Author Archives: Qamar

Serenity At Summit Detox Reveals 7 Myths About Addiction, Drug Detox & Recovery

New Jersey, 06/07/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Addiction is a complex condition, and as such, there are many myths about it – along with myths about drug and alcohol detox and addiction recovery. These myths are not only false ideas that don’t do anyone any good; they can also be quite destructive to people’s lives. These myths often prevent people from getting medically supervised detox at a facility like Serenity at Summit, which is the best option.

You have likely heard someone say, “Overcoming addiction is just a matter of willpower,” or something similar. Maybe you’ve heard, “He tried treatment and relapsed, so detox and rehab won’t work for him.”

Those myths, and many others, can cause people who are suffering from addiction to lose hope that treatment may be successful for them. It can also dash the hopes of loved ones whose friend or family member is struggling with addiction.

The following are some of the most common myths about addiction, drug detox, and addiction recovery and then the actual facts about them. Hopefully, if you or your loved one is suffering at the hands of addiction, this will dispel the myths for you and help you seek help.

Myth #1 – Anyone Can Beat Addiction – It Just Takes Willpower

Fact: Addiction is nearly impossible to overcome with willpower alone. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol (or food, sex, shopping, or other behaviors) have intense mental and emotional cravings and compulsions that only their drug of choice can satisfy. Additionally, there is a genuine neurological change in people who are addicted that they have no conscious control over. Only a very small number of people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are able to stop using on their own.

Myth #2 – Addicts Are Immoral, Crazy, or Mentally Deficient

Fact: Addiction does not discriminate. Mental health, morality, and intellect have no bearing whatsoever on who becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol and who does not, and there is no scientific evidence that proves otherwise. Physical and psychological dependence and addiction can happen to anyone, regardless of their personal attributes.

Myth #3 – Addicts Should Be Jailed Because Rehab Doesn’t “Teach Them a Lesson”

Fact: Being an addict is not a crime in itself. But when someone who is addicted to drugs commits a crime and is incarcerated, it does teach them lessons – the wrong kind:

Being in jail often teaches addicts how to procure illegal drugs while behind bars, allowing them to stay addicted while they serve their sentence.
Being in jail also teaches addicts how to steal more efficiently when they get out.
Being in jail teaches that being punished for drug-related crimes instead of receiving treatment is more important to the community than treating the addictions that led to crime in the first place.
Suffering through withdrawals cold turkey in jail can force some addicts to conclude that the “system” places no value on their life or well being.

You can see how people who commit crimes due to drug use and go to jail and don’t receive treatment are more of a danger to society when they get out, still addicted and now more proficient at criminal activity and with a lower self-worth and lower view of authority.

Because of this, many communities are now working to process drug-related crimes through drug courts where offenders receive lighter sentences or diversion and are required to participate in treatment programs, take classes, and perform community service rather than simply be locked up.

Myth #4 – Addicts Have To “Hit Rock Bottom” for Treatment to Help

Fact: This simply isn’t true. While some addicts do suffer extreme negative consequences, the vast majority of people who seek help for addiction have not hit what is considered “rock bottom.” The idea that you must lose everything and everyone and be destitute or homeless for treatment to help is ridiculous. All you have to do is step into a 12-step meeting to see that addiction can be treated at any point on the spectrum.

Myth #5 – Addicts Have to Want Help for Treatment to Work

Fact: Addiction treatment can be effective whether or not a person wants to be helped. Sometimes people are forced into treatment by the courts, or their family and friends stage an intervention to get them to go to rehab. Those people have as good a chance as any others for successful recovery.

Myth #6 – Addicts Cannot Be Treated With Medication and Still Be Sober

Fact: Most drug detox treatment facilities now use medically assisted treatment to ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms for patients as they detox from substances. However, you do have to be cautious of detox centers that suggest that you continue to use these medications when you leave detox. The best course of action is to only use the medication to make it through detox and then follow-up with a residential addiction treatment program so that you can learn the skills necessary to prevent relapse.

