Monthly Archives: August 2020

Leading Criminal Defense Attorney Brian Smith Reveals Crucial Factors In Proving A Self-Defense Case – Las Vegas, NV

Top-rated criminal defense lawyer Brian Smith, owner of Brian J. Smith Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas, NV, outlines crucial factors needed in a self-defense case. For more information please visit

Las Vegas, NV, United States – August 27, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, top-rated criminal defense attorney Brian Smith, owner of Brian J. Smith Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas, NV, revealed crucial factors needed in a self-defense case.

For more information please visit

When asked for a comment, he said, “The three most important things for a self-defense case are preparation, preparation, and preparation, which many people underestimate. Here are these most important aspects in gearing up for a self-defense case.”

One vital factor is obtaining the physical evidence to justify the type of force used in an incident.

“If someone throws a punch at you, that does not give you the right to pull out a firearm and shoot them. The level of force used to protect yourself has to be appropriate from the standpoint of a reasonable person,” he said.

Physical evidence is also essential in corroborating a story for a self-defense case.

“The physical evidence needed varies widely on a case-by-case basis. If there’s a firearm involved, then you’ll want to have the ballistic evidence to back up your story. While the physical evidence may not always corroborate the defense you’ve raised, it’s better to have it than not,” Smith commented.

When asked for an example, he said, “In a life and death struggle over a handgun, our client shot his roommate in the face. The prosecution had a theory that they were standing 10 feet apart and that my client pulled out a gun and shot the guy. The ballistic evidence showed where the bullets landed, disproving the prosecution’s theory. The evidence showed that a number of shots were fired and most of them landed in the ceiling of the room where the shooting took place. This was consistent with our theory that our client had been knocked to the ground and in the struggle over the handgun he was on his back firing upwards at his roommate.”

In a self-defense case, the defense attorney’s job is to persuade the jury, while the prosecutor has the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

“What makes self-defense interesting is that once you raise it and say that the amount of force used was appropriate under the circumstances, the prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was not acting in self-defense,” Smith said.

It’s important to adequately prepare a defendant before a trial to ensure they create a good connection with the jury.

“I cannot stress how important it is for the client to be able to connect with the jury. During preparation, you’ll want to ensure that the prosecution will not be able to push your client’s buttons. If a client all of a sudden has an outbreak of anger and frustration, then they’ll lose the jury’s sympathy.”

Because there are so many variables in a self-defense case, it’s necessary to allow for a certain degree of flexibility when dealing with a trial.

“Each case differs, and as defense attorneys, we have to adapt accordingly. Jury trials are very fluid and depend upon a lot of things such as what comes up during the trial, what kind of testimony is given, what kind of impression a client makes on the jury, as well as what kind of impression the so-called victim makes on the jury,” he commented.


Contact Info:
Name: Brian J. Smith
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brian J. Smith Criminal Defense Attorney
Address: 520 S 4th St Ste 340, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: (702) 380-8248

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88974400

Leading CPA And Accountant Thomas McAlister Reveals Top Tips For Small Business Bookkeeping – Denver, CO

Top CPA Thomas McAlister, founder of Thomas J. McAlister P.C in Denver, CO, outlines top tips for small business bookkeeping. For more information please visit

Denver, CO, United States – August 27, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, leading CPA Thomas McAlister, founder of Thomas J. McAlister P.C in Denver, CO, revealed top tips for small business bookkeeping.

For more information please visit

When asked to comment, McAlister said, “Accurate bookkeeping is one of the most important aspects of keeping a small business up and running. Without it, small business owners could end up going bankrupt before being able to expand their business.”

Reviewing the books weekly is one of the best things a small business owner can do to ensure a company’s financial stability.

When asked about the benefit of this, McAlister said, “Looking over the books weekly will allow you to understand the current status of your company, particularly when it comes to cash flow management, outgoing expenses, and current invoices.”

He was quick to add that this can also help in identifying and dealing with any potential business-related issues in a timely manner.

According to McAlister, small business owners should retain all financial records and keep a copy of them.

