Author Archives: Qamar

How To Improve Indoor Air Quality & Productivity

Riverdale, NJ, 10/02/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

While corporate wellness programs often include instructions on diet and exercise to improve employee health and performance, wellness programs may want to start focusing on the environment of the office building itself. Recent studies have found a link between indoor air quality and productivity of staff. A good ventilation system will not only maintain the health and comfort of employees, it will also enhance their cognitive performance and efficiency. Why does poor air quality mean poorer employee performance, and what can be done to ensure the high quality of both?

Relationship between indoor air quality and productivity

Better air quality translates to fewer pollutants in the air and more oxygen. Improved oxygen flow to the brain results in better cognitive performance, while symptoms of oxygen deprivation include a decline in cognition. (1)

A joint study done by Harvard University and Syracuse University investigated the relationship between indoor air quality and productivity. The research teams tested employees under a variety of simulated office environments with various levels of carbon dioxide, emissions from office products and ventilation. The employees were tested and monitored under two different circumstances. One of the test conditions involved employees doing regular tasks in “green” conditions with improved ventilation where carbon dioxide and emission levels were reduced, while the other condition had the employees doing their tasks in regular office building conditions. (2)

“The employees who carried out their tasks under the green environment performed around 60% better in cognitive tasks than the employees who were tested in a standard office environment,” explains Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “When ventilation was doubled in the green testing conditions, their cognitive performance increased by more than 100%. These findings are compelling reasons to get serious about indoor air quality and productivity in offices and other workplaces, it affects not only the health of your employees but your bottom line.”

In addition to the helpful effects of improved air quality on cognition, good air quality also improves general health. Yet another study was conducted which examined 10 green-certified buildings and found that employees in these circumstances dealt with around 30% fewer headaches and respiratory problems than employees in the average office building. This was on top of a 27% boost in performance on cognitive tasks. Employees even slept better at night.

Investing in the clean indoor air for employees quickly pays for itself. Recent research suggests that spending around $40 a person every year on indoor air quality results in around a $6500 increase in productivity.

Improving indoor air quality and productivity

Improving indoor air quality and productivity can be done once it is determined that a building has air quality problems. Variables like carbon dioxide emissions, humidity, airflow, and temperature can be analyzed to determine if there is a problem with indoor air quality. Preventative steps should also be taken to ensure good air quality. Heating and cooling systems and filters and purifiers should be regularly maintained and inspected to stop the spread of pollutants before they become an issue.  (3)

There are three main strategies that must be integrated together to control indoor air quality. Pollutants should be diluted and removed from the building with ventilation, and filtration systems should be used to clean the air of remaining pollutants.

Sources of pollutants should be removed from the building or isolated from occupants using air pressure relationships and physical barriers. Biological contaminants like mold, bacteria, pollen, and other allergens can result from poor maintenance or cleaning and can be brought into the building by occupants or with introduced outside air. Chemical pollutants are often generated by products used within the building like chemical cleaners, or certain appliances. Indoor air quality management programs should work to minimize people’s exposure to these pollutants in the first place.

“As buildings have become increasingly energy efficient they have also become increasingly airtight. This means that less air is flowing in and out of the building, so pollutants can easily become trapped inside,” says Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “Ventilation is necessary to control air quality under these conditions, as they function by diluting substances such as mold or carbon dioxide. HVAC systems are integral to maintaining good air quality, but they can also be sources of pollutants in some instances, as filters can become contaminated with moisture or dirt which may lead to microbial growth.” (4)

HVAC systems are most effective when designed to meet the needs of the building it is installed in, so if a building is modified the HVAC system should be upgraded to accommodate the changes. For instance, if an office building is retrofitted to hold more employees, the HVAC system should be changed as well.

Facility managers play a critical role in promoting both good indoor air quality and productivity. They should assess the current indoor air quality by reviewing records for HVAC design, installation, and operation and create an indoor air profile for the building that includes potential sources of indoor air pollution.

“Facility managers can educate staff about managing indoor air quality through training and policies for managing pollutant sources. Managers should maintain and operate the building and ventilation system, ensuring high-quality indoor air by creating and reinforcing standard operating and maintenance policies and by quickly responding to spills, floods, leaks or other accidents that could negatively affect indoor air quality”, explains Wood. “Finally, facility managers should be sure to manage potential sources of pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, and debris from construction, fumes from pest control products and exhaust fumes from garages.” (5)

If you want to improve both the air quality in your building and the productivity of your workers, visit Camfil air filters for professional air filtration advice about maintaining air quality and read about the excellent range of air filter solutions and commercial grade air purifiers.

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620,

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ReleaseID: 25407

Florida Hurricane Damage Lawyer Offers Info On Filing Property Insurance Claims

Boca Raton, FL, USA, 10/02/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Boca Raton, South Florida – September 18, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation released preliminary claims data that showed more than 335,000 property damage claims had already been filed in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, totaling almost $2 billion. Hurricane Damage Attorney Andrew Norden has released a video to help victims of Hurricane Irma with property damage to learn about their legal rights when it comes to dealing with an insurance company’s claims adjusters. To report your hurricane Irma claim, get a free case review.