Myth #7 – Treatment Didn’t Work Once, It Won’t Work Now

Fact: Most people who seek treatment for drug or alcohol addiction relapse – that is a fact. However, that does not mean that seeking treatment a second, third, or tenth time will not work. There are many factors that contribute to the success of recovery, and sometimes it takes more than once to stick.

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear About Addiction

There are many myths about addiction and treatment out there in addition to the seven listed above. It’s unfortunate because those myths often keep people who need help from seeking it out or accepting it. If you have questions about addiction and recovery, you should contact someone who knows about it – an addiction professional or therapist who works with people in recovery. Don’t fall victim to the myths, find the help through a medically supervised drug detox program that you or your loved one needs for addiction sooner rather than later.

Serenity at Summit

Media Contact:

Rene William

(908) 364-5755


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ReleaseID: 24072

Texas Schools Warn Parents About New Snapchat Cyberbullying Game

Dallas, 06/09/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Just about everyone has a childhood (or even adulthood) tale of being bullied. Unfortunately, bullying is something that happens in schools across the country.

However, technology has made bullying even more pervasive. Rather than ending in the hallway or on the playground, bullying can now follow kids home. Social media, text, and email make it possible for bullies to harass kids at all hours of the day.

A recent “bullying game” has prompted Texas school administrators to warn parents about the dangers of allowing their children to access social media without supervision.

Snapchat Bullying Game Causing Problems in Schools

According to media reports, a Snapchat bullying game called “Letter X” has swept the country. The report states that the game is played on the popular social app, Snapchat. With Snapchat, users take photos or videos and post them to the site, where they disappear after 24 hours.

The report states that young people are using the app to send the letter X to a friend. From there, the friend responds with a victim’s name, and classmates begin posting or sending insults about the designated victim.

Texas Laws on Cyberbullying

According to the Texas Education Agency, state law requires all Texas school districts to have anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies in place. Parents are also permitted to transfer their child to another district if the child has been the victim of bullying or harassment. This law has been in place since 2011 and includes cyberbullying.

In 2017, a Texas state lawmaker also introduced legislation that would make cyberbullying a crime if it leads to a young person’s death or suicide. Called David’s Law, the bill takes its name from David Molak, a 16-year-old Alamo Heights High School student who took his own life after being bullied online.

Harassment Is a Crime

In some cases, the law is slow to catch up to technology. Courts are likely to include cyberbullying and online harassment among the definitions of harassment and stalking, even if the law doesn’t explicitly include online activities. If you’ve been charged with any form of online stalking, harassment, or bullying, don’t leave your future to chance. These are serious cases that often involve federal laws. The penalties for a conviction can be life-changing and severe. Speak to a Dallas Internet criminal defense lawyer about your options.

Broden & Mickelsen, LLP – Dallas Internet Criminal Defense Lawyers  

2600 State St Dallas, Texas 75204

Main Phone: (214) 720-9552


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ReleaseID: 24076

Investigation Reveals Drug Use By Navy SEALs Says NJ Addiction Treatment Center

New Jersey, 06/09/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

The rate of illegal drug use among SEALs has climbed so high, the SEALs stopped all training in December 2016 to order a safety stand-down to address the issue.

One SEAL commander saw five SEALs kicked off teams over a three-month period due to illegal drug use.

Elite Units Not Subject to Routine Drug Testing

Although SEALs are supposed to be randomly drug tested just like service members in regular units, they are often exempted from testing due to the nature of their jobs. When a mission takes them far away from their home base, it’s often impractical for military officials to administer a drug test.

When the Navy issued its safety stand-down in December 2016, it required all SEALs to submit to a urinalysis. Some SEALs told CBS News that they hadn’t been tested in years. One whistleblower claimed that fellow SEALs had tested positive for cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, and ecstasy.

Navy Says SEAL Drug Problem Isn’t Rampant

For its part, the Navy disputes the CBS report, claiming that while the drug use rate among SEALs is higher than the average rate within the entire Navy, the drug use problem among the SEALs is not widespread.