“Checking your books on a weekly basis won’t make any difference if you’re not keeping all the business’ financial records.

These documents include balance sheets, profit and loss statements, bank/credit card statements, as well as receipts and invoices.”

Related to this, staying on top of business invoices is essential to the financial health of any small-scale business.

“Late or unpaid invoices can seriously decrease cash flow and could have an impact on nearly every facet of a business. One way to prevent this is by ensuring your clients are paying their invoices before they place an order for more materials or products from you,” he said.

McAlister was quick to add that another way to avoid late or unpaid invoices is by setting deadlines and penalties if those deadlines are not met.

One crucial thing that McAlister says small business owners should keep in mind is to separate different types of funds.

When asked to elaborate, McAlister commented, “Many businesses regularly fail because they manage their funds poorly. My advice is to separate funds that have been paid by the customers and funds that have been borrowed by the business.”

“The best way to do this is by using software that can keep track of borrowed funds and income so there won’t be any confusion going forward,” he stated.

Purchasing easy-to-use accounting software tailored for a small business can dramatically help with bookkeeping.

“Much of the accounting software on the market these days is user-friendly and can work on a number of tasks to keep track of a company’s income and expenses. This will also allow you to access a business’ financial status at any point in time.”

“That said, before springing for the first accounting software you come across, you’ll need to choose one that fits all your business needs. The best thing to do is to get in touch with an experienced accountant before making a purchase,” McAlister added.


Contact Info:
Name: Thomas Mcalister
Email: Send Email
Organization: Thomas J Mcalister P.C.
Address: 4704 N Harlan St #675, Denver, CO 80212, USA
Phone: 303-279-1450

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88973539

Leading Criminal Defense Attorney Saul Bienenfeld Warns Of Serious Crime Charges When Using Dating Apps – New York, NY

Top criminal defense attorney Saul Bienenfeld owner of Bienenfeld Law in New York, NY, outlines the risks to young men about sex crime charges when using Tinder and other online dating apps. For more information please visit

New York, NY, United States – August 27, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, leading criminal defense attorney Saul Bienenfeld owner of Bienenfeld Law in New York, NY, warned young men about the risks of sex crime charges when using Tinder and other online dating apps.

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When asked for a comment, Bienenfeld said, “With the abundance of dating apps popping up on the online dating scene such as Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, Skout, Whisper, and MeetMe, there has been an increase in young men being labeled as sex offenders. Unfortunately, this leads to severe and far-reaching implications.”

According to Bienenfeld, this uptick in sex crime charges and allegations related to dating apps is mainly due to so-called victims on dating apps lying about their age.

“It’s easy to get tricked into believing someone is how old they claim to be online, which can easily lead to statutory rape allegations. And those who are at the most risk are younger men in their late teens or early 20s,” Bienenfeld said.

Bienenfeld continued by saying, “Most online dating apps on the market don’t have an age
verification step while setting up a profile, which makes it very difficult to confirm someone’s age. Someone who claims to be 18 years old could easily be 15, but it can often be hard to tell the difference while chatting online.”

In the interview, Bienenfeld provided an example of a 19-year-old man who was found guilty of criminal sexual conduct after sleeping with a 14-year-old who claimed to be 17.

“In this particular case, the young man now must register as a sex offender, which will affect nearly every aspect of his life – where he can live as well as where he can find employment,” he said.

Unfortunately, the example is not an isolated incident, and other young men have had to fight felony charges. According to Bienenfeld, the best thing that young men can do while online dating is to ask for some proof of the person’s age, such as ID.

When asked to elaborate, he said, “Trying to prove someone’s age by asking for ID might seem unromantic, particularly on a first date. However, it beats facing a sex crime charge or being forced to register as a sex offender. Furthermore, simply don’t go through with the date if you think that your date is lying about their age. It’s simply not worth it.”


