the influence of a microdose, the subjects consistently overestimated how long a couple of seconds lasted. It is still unclear precisely what this discover even means in terms of how an LSD microdose influences explicitly a person’s subjective sense of time. However, what the study did make clear is that microdoses may confer some degree of cognitive control in sub-perceptual doses, even when the user does not perceive any conscious effect from the drug.

The new study was published in the journal Psychopharmacology.

The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Contact: James William
Company: The Recover
Address: Huntington Beach, CA
Contact Number: (888) 510-3898

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Email: Send Email
Organization: The Recover
Address: 2065 NEW HAVEN AVE
Phone: 19495319260

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Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88940931

Nevan Donahue Presents the New Technologies That Help With Maintaining the Ocean

Pollution is arguably the most acute problem for the waters of the world.

New York, NY – December 28, 2019 /MarketersMedia/

Despite water being vital for life on Earth, humans proved to be bad watchers over the oceans. Pollution saw many faces and it reached a level that appears impossible to reverse. Human concern, dedication, and enthusiasm determined many countries to act and positive changes started to be seen. However, the current crisis was caused by technology, yet without it the results would have been slower to show. Much hope is pinned on the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), and technological progress is already yielding solutions expected to give humanity a fighting chance against the threats oceans are facing, says Nevan Donahue, a top executive at and a passionate marine conservation supporter.

Pollution is arguably the most acute problem for the waters of the world, adversely impacting aquatic life and the livelihood of more than 3 billion people, according to a United Nations report. With 8 million tons of trash dumped into oceans every year, there will be more plastic waste than fish (in terms of total weight) by 2050, as estimated by the World Economic Forum. Recycling can help cope with the pollution problem, but technology and science are being harnessed to create truly biodegradable materials, and many projects are focused on finding a cost-effective way of transforming waste into fuel, Nevan Donahue notes. Additionally, organizations such as The Ocean Cleanup are using satellite imaging and machine learning to remove plastic trash from the worst-affected areas, estimating that 50% of the garbage could be collected within five years.

In addition to pollution, acidification and overfishing are posing a severe threat to biodiversity and depleting ocean resources at an alarming rate. Protecting habitats and species is critical for the preservation of marine ecosystems, James Nevan Donahue stresses, adding that technology can help restore the balance. Robots are already helping repair coral reefs, which house a quarter of all marine life, according to the World Wildlife Fund. Drones, satellites, and advanced sensors are monitoring areas at high risk, providing a wealth of data that is analyzed with the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to guide decisions and strategies. Meanwhile, the Internet of Things (IoT) is making it possible to deploy solutions that ensure the transparency and sustainability of fishing. Smart nets are reducing bycatch, thus reducing wasteful practices, while high-tech tagging provides invaluable data about movement and migration patterns. Tracking marine life and collecting information is critical for ocean conservation, but adequate action requires in-depth study of the data, which is where analytics and AI come into play. Blockchain, a technology utilizing cryptography, is also showing great promise as it can enhance traceability and promote compliance in the supply chain, ensuring transparency and accountability.

James Nevan Donahue is in charge of strategy and business development at – a collective of comedic writers catering to the needs of marketers, brands, and individuals. Drawing on the creative power of more than 10,000 content producers, the online social comedy platform provides original ideas in real time, helping clients meet the specific demands of communication in the digital age. Nevan Donahue and his wife, Sarah Berner, are the founders of The Real Senior Prom – a service specialized in organizing dance parties at senior homes, centers, and residences. Outside of his work responsibilities, he is a passionate supporter of environmental causes, most notably ocean conservation, and is a board member at the Blue Sphere Foundation.

Nevan Donahue – Head of Strategy and Business Development at

James Nevan Donahue (@james_n_donahue) – Instagram:

James N. Donahue – Head of Strategy and Business Development at – LinkedIn:

Contact Info:
Name: NDN
Email: Send Email

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Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88940929

Top 10 Entrepreneurs to Make an Impact in 2020

SEATTLE, WA / ACCESSWIRE / December 28, 2019 / Entrepreneurs often start a business when they believe they have a service that will genuinely make an impact on someone's life. At Next Level Brand, co-founders Tyce Escalante and Johnny Medina both shared a vision in helping remarkable individuals share their stories and be heard. So we created Next Level Brand to find the most successful business owners and entrepreneurs and do just that.