A spokesperson for the Naval Special Warfare Command said that the Navy conducted surprise drug tests on all 6,364 Naval Special Warfare units after Thanksgiving and received just seven positive drug tests.

The Navy also claims that it analyzed 71,436 uranalysis samples conducted between August 2014 and February 2017 and receive 186 positive samples — a 0.2 percent occurrence rate. The Navy says the majority of the positive samples contained marijuana and cocaine.

Contact Summit Behavioral Health Today

Whether you’re a military veteran or currently serving in the armed forces, you don’t have to suffer with a drug or alcohol problem in silence. Help is available. By getting the treatment you need today, you can stop the cycle of substance abuse and relapse. Summit Behavioral Health has treatment programs for alcoholism, drug abuse, prescription drug addiction, and co-occurring disorders.

Summit Behavioral Health has both inpatient and outpatient programs that help people overcome both prescription and illegal drug addiction, as well as alcohol abuse disorders. Our programs are personalized and medically supervised. Give us a call today at 1-844-643-3869 to speak to a substance abuse professional about your treatment goals and options.

Media Contact HQ

Rene William

(908) 364-5755


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ReleaseID: 24079

How Premium Air Filters Can Save Your Company Money

Riverdale, NJ, 06/09/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

As outside air pollution continues to worsen, it has a direct, negative effect on indoor air quality (IAQ). In fact, some studies have found that indoor pollution may be twice as bad as the pollution outdoors, which is why it’s so important for commercial facilities to install premium air filters. But instead of just improving the air quality, air filters can also save money through a reduction in energy costs.

“Well, we’ve discovered that there is really no substitute for good air filters at commercial facilities,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “It is one of the areas that many business owners neglect, but when you talk about the elimination of pollutants, and the fact that premium air filters can improve the efficiency of the entire HVAC system, there is a real cost savings that can be achieved.”

A typical office building in the U.S. will spend an estimated annual average of $1.34 per square foot on power, according to National Grid, a major supplier of electricity in the US. (1)

Although energy consumption varies slightly based on climate zone, many office buildings consume the bulk of their energy through lighting, heating, office equipment, cooling and ventilation.

That is why so many commercial buildings can save money by installing high-efficiency HVAC units, which consists of efficient air-conditioning and heating units that are capable of lowering energy use by 10 percent or more.

In addition, commercial buildings can also implement what is known as demand-controlled ventilation, in which ventilation is significantly decreased when buildings are not occupied.

Demand-controlled ventilation is a smart system that can analyze the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air flow and use that to determine how many people are in the building.

As the CO2 levels decrease, this indicates that the number of occupants is also decreasing, and the demand-controlled ventilation system automatically lowers the air supply accordingly.

Demand-controlled ventilation is most effective in commercial facilities in which occupancy rates vary, such as auditoriums, conference rooms and offices.

Savings through Air Filters

When managers of commercial facilities consider areas where they can cut costs to save money, they rarely look at the energy savings that can be achieved from installing quality air filters.

Because air filters are hidden from sight, it’s difficult to remember that they can be a source of energy savings.

But consider that in many commercial buildings, at least half the energy costs are related to the HVAC system. Moreover, an estimated 30 percent of those costs are related to air filters.

That means that anything you can do to improve the efficiency of that system will turn into actual savings.

And one of the more important aspects of air filters is how hard they force your HVAC system to work, and how efficiently they trap pollutants.

Air filters are designed to eliminate as many airborne particulates as possible, while also allowing the unimpeded flow of air to circulate through air vents.

The truth is that if you select a cheap air filter, you are doing your company a disservice, because these filters quickly accumulate dust and particles, forcing your HVAC system to utilize more power to force air through the clogged filters.

That means your HVAC system has to generate more power when your air filters are clogged, and lower-cost air filters are far more likely to become clogged in a short period of time.

Camfil’s Clean Air Solutions

Camfil HVAC air filters are made to capture pollutants and ensure optimum airflow for two to three times longer than regular air filters.

This means that you will not need to change your air filters as often, which lowers installation costs, reduces the amount of energy required to force air through your vents and saves you money.