Contact Info:
Name: Saul Bienenfeld
Email: Send Email
Organization: Bienenfeld Law
Address: 450 7th Ave #1408, New York, NY 10123
Phone: (212) 363-7701

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88973420

Top-Rated Estate Planning Attorney Rex Hogue Reveals The 5 “Must Haves” Of A Good Estate Plan – Frisco, TX

Leading estate attorney Rex Hogue, partner at Haiman Hogue in Frisco, TX, outlines the 5 “must-haves” of a solid estate plan. For more information please visit

Frisco, TX, United States – August 27, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, leading estate attorney Rex Hogue, partner at Haiman Hogue in Frisco, TX, revealed the 5 “must-haves” of a solid estate plan.

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When asked to comment, he said, “Many Americans are under the false impression that having a good estate plan simply means making a will or a trust. Although these are essential to any estate plan, there’s much more to estate planning than meets the eye. Here are five necessary documents to ensure a smooth transition of your assets to your heirs.”

“A will is one document you absolutely must have even if you aren’t in possession of many assets. Wills are vital to help ensure that your wishes about your assets will go where you want them to go after you pass. If you don’t have a will, the state you live in has one for you, and you probably won’t like what it has to say. Furthermore, a trust can help circumvent legal issues, provide added protections, help avoid probate and minimize taxes, which will cause much less stress on your loved ones.”

While wills and trusts are important, they aren’t the only aspect of an estate plan, Hogue said. Beneficiary designations could
also help guarantee that your plan is carried out.

“Beneficiary designations on certain accounts, such as retirement accounts and insurance plans, will help to legally execute your wishes. If you fail to do this, a judge could step in and decide who receives these assets, even if it’s not what you would have wanted.”

Preparing a memorandum for personal property is also an integral part of having a solid estate plan.

When asked to elaborate, Hogue said, “A memorandum for personal property is not complicated – it’s simply a document that you leave for either your executor or trustee to specify what happens with a certain personal property asset following death or incapacitation.”

“Depending on local laws and how your will or trust are written, the memorandum might not hold up legally on its own in a courtroom, however it provides probate judges with a guideline as to how to implement your intentions,” he added.

A durable power of attorney will also help in the legal execution of managing your assets in the case of incapacitation.

“To be able to carry out your wishes if you become disabled, then you’ll need to have a durable power of attorney. Again, without a power of attorney, what happens to your assets could be left up to the mercy of a court.”

Hogue added that “a properly drafted power of attorney will allow someone on your behalf to engage in real estate and financial transactions, as well as other financial decisions.”

“In addition to this, make sure you have a HIPAA Authorization Form that properly outlines who has access to your medical information and medical records and appoint an individual you trust to follow your instructions as an agent under your healthcare power of attorney. This should be a trusted person who can make vital healthcare decisions that align with your views if you are not able to make them yourself,” he said.


Contact Info:
Name: Rex Hogue
Email: Send Email
Organization: Haiman Hogue, PLLC
Address: 2595 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 100, Frisco, Texas 75034
Phone: 469- 893-5337

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88973974

Leading Criminal Defense Attorney Edward La Rue Reveals Crucial First Step If Accused Of A Crime – Cleveland, OH

Top Criminal Defense Attorney Edward R La Rue, founder of the Law Offices of Edward R La Rue in Cleveland, OH, explains the reasons behind not speaking with the police in a sex crime case. For more information please visit

Cleveland, OH, United States – August 27, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, Edward R La Rue, founder of the Law Offices of Edward R La Rue in Cleveland, OH, revealed the reasons behind not speaking with the police in a sex crime case.

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When asked for a comment, La Rue said, “In a sex crime case, under no circumstances should you ever talk to the police, no matter if you’re guilty, innocent, or lie somewhere in between. Law enforcement has several investigation tactics to pin the blame on their suspect.”

One of these tactics that police deploy is convincing suspects to make statements in exchange for making a deal or plea agreement, or even to grant immunity.

“Simply put, the police do not have the power to negotiate a plea or any other deals or to grant immunity. Yet, they more often than not claim to have this authority – or the ability to put in a good word with the prosecutor who does have this authority – to get their suspects to make a statement or confess,” he said.