Here at Next Level Brand, we sat down with a few successful entrepreneurs and interviewed them on how they plan to make an impact with their business in the upcoming year. Here are the top 10 most impactful entrepreneurs to look out for in 2020:

Omar Hassam – Founder and CEO of Influencer School

He's excited about creating a massive impact in 2020! His mission is to personally mentor 108 transformational coaches to help them take their work online, and build a personal brand that generates high ticket coaching clients every month consistently. It's all about leveraging an individual's Business DNA to build their brand's presence so that they can transform themselves into a highly paid expert online. He will also place a significant emphasis on helping them systematize their online marketing and delivery so that they can scale up and create a movement around their work with his formula.

David Phan – Founder and CEO of Phaners

He has helped build multiple 6-7 figure businesses worldwide with digital marketing and is now on a mission to impact more people with an upcoming social media course. In his course, he will be sharing his knowledge on how to grow a strong online presence and then monetize it regardless of which niche you are in.

Kev King Kouyoumijan – CEO of World Tech Toys

World Tech Toys for 2020 is going after Major Licenses such as Transformers, Power Rangers, Paw Patrol, TMNT, Spongebob, and more. We are also doing collaborations with Celebrities such as Kylie Jenner and Many more in the works. With World Tech Toys being one of the brands Big Box retailers support, we are very excited for the year 2020 and being able to bring smiles to millions of kids around the world.

Arman Sadeghi – Founder and CEO of Titanium Marketing

With his award-winning digital marketing agency, Arman and his team are ready to have their most significant growth year ever! In 2020, He's laser-focused on consistently innovating in digital marketing and helping his clients continue to dominate online. His goal is to become the largest marketing agency in California by the end of the year. To make that happen, He's working with my team to provide massive value for every client. Considering that 85% of our business comes from referrals, they are focused on delivering even more over-the-top customer service for every client.

Jacob Sapochnick – Attorney at Sapochnick Law Firm

Our law firm is taking immigration law to the next level. We focus on helping entrepreneurs move to the United States and create amazing opportunities for growth and innovation. We also page the way for US employers that want to bring the best and the brightest to help them grow. We are innovators within the immigration law industry. We are excited to offer a co-working space so we can have a place for businesses to collaborate and scale. Our members will thrive because they have the support they need, and the goal is to expand nationwide. Meanwhile, Jacob will continue to use social media and build influence across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok to spread the love for people, travel, and world unity. The more people stay connected and learn from each, the better world it will be.

Ricky Andrade – Founder and CEO of Market Masters Academy

For the past two years, Ricky has been perfecting an auto trading software designed to use Artificial Intelligence to place winning trades over and over again. Well, in November, He finally got his winning product, and he plans to use it to make many people (including himself) very rich. Ricky's bot has $10,000+ days, and he intends to use it to take 2020 by storm.

Shaan Parvaga – Founder and COO of The DropShipperz

With his automated Amazon dropshipping service company, he plans on helping thousands create a hands-free income. 2020 will be a big year for Shaan as he and his team have put together an event 'Unify.' They plan on showing the world multiple opportunities to help them leave their current jobs or enhance their current lifestyle. With their entrepreneur label company "E Label" where they plan on helping entrepreneurs and major influencers that are experts at their niche to maximize their reach and profits. Even with all those projects and businesses underway, he plans on growing his social media platform and utilizing it to reach millions of people to spread positivity and show people that it doesn't matter where you come from in life, you can make anything of yourself. To change the education system to have kids follow their dreams and not just a curriculum.

Jacob Zetino – Founder and CEO of Dapper Penguin

Jacob firmly believes as an entrepreneur, producer, or leader, the thoughts you have each day matter. Thinking is where the process of launching your next business begins, and your mind is where you can work through different scenarios before you invest time and money. As the CEO of the award-winning Dapper Penguin, he watched the streaming platform wars continue with the likes of Apple+, Disney+, and of course, Netflix, so he and his team are strategically positioning themselves to create a new outlet for filmmakers with their new channel "The Artist Collective." Even within their industry of entertainment, just like stocks or cryptocurrencies are watched for trends, he believes his industry is not as volatile as one might think. You always have to change the game and stay the course!