Camfil air filters are designed for what is known as “lower average lifetime resistance,” (2) which means that your HVAC unit will not have to work as hard to allow air to circulate through the system, as it would have with a lower-quality filter.  And while it’s true that Camfil air filters are more expensive than regular filters, it is important to understand that over the long-term, this higher expense will more than pay itself off as you trim your energy costs.This is known as total cost of ownership, and it takes into account factors such as installation costs each time you change the air filters, and the costs of buying new filters. Camfil filters are estimated to save you as much as 30 percent of total electric energy spend.

50 Years of Air Filtration Solutions

For more than 50 years, Camfil has provided energy efficient HVAC air filters to commercial industries. Please visit our website to learn more about how our air filters can save you money through life cycle cost calculations.

Check Out Camfil Air Filters – Quick Cost Comparison

Air Filter Case Studies

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Camfil USA Air Filters

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ReleaseID: 24082

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Gives Tips on What to Do After a Motorcycle Crash

Philadelphia, PA, USA, 06/09/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Theres no getting around the fact that motorcyclists are incredibly vulnerable in a crash. Without the protective shell of a car around them, motorcyclists are at risk of being catastrophically hurt in an auto accident.

In 2014 alone, over 16 percent of all fatal vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania involved motorcycles. There were also over 3,300 motorcycle-related injuries and nearly 200 deaths.

Being involved in a motorcycle crash can be overwhelming. When youre dealing with physical pain and emotional distress, its hard to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your personal injury case. Here are some important things to do if youve been injured in a crash.

Get Medical Help Sooner Rather Than Later

Chances are, if youre involved in a motorcycle crash, you will definitely need medical help right away. However, some people are extremely fortunate and manage to walk away from the accident.

Even if you’re one of these fortunate individuals, however, dont make the mistake of thinking you’re not injured. Many injuries take time to manifest symptoms. You might have a neck, back, or spine injury and not realize it for many days. Or you might have suffered a concussion without realizing it.

If you delay getting medical treatment, the insurance company will probably try to argue that you werent really hurt, or that something else caused your injuries. Don’t give the insurance company the opportunity to challenge your claim. Begin documenting your injuries right away with a doctor.

Take Photos of Your Injuries and the Scene

If you own a smartphone, you can use it to start documenting your injuries as soon as they occur. Dont be afraid to snap photos of the crash scene, including the state of the road, the condition of your motorcycle, and any tire marks on the road. You should also take photos of your injuries if youre in a physical condition to do so safely.

Get in Touch with Witnesses

Eyewitness testimony can be invaluable in a personal injury case. However, the human memory begins to degrade almost immediately after a person observes something. The best thing to do is preserve a persons eyewitness account by recording it as close to the observation as possible. If you can, record the person describing what they saw. If you can’t get a recording, ask for their name and contact information so your lawyer can get in touch as soon as possible.

Speak to a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Your next step should be to speak to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer as quickly as you can. In most cases, the insurance company will contact you right away. Be polite when you speak to the insurer, but don’t volunteer information about your injuries. Remember that the insurance company is in the business of making money. The insurer makes more if it can find a reason to deny your claim. Let your lawyer handle communication with the insurance company whenever possible.

Philadelphia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Discusses Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Philadelphia motorcycle accident lawyer Joel J. Kofsky states, Motorcycle accidents more often than not result in catastrophic injuries. Motorcyclists can suffer concussions, broken bones, amputations, burns, and severe road rash. If you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle accident, you need to work with an experienced lawyer who can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Protect your rights by speaking to a Philadelphia motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible.


Media Contact:Philadelphia motorcycle accident lawyer Joel J. Kofsky. T: 215-735-4800.?







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ReleaseID: 24085

Strong Tower Ventures Updates Website With Critical Info for Selling Homes Fast

Windermere, Florida, 34786, 06/09/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Strong Tower Ventures, an Orlando-based real estate investment company that offers homeowners fair, competitive, and guaranteed all-cash offers on unwanted properties, this week officially launched their revamped website platform with a lot of new, relevant information for people looking to sell their Orlando community home quickly and effectively.