La Rue added, “If you’ve been detained by the police, it typically means that they have collected enough evidence against you to make an arrest – and it also means that they already believe you to be guilty. In other words, nothing you say will convince them otherwise. So it’s best not to say anything at all.”

Unfortunately, many people who are innocent of the sex crime being investigated speak to the police for a number of understandable reasons. However, according to La Rue, the police can, thereafter, use details from any statement of that suspect against him/her in the pursuit of a conviction.

When asked for an example, he said, “Let’s say that you speak with the police regarding an incident in which a sexual crime took place. Over the course of the statement, you tell them that you both know the victim and were in the same neighborhood when the incident occurred. Law enforcement could use both of these facts in the statement to help prove that you had the opportunity to have committed the crime.”

Further, by making a statement to the police, it can force the person questioned into always telling the story the exact same way, which La Rue stated could pose difficulties when the case is brought to trial.

“Let’s say that you’ve had to repeat your story twice – once during the trial and before that when speaking with police months earlier. It’s very likely that there will be even minor details that will change in your story with so much time having passed in between. A prosecutor will latch onto any discrepancy in your story and use it mercilessly against you,” he said.


Contact Info:
Name: Edward R. La Rue
Email: Send Email
Organization: Edward R. La Rue
Address: The Rockefeller Building, 614 W Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113
Phone: 216-696-8995

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88973963

Leading Estate Planning Attorney Michele Ungvarsky Reveals 3 Reasons Most Don’t Have A Will Or Plan – Las Cruces, NM

Top-rated estate planning and elder law attorney Michele Ungvarsky, founding partner of E-Law in Las Cruces, NM, explains the top 3 reasons that most people don’t have a will or a plan. For more information please visit

Las Cruces, NM, United States – August 27, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, top estate planning attorney Michele Ungvarsky, founding partner of E-Law in Las Cruces, NM, revealed the top 3 reasons that most people don’t have a will or plan.

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When asked for a comment, she said, “Most people tend not to think about it because it involves them thinking about their death; however, what people tend not to realize is that having their affairs in order will greatly help their loved ones once they’ve passed away.”

Ungvarsky mentioned that a study from Rocket Lawyer found that more than half of Americans between the ages of 55-64 don’t have a will.

“When asked the reason for not having a will, the survey found that of the people who participated, 57% had intentions to make a will but hadn’t gotten around to it, 22% thought that setting one up wasn’t urgent, and 17% simply didn’t feel that they needed one,” she added.

However, procrastinating end-of-life planning can result in unintended consequences such as unnecessary stress for loved ones.

“Assets and property that are not protected in an estate plan after someone passes away are sent to probate, which means that it’s up to the court using state law instead of your wishes decides what happens to the possessions. Probates without a will often mean that your loved ones or children will shoulder the burden of extra paperwork, legal fees, and drawn-out court cases,” she said.

End-of-life planning doesn’t only encompass wills but also a plan that includes a health care directive and a durable power of attorney, both of which are vital in the case of an unexpected injury or illness. Without these documents, your loved ones will not likely be able to make decisions for you.

“A solid plan will ensure that you have an advocate of your choice working on your behalf to carry out your wishes. Not having your wishes in writing if you are unable to make decisions often creates confusion and tension among your children and loved ones,” she said.

She further mentioned that many people are under the wrong impression that they don’t need to have a will if they don’t have an estate.

When asked to elaborate, Ungvarsky said, “It’s quite simple. If you have a house and children – no matter your marital status – you need to have a will. Every family is different and has its own set of particular circumstances that should be addressed in a personalized estate plan.”