Tony Martinez – CEO of Success is The Movement

Tony plans on creating a more significant impact in 2020 by continuing to educate himself on today's market as well as understanding the new consumer behavior trends to help his clients as best as he can. I plan on doing continues applied market studies to deliver even more real and relevant value to my clients. He feels this will then attract more people to do business with him as a consultant, and also get more people to attend his seminars. The more people he has attending his seminars, the more that his platform (Fearless Sales and entrepreneurship seminar) will be able to donate to local cancer foundations. The way they have done in every event over the last five years, however, at a larger scale.

Isaiah Swift – Author and TEDx Speaker

It's been two years since he's published his first book, "Unlock Your Greatness," 8 ways to be successful in High School and Beyond. He didn't anticipate how many intangible benefits there were to publish a book. Surprisingly, so many people from different ages have walked up to Isaiah and told him that after reading his book, they gained more wisdom, perspective, and motivation and that they resonated with his book because of its timeless message. Isaiah's goal in 2020 is to scale this impact by implementing the book into middle and high school curriculums across the country so that students can take the principles that he shared and apply them in the real world.

Contact Name: Tyce Escalante
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Company Name: Next Level Brand

SOURCE: Next Level Brand

ReleaseID: 571558

IMPORTANT JANUARY DEADLINE: The Schall Law Firm Announces the Filing of a Class Action Lawsuit Against HEXO Corp. and Encourages Investors with Losses in Excess of $250,000 to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 28, 2019 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces the filing of a class action lawsuit against HEXO Corp. ("HEXO" or "the Company") (NYSE:HEXO) for violations of §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investors who purchased the Company's securities between January 25, 2019 and November 15, 2019, inclusive (the ''Class Period''), are encouraged to contact the firm before January 27, 2020.

If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.

We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 404, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 424-303-1964, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at, or by email at

The class, in this case, has not yet been certified, and until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If you choose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

According to the Complaint, the Company made false and misleading statements to the market. HEXO failed to write down obsolete and valueless products causing it to misstate inventory. The Company engaged in channel stuffing schemes to inflate its financial performance. The Company also grew cannabis at a Niagara, Ontario facility not licensed by the Canadian government. Based on these facts the Company's public statements were false and materially misleading throughout the class period. When the market learned the truth about HEXO, investors suffered damages.

Join the case to recover your losses.

The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.

This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.


Brian Schall, Esq.,
Office: 310-301-3335
Cell: 424-303-1964

SOURCE: The Schall Law Firm

ReleaseID: 571557

INVESTOR ALERT: The Schall Law Firm Announces it is Investigating Claims Against Grubhub Inc. and Encourages Investors with Losses in Excess of $50,000 to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 28, 2019 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces that it is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Grubhub Inc. ("Grubhub" or "the Company") (NYSE:GRUB) for violations of securities laws.

If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.

We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 404, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 424-303-1964, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at, or by email at

The class in this case has not yet been certified, and until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If you choose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.

This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.


Brian Schall, Esq.,
Office: 310-301-3335
Cell: 424-303-1964

SOURCE: The Schall Law Firm

ReleaseID: 571556

2-Day Deadline Alert: The Schall Law Firm Announces the Filing of a Class Action Lawsuit Against Twitter, Inc. and Encourages Investors with Losses in Excess of $100,000 to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 28, 2019 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces the filing of a class action lawsuit against Twitter, Inc. ("Twitter" or "the Company") (NYSE:TWTR) for violations of §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investors who purchased the Company's securities between August 6, 2019 and October 23, 2019, inclusive (the ''Class Period''), are encouraged to contact the firm before December 30, 2019.

If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.

We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 404, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 424-303-1964, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at, or by email at

The class, in this case, has not yet been certified, and until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If you choose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

According to the Complaint, the Company made false and misleading statements to the market. Twitter's settings related to targeted advertising were not working, despite the Company claiming to have "fixed" its issues. The Company's futile efforts to fix its problems actually adversely affected its ability to target advertising. This problem extended to Twitter's Mobile App Promotion ("MAP") product, resulting in a significant decline in advertising revenue. Based on these facts, the Company's public statements were false and materially misleading throughout the class period. When the market learned the truth about Twitter, investors suffered damages.