Based on the homeowner request, “I need to sell my house fast,” whether it be for a move, an impending foreclosure, or simply wanting to walk away from the property, Strong Tower Ventures updated their website yet again to inform more people of their lucrative options during incredibly undesirable circumstances.

“Too many people today don’t even consider options when they’re staring down an unforeseen relocation or foreclosure,” said Jonathon Federwisch, Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Strong Tower Ventures. “They don’t realize our investment firm is here to help them sell their home quickly, with all-cash offers at competitive market rates. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.”


Strong Tower Ventures buys houses in any condition, price-range, and Orlando community. They do not regard the state of the home or the property. Typical clients they work with include property market veterans looking to get an unprofitable lot off of their hands, homeowners quickly uprooted for a job or family, or individuals faced with a nasty foreclosure process.


To get started with the process, Strong Tower Ventures only requires one free form be filled out. Upon completion, they answer with their offer based on market rates and relevant community information.


“Selling a house is one of the most stressful ordeals an adult can go through,” said Federwisch. “We make it easy and profitable, simultaneously. Check out our newly renovated website today.”


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ReleaseID: 24094

Texas Church Bus Crash Possibly Caused By Texting

Dallas, 06/09/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

The wreck occurred when a pickup truck veered into the path of a church bus carrying a group of senior citizens, striking the bus head-on. The 20-year-old pickup driver survived the truck wreck, but he remains hospitalized in critical condition.

Sgt. Orlando Moreno of the public safety department, told reporters that 12 people, including the bus driver, died at the scene. The 13th victim died at a San Antonio hospital, about 75 miles away from the accident. One passenger in the church bus survived and is in critical condition.

The church that owns the bus issued a statement saying the passengers were returning home after a three-day retreat.

Federal Officials to Investigate

Another report states that federal officials from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) have arrived on scene to investigate the collision.  

ABC News reports the bus was a 2004 Turtle Top and that “safety concerns have long surrounded the 15-passenger vans, which are frequently used by churches and other groups, with advocates saying they can be difficult to control in emergencies.”

Since the reports have come out about the tragic crash involving the church bus, a video has surfaced of someone recording the alleged driver of the truck who was possibly texting while driving moments before he swerved in front of the bus, courtesy of Fox News.

The story shares the investigator in charge of the team from the National Transportation Safety Board, Jennifer Morrison, would only say that “distracted driving will be among the issues investigated.”

High Fatality Rates for Head-on Crashes Involving Texting

Head-on motor vehicle collisions have much higher fatality rates than other types of accidents — especially when one or both of the vehicles involved is a bus, semi-truck, or passenger van.

According to data gathered in 2014 by the Insurance Information Institute, head-on collisions have a 9.6 percent fatality rate, which is higher than any other type of collision. By comparison, the fatality rate for rear-end collisions is 6.6 percent. For sideswipe crashes, the fatality rate is 2.7 percent.

Personal injury lawyer, Amy Witherite, who specializes in defending people harmed by car wrecks and truck wrecks, explains, “When buses, passenger vans, and semi-trucks are involved in head-on collisions, the results can be devastating. These are larger than average vehicles that weigh more than a typical car.”   

Furthermore, a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that eight people are killed and 1,161 others are injured as a result of “distracted drivers.”  That’s not annually – it’s daily.  Every day texting while driving is a hazard on today’s roads and a cause for car wrecks and truck wrecks across the country.

“When someone takes their eyes off the road or their hands off the wheel, their minds are clearly not on driving, which means your safety is at risk,” said Witherite. “All it takes is a matter of seconds to think a text message is more important than other people on the road to cause a car wreck or truck wreck, or worse.”

If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, bus accident, or charter bus accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries as a result of these distracted drivers. Don’t delay speaking to an attorney about your next steps. Call an experienced Texas truck accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case.