Contact Info:
Name: Michele Ungvarsky
Email: Send Email
Organization: E-Law, PC
Address: 1340 Picacho Hills Dr, Las Cruces, NM 88007, USA
Phone: 575-556-2462

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88973969

Top Estate Planning Attorney Robert Brumfield Reveals How To Protect Your Family Money From Unexpected Events – Bakersfield, CA

Leading estate planning attorney Robert H Brumfield, founder of the Law Offices of Robert H. Brumfield, P.C. in Bakersfield, CA, outlines things to know to protect family and money in unforeseen circumstances. For more information please visit

Bakersfield, CA, United States – August 27, 2020 /MM-REB/

In a recent interview, leading estate planning and elder law attorney Robert H Brumfield, founder of the Law Offices of Robert H. Brumfield, P.C. in Bakersfield, CA, revealed the main things to know to protect family and money in case unforeseen circumstances arise.

For more information please visit

When asked to comment, Brumfield said, “While we can’t control every aspect of our lives, we can control what will be done with our assets and how they’ll be passed on. Estate planning is vital to ensure that your financial wealth will be taken care of in case of unexpected events.”

A big piece of the estate puzzle, according to Brumfield, is ensuring that any wishes of what happens with an estate will be legally carried out.

“One aspect of this is having your last will and testament in order. This last will and testament encompass who will take care of the children, who will execute your wishes, and how your property will be divided,” he said.

“You’ll want to have your estate planning ducks in a row before passing away. Not having a will could cause unnecessary grief and fights for your family members.”

Brumfield mentioned that, without a last will and testament, a probate court will decide on what happens with the assets after a person passes away, “which could very well run contrary to your wishes.”

As part of the estate planning process, there are certain documents, such as medical and financial powers of attorney, that an estate planning lawyer will advise you to complete in the case of mental or health decline.

When asked to explain further, Brumfield said, “The medical power of attorney – along with healthcare directives – is vital when you are rendered incapable of making your own medical decisions. It lets the person you select make decisions on your behalf according to your instructions.”

This is further true for a financial power of attorney, in that it appoints a person who will help make sure that bills are paid on time or that any other financial matters are dealt with.

When asked who is typically named as a power of attorney, he said, “The spouse is usually nominated as a power of attorney, but you can also have the option to name a backup such as a close friend or relative or adult child. It is important to have more than one person listed in case the first choice cannot fill the role.”

“Estate planning requires you to make important decisions about your estate, such as choosing where your assets will go or who will act for you when you’re incapacitated. But planning ahead can help save you and your family headaches and heartaches down the line,” he said.


Contact Info:
Name: Robert H Brumfield
Email: Send Email
Organization: Law Offices of Robert H. Brumfield, P.C.
Address: 1810 Westwind Drive, Suite 100, Bakersfield, CA 93301
Phone: (661) 416-3735

Source: MM-REB

Release ID: 88974013

Decision-support System (DSS) Market 2020 Global Analysis, Opportunities And Forecast To 2025

Wiseguyreports.Com Adds “Decision-support System (DSS) -Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis Of Top Key Player Forecast To 2025” To Its Research Database

Pune, India – August 27, 2020 /MarketersMedia/

Decision-support System (DSS) Industry


Wiseguyreports.Com Adds “Decision-support System (DSS) -Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis Of Top Key Player Forecast To 2025” To Its Research Database

The report of Decision-support System (DSS) market on the Wise Guy Report (WGR) website is highly accurate. The data is prepared by deploying modern market research methods. Proficient market research analysts used bottom-up approach to study the Decision-support System (DSS) market. A comprehensive assessment of the Decision-support System (DSS) market was done and strategic approach towards market threats resulted in the understanding of potential solutions. These parameters are covered vividly in the report. The report also have indispensable insights on regional progress of the Decision-support System (DSS) market. There is an entire section that discusses the market by segment to deliver a clear understanding of the Decision-support System (DSS) market. Under the key player section, effective marketing strategies are mentioned.

This report focuses on the global Decision-support System (DSS) status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the Decision-support System (DSS) development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.

The key players covered in this study

Information Builders
TIBCO Software
Paramount Decisions
Lumina Decision Systems
Ideyeah Solutions
GoldSim Technology Group
Tribium Software
Banxia Software
Defense Group
Dataland Software

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Market segment by Type, the product can be split into
Cloud based
On premise

Market segment by Application, split into
Large Enterprise

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers
North America
Southeast Asia
Central & South America

The study objectives of this report are:

To analyze global Decision-support System (DSS) status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.
To present the Decision-support System (DSS) development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.
To define, describe and forecast the market by type, market and key regions.