Join the case to recover your losses.

The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.

This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.


Brian Schall, Esq.,
Office: 310-301-3335
Cell: 424-303-1964

SOURCE: The Schall Law Firm

ReleaseID: 571547

2-Day Deadline Alert: The Schall Law Firm Announces the Filing of a Class Action Lawsuit Against Uniti Group Inc. and Encourages Investors with Losses in Excess of $250,000 to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 28, 2019 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces the filing of a class action lawsuit against Uniti Group Inc. ("Uniti" or "the Company") (NASDAQ:UNIT) for violations of §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investors who purchased the Company's securities between April 20, 2015 and February 15, 2019, inclusive (the ''Class Period''), are encouraged to contact the firm before December 30, If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.

We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 404, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 424-303-1964, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at, or by email at

The class, in this case, has not yet been certified, and until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If you choose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

According to the Complaint, the Company made false and misleading statements to the market. Uniti's customer, Windstream, defaulted on unsecured notes, rendering the Company's financial results unsustainable. Based on this fact, the Company's public statements were false and materially misleading throughout the class period. When the market learned the truth about Uniti, investors suffered damages.

Join the case to recover your losses.

The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.

This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.


The Schall Law Firm
Brian Schall, Esq.,
Office: 310-301-3335
Cell: 424-303-1964

SOURCE: The Schall Law Firm

ReleaseID: 571548

JANUARY 6 FINAL DEADLINE: The Schall Law Firm Announces the Filing of a Class Action Lawsuit Against Under Armour, Inc. and Encourages Investors with Losses in Excess of $100,000 to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 28, 2019 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces the filing of a class action lawsuit against Under Armour, Inc. ("Under Armour" or "the Company") (NYSE:UA) for violations of §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission."

Investors who purchased the Company's securities between August 3, 2016 and November 1, 2019, inclusive (the ''Class Period''), are encouraged to contact the firm before January 6, 2020.

If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.

We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 404, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 424-303-1964, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at, or by email at

The class, in this case, has not yet been certified, and until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If you choose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

According to the Complaint, the Company made false and misleading statements to the market. Under Armour shifted sales between quarters to give its sales the appearance of robust health and to remain consistent with its history of achieving 20% year-over-year revenue growth. The Company was being investigated by both the SEC and DOJ and cooperating with the investigation since at least July 2017. Based on these facts, the Company's public statements were false and materially misleading throughout the class period. When the market learned the truth about Under Armour, investors suffered damages.

Join the case to recover your losses.

The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.

This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.


The Schall Law Firm
Brian Schall, Esq.,
Office: 310-301-3335
Cell: 424-303-1964

SOURCE: The Schall Law Firm

ReleaseID: 571550

FINAL DEADLINE TUESDAY: The Schall Law Firm Announces the Filing of a Class Action Lawsuit Against AZZ Inc. and Encourages Investors with Losses to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 28, 2019 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces the filing of a class action lawsuit against AZZ Inc. ("AZZ" or "the Company") (NYSE:AZZ) for violations of §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investors who purchased the Company's securities between July 3, 2018 and October 8, 2019, inclusive (the ''Class Period''), are encouraged to contact the firm before January 3, 2020.

If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.

We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 404, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 424-303-1964, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at, or by email at

The class, in this case, has not yet been certified, and until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If you choose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

According to the Complaint, the Company made false and misleading statements to the market. AZZ failed to maintain appropriate and effective controls on financial reporting. The Company's improper implementation of ASC 606 resulted in incorrect revenue reconciliations. Based on these facts, the Company's public statements were false and materially misleading throughout the class period. When the market learned the truth about AZZ, investors suffered damages.

Join the case to recover your losses.

The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.

This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.


Brian Schall, Esq.,
Office: 310-301-3335
Cell: 424-303-1964

SOURCE: The Schall Law Firm

ReleaseID: 571551