Media Contact

Lucy Tiseo
Eberstein Witherite, LLP
Phone: 800-878-2597
Connect with Eberstein & Witherite on Facebook,  Instagram and Twitter


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ReleaseID: 24088

TGV-inhalonix’s New Study Shows Promise To Fight Deadly CF Lung Infections

New York, 06/09/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

A broad spectrum, first-in-class antimicrobial Mul-1867 has shown tremendous potential to kill one of the most drug-resistant pathogens affecting patients with Cystic Fibrosis – multidrug-resistant S.aureus. The new data on the experimental drug was revealed today at the 40th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference by researchers from TGV-inhalonix.

According to presenting Dr. George Tetz, Mul-1867 does its job where other antibiotics fail. The MRSA/VRSA types of S.aureus are particularly persistent when it comes to treating CF patients and cause life-threatening infections among them.

“S.aureus and its most dangerous type – VRSA are some of the most poorly curable pathogens. It is most likely that it is only a question of time that they become a challenge for all of the cystic fibrosis community, and we predict already by the next decade,” said Dr. George Tetz, the scientific core at TGV-inhalonix.

The study compares Mul-1867 to another antibiotic, Vancomycin, and the results are in favor of the TGV-inhalonix’s new product.

“We studied the potency of Mul-1867 against MRSA/VRSA isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis and ventilator associated pneumonia. Mul-1867 demonstrated a higher level of antimicrobial activity in a variety of models including microbial biofilms,” said Dr. Victor Tetz, a principal scientist at TGV-inhalonix.

During the study, TGV-inhalonix confirmed that Mul-1867 significantly protected animals from pneumonia-induced mortality caused by MRSA/VRSA whenever treatment was initiated.This significantly differs from existing therapeutic options, the efficacy of which is directly reduced along with the delay of therapy initiation.

“Mul-1867 is the first drug candidate being developed to address the problem of VRSA respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis patients,” said Dr. Sushant Kumar, a member of TGV-inhalonix’s advisory board.

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the median predicted survival age in persons with cystic fibrosis in the United States is 39.7 years.

Victor and George Tetz say Mul-1867 has a broader potential for the treatment of various bacterial and fungal infections in patients with compromised immune systems and the general population, including respiratory tract infections in COPD patients, ventilator-associated pneumonia and fungal pneumonia.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently granted Mul-1867 Orphan Drug status. The status should provide incentives to develop drugs to fight lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients.

For more information about Victor and George Tetz and TGV-Inhalonix, please contact Dan Wilson at 646-214-8010, Email:

TGV-inhalonix is a New York-based Research & Development pharmaceutical company that provides a broad range of innovative products that are developed, manufactured and marketed worldwide by TGV-Laboratories Group of Companies. The research of the TGV-Laboratories Group of Companies is focused on identifying new causes for diseases, as well as blueprinting and creating small molecules and recombinant proteins.

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ReleaseID: 24091

Drowsy Driving as Bad as Drunk Driving? Auto Accident Lawyer Discusses

Philadelphia, PA, USA, 06/06/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

If you’re like most people, you could probably use a bit more shut-eye at night. The reality is that most of us are sleep-deprived. The demands of work, family, and other responsibilities mean that few Americans get adequate rest.

Although running low on sleep is common, new research shows that its also extremely dangerous especially behind the wheel. In fact, studies reveal that driving drowsy is comparable to driving drunk.

National Sleep Foundation Says Drowsy Driving Is Just as Dangerous as Driving Drunk

The National Sleep Foundation says that driving on too few Zs is just like getting behind the wheel with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) thats over the legal limit.

Research shows that driving after being awake for 18 hours straight is like driving with a BAC of .05 percent. And if you push it for 24 hours or more and then drive, the effects are comparable to a BAC of .10 percent. For reference, the legal limit for intoxication is .08 percent.

So why would anyone do this? People simply dont view drowsy driving as being as perilous as driving drunk. Public awareness campaigns focus on intoxicated drivers. You dont see the same messages about driving when youre overly tired.

Tips for Staying Safe (and Awake) Behind the Wheel

According to the National Sleep Foundation, there are ways to avoid being involved in a drowsy driving auto accident.