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Table of Content

1 Report Overview
1.1 Study Scope
1.2 Key Market Segments
1.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Decision-support System (DSS) Revenue
1.4 Market Analysis by Type
1.4.1 Global Decision-support System (DSS) Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 2026
1.4.2 Cloud based
1.4.3 On premise
1.5 Market by Application
1.5.1 Global Decision-support System (DSS) Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 2026
1.5.2 Large Enterprise
1.5.3 SMB
1.6 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19): Decision-support System (DSS) Industry Impact
1.6.1 How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Decision-support System (DSS) Industry Decision-support System (DSS) Business Impact Assessment – Covid-19 Supply Chain Challenges COVID-19’s Impact On Crude Oil and Refined Products
1.6.2 Market Trends and Decision-support System (DSS) Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape
1.6.3 Measures / Proposal against Covid-19 Government Measures to Combat Covid-19 Impact Proposal for Decision-support System (DSS) Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact
1.7 Study Objectives
1.8 Years Considered

2 Global Growth Trends by Regions


13 Key Players Profiles
13.1 SAP
13.1.1 SAP Company Details
13.1.2 SAP Business Overview and Its Total Revenue
13.1.3 SAP Decision-support System (DSS) Introduction
13.1.4 SAP Revenue in Decision-support System (DSS) Business (2015-2020))
13.1.5 SAP Recent Development
13.2 Qlik
13.2.1 Qlik Company Details
13.2.2 Qlik Business Overview and Its Total Revenue
13.2.3 Qlik Decision-support System (DSS) Introduction
13.2.4 Qlik Revenue in Decision-support System (DSS) Business (2015-2020)
13.2.5 Qlik Recent Development
13.3 Information Builders
13.3.1 Information Builders Company Details
13.3.2 Information Builders Business Overview and Its Total Revenue
13.3.3 Information Builders Decision-support System (DSS) Introduction
13.3.4 Information Builders Revenue in Decision-support System (DSS) Business (2015-2020)
13.3.5 Information Builders Recent Development
13.4 Parmenides
13.4.1 Parmenides Company Details
13.4.2 Parmenides Business Overview and Its Total Revenue
13.4.3 Parmenides Decision-support System (DSS) Introduction
13.4.4 Parmenides Revenue in Decision-support System (DSS) Business (2015-2020)
13.4.5 Parmenides Recent Development
13.5 TIBCO Software
13.6 Riskturn
13.7 Paramount Decisions
13.8 Lumina Decision Systems
13.9 Ideyeah Solutions
13.10 GoldSim Technology Group
13.11 1000Minds
13.12 Tribium Software
13.13 Palisade
13.14 Banxia Software
13.15 CampaignGO
13.16 Defense Group
13.17 Dataland Software

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Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88974546

IC Media Direct Introduces New Online Solutions at ASW in Las Vegas

ICMediaDirect used its time at ASW to focus on one of its core capabilities

New York, NY – August 27, 2020 /MarketersMedia/

ICMediaDirect, leader in online PR and reputation management, introduced their most recent digital marketing tools at the Affiliate Summit West (ASW). The event takes place in Las Vegas, NV, and provides a space for affiliate marketers to discuss industry matters, join workshops, and mingle with other industry experts. A leading PR visionary, the New York based firm was added to the lineup to share its unique insight on importance of online reputation management and strategies to implement with other seminar participants. See your Online Reputation Report now, by visiting

ICMediaDirect used its time at ASW to focus on one of its core capabilities: online reputation strategy. The full service PR firm has earned worldwide recognition for creating effective digital branding campaigns for businesses in every vertical. One of the organization’s marketing specialists shared that staying ahead of search engine trends plays a major role in the company’s continued success. “When it comes to building any brand, first impressions are everything. Even one negative search result about your company can tarnish your corporate image and dilute consumer loyalty. We use our Internet marketing experience to your advantage, leveraging the very latest Google algorithms. Our job is to consistently modify tactics to yield maximum results for our clients.”