Get Enough Rest: This may sound obvious, but it’s important to get adequate rest before you drive. You might think youre gaining valuable time by skipping sleep, but science shows that youre less productive and more prone to make mistakes when you skimp on rest. Adults between 26 and 64 years of age need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
Use Caffeine in Moderation: Caffeinated drinks like coffee can give you a short-term boost, but be careful about becoming dependent on them. Its better to get enough sleep than to depend on a coffee kick to keep you alert during your daily commute.
Start a Regular Bedtime Routine: Plagued by insomnia? Sleep experts say that what works for babies and young children works for adults, too. That is, start a nighttime routine that prepares your body for sleep. Take a relaxing bath or shower, play soothing music, or do light stretching or yoga at the same time each night. Eventually, these calming activities will signal your brain that it’s time to hit the hay.
Take a Power Nap: If you find yourself nodding off behind the wheel, pull over and take a short nap. Sleep researchers say that even 20 minutes can be restorative. Just make sure you park in a safe area, so you can sleep soundly until you’ve recovered enough to continue driving.

Philadelphia Auto Accident Lawyer Discusses Drowsy Driving Accidents

Philadelphia auto accident lawyer Joel J. Kofsky states, “Car accident lawyers know how devastating drowsy driving accidents can be. The motorists who cause these accidents must live the rest of their lives knowing that a seconds mistake led to a serious or fatal accident. Victims and their families must deal with the aftermath for a lifetime. Before you get in the car, make sure you’re alert enough to drive. If you feel tired, pull over and find a safe spot to nap.”

If you have been injured by a driver who fell asleep behind the wheel, you have important rights. Protect your right to receive compensation for your injuries by speaking to an experienced Philadelphia auto accident lawyer today.


Media Contact:

Philadelphia auto accident lawyer Joel J. Kofsky. T: 215-735-4800.







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ReleaseID: 24048

Jewel Heists Happen — And The FBI Has A Special Team To Investigate Them

Dallas, 06/06/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Jewel thefts may sound like crimes that belong in big budget Hollywood movies, but they happen in real life. They happen so often, in fact, that the FBI has a special team devoted to investigating crimes involving jewels and precious art.

Comprised of 16 agents, the Art Crime Team is tasked with addressing art and cultural property crimes. Since it was created in 2014, the FBI’s Art Crime Team has recovered nearly 15,000 stolen items valued at over $165 million.

2009 Art Theft Made International Headlines

In 2009, two thieves dressed in regular business suits stole $65 million in jewelry from a famous diamond store in London. According to an ABC News report, the robbery took place in the daytime and is considered one of the biggest jewel heists in British history.

And the incident is far from isolated. In 2003, thieves stole $189 million worth of diamonds, gold, and jewels from a bank in Belgium. What made the story so sensational is that the bank in question is considered one of the world’s most secure. With 10 layers of security, including heat detectors, radar, and a magnetic field, it’s designed to be impenetrable. Investigators were able to track down the thief by using DNA evidence.

In 1990, thieves stole over a dozen rare masterpieces from a museum in Boston. The works are valued at between $300 million and $500 million. The thieves gained access to the museum after hours by dressing as police officers and claiming they were investigating a noise complaint. The crime has never been solved, and the art has never been recovered. The paintings include a Vermeer, three Rembrandts, and five paintings by Degas.

Jewelry and Art Theft Is a Federal Crime

The theft of jewels and art is a serious federal crime punishable by high fines and lengthy prison sentences. Federal authorities maintain international databases of suspects and convicted criminals connected to art and jewel thefts. Technology has made it easier for police to track down suspected thieves.    

The Importance of Working with an Experienced Texas Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you’ve been charged with something as serious as a jewel or art theft, you shouldn’t leave your case to chance — or unskilled hands. The federal statutes that address the theft of fine art and jewelry impose harsh penalties on those who are convicted. Protect your future by contacting a knowledgeable Texas federal criminal defense lawyer about your case.  

Texas Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers of Broden & Mickelsen, LLP

2600 State St Dallas, Texas 75204

Main Phone: (214) 720-9552


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ReleaseID: 24045