The ASW offers more than a chance to share data with colleagues. Each year the conference also offers exhibitors, panelists, and attendees invaluable networking opportunities as participants from virtually every industry convene to develop and strengthen professional partnerships. These interactive sessions also prove a critical component to the PR firm’s cumulative achievements. One team member believes that the organization’s affiliate grid has helped catapult the company into the online reputation spotlight. “Successful reputation management isn’t about spinning wheels with as many online outlets as possible. It requires working with the biggest web contributors for the greatest impact in the shortest amount of time. Our clients reap the benefits of our wide-reaching professional relationships. We work directly with corporations such as MSN, Yahoo, and Google to quickly repair and boost any brand.”

Founded in 1996, ICMediaDirect is a global online marketing force that specializes in online reputation management and brand repair capabilities. As a proven digital advertising innovator, the company develops customized campaigns using a comprehensive media mix for long-term, sustainable results. A renowned affiliate marketer, the firm is constantly broadening its professional network by consulting and presenting at worldwide industry conferences, including ad:tech, LeadsCon, and SES. To see your Online Reputation Report, visit

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Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88974253

Tony Amaradio Showcases the Advantages of Technology in Budget Planning

The wealth management industry is at an important crossroads.

Aliso Viejo, CA – August 27, 2020 /MarketersMedia/

New technology developments offer advantages to several industries, including finance. Business analyst Tony Amaradio explains how FinTech assists in budgeting, and helps in achieving financial goals. By properly leveraging new innovations alongside their own discernment, advisors can ensure a more transparent handling of clients’ investments, while also encouraging better overall performance for their managed assets in the long term.

With the rapid integration of new platforms and use of artificial intelligence well underway, the wealth management industry is at an important crossroads. Tony Amaradio points out that these emerging technologies should be embraced by financial professionals for several reasons, one of which is the survival of the industry itself. “Technology is do-or-die for financial advisors,” writes Forbes contributor David Miller. “It is disrupting virtually every area of traditional wealth management, from the back office to client engagement and portfolio management — It’s no longer a choice.” He continues, “advisors will need to find the most effective ways to meet the needs of tomorrow’s tech-enabled consumer.”

While the utilization of specialized technology for financial advisement is now considered essential, it’s not merely about adapting, but taking advantage of the tangible benefits that are offered. A primary example is the more efficient gathering of relevant and complex data, reducing the time needed to obtain and manage data about clients and their unique needs. This information can also help to produce a more precise analysis of trends relating to their investment patterns, which ensures a more calculated approach in regards to decisions and actions involving the client’s assets. This aspect translates into a more precise tracking of investment performance as well, with improved accuracy in regards to market predictions that could potentially impact them.

FinTech developments have also cultivated new methods of communication with investors and their advisors, moving dialogue outside of the office or occasional phone call. This is a major convenience for those who may not always have extra time for regular meetings, and also offers ways for correspondence to be more efficient and direct. Additionally, the ability for clients to review information on their own schedules using online portals and collaborative tools provides them an improved level of transparency, and offers more appeal to younger investors who are used to having on-demand access to their finances.

Tony Amaradio is a 40-year veteran of the financial services industry, providing what he has coined as “best in class” service to a diverse range of clients. Graduating with an MBA in both Finance and Taxation, Amaradio’s expertise and discernment was retained by a prominent Fortune 500 company. After receiving numerous accolades in the financial services industry, he moved on to establish his own firm. Today, Tony Amaradio is founder and chief strategist for both Select Portfolio Management Inc. and Select Money Management Inc. and is known for his radio talk show “Market Talk”. Together with his wife, Carin, they contribute to a number of nonprofit organizations, and have co-authored a revolutionary book titled “Faithful With Much – Breaking Down The Barriers To Generous Giving”.

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