And that is just the beginning. Irma was the largest hurricane to ever hit Florida, leaving virtually no part of the state untouched. As residents and business owners struggle with the emotional and financial loss, they are turning to their insurance companies for help in recovering from this disaster. And while everyone hopes for the maximum payout for repairs, getting it is not always a given. Which is why you need to understand your legal rights under your insurance policy. Andrew Norden, a leading Florida hurricane damage lawyer, outlines the steps below to file your property damage insurance claim:

Typically, a comprehensive insurance policy covers the following:
Damage to or loss of your home.
Damage to other structures on your property, such as sheds, a pool, decking, fences, etc.
Damage to the contents of your home.
Compensation for the loss of the use of your home if you’re unable to live there.
Payments to third parties for liability or medical expenses.
Here are the steps you need to take to begin the claim insurance filing process.

When You Need an Insurance Claims Attorney

If your insurance company has denied your claim or has failed to respond in a timely manner, you may need to call in a hurricane property damage attorney to assert your legal rights and protect your financial future.

Unfortunately, insurance companies have been known to undervalue or deny claims when first submitted. This is because they are a business, and their focus is on maximizing profits, not in paying out claims. And because of the widespread devastation across Florida from Irma, your claim will just be one in several hundred thousand that requires review and consideration before any payments are made.

This can prove to be a financial hardship for you and your family if your insurance company denies your claim or does not settle it in a timely manner. When it comes to that, you need an insurance claims attorney to fight for you and get you the support you need as soon as possible.

Under Florida law, only a licensed attorney can represent you in civil court in your property insurance dispute claim. If successful, your attorney’s fees are paid by your insurance company and will not come out of your settlement.

If you are experiencing or anticipating any problems with your personal or commercial property damage claim, you can contact Andrew Norden a leading Hurricane damage lawyer with the Osborne & Associates law firm. The firm is providing free case reviews now for victims of Hurricane Irma.

About Osborne & Associates Law Firm, PA

With over a half-century of combined experience, the civil trial attorneys at the Boca Raton law firm of Osborne & Associates, P.A., have a proven record of successfully litigating complex cases on a national scale. Specializing in property damage insurance claims, medical device and pharmaceutical litigation, medical malpractice, and personal injury cases, the firm has secured multi-million-dollar verdicts and settlements and has become one of Florida’s ‘go-to’ firms for all types of civil litigation matters. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Rene Perras
Osborne & Associates Law Firm, P.A.
(561) 800-0177


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ReleaseID: 25404

Drugs That Control Alcohol Addiction

New Jersey, 10/02/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

What Are Some Facts About Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol addiction is a problem that continues to plague people in the U.S., and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25 percent of all adults 18 years of age or older said that they engaged in at least one day of binge drinking – defined as consuming five or more alcoholic beverages within a two-hour period. (1)

Furthermore, 30,000 people die each year due to some action related to alcohol, and nearly 20,000 people die of the alcohol-related liver disease each year.

Clearly, alcoholism is a serious issue in the U.S., and the only solution that can help people in the throes of this disease is to seek quality alcohol abuse treatment.

One of the methods used in treatment programs is drug medication, which may seem counterintuitive or even illogical, but can be very effective for several reasons.

What Medication Helps During Alcohol Detox / Detoxification

Alcoholics who decide to seek alcohol abuse treatment must first undergo detoxification, which can be a harrowing and challenging process.

In many movies and TV shows, this is known as going “cold turkey,” and the body’s reaction to the sudden lack of alcohol can take a brutal physical toll.

This can include symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, irritability, an increase in blood pressure, and tremors that last for hours. And if alcohol detoxification is not handled properly, patients can suffer heart attacks, seizures, and even a stroke.

That’s why drug medication is so important when it comes to helping alcoholics wean off their dependency on alcohol.

Does Benzodiazepines Have Proven Effective for Detox

There are several drugs that have been successful in helping to treat alcohol addiction, but one of the most effective is benzodiazepines.

These are sedatives that help to soothe anxiety and fear and reduce the stress levels of alcoholics who are going through withdrawal.

Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs that slow down the central nervous system…and provide a variety of useful tranquilizing effects. Aside from relieving symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, benzodiazepines are also commonly prescribed to treat insomnia, muscle spasms, involuntary movement disorders, anxiety disorders, and convulsive disorders. (2)

Benzodiazepines are usually prescribed for alcohol detoxification that lasts three days, but because there is a risk of dependency with this class of drugs, rehab experts only recommend their use for short-treatment of alcohol withdrawal.

Naltrexone Changes How Brain Perceives of Alcohol

Another medication used to treat alcohol addiction is naltrexone, which has a dampening effect on the pleasure centers of the brain. Alcohol has been found to trigger the release of dopamine, a chemical produced by the brain when it senses something pleasurable.

To maintain this feeling of pleasure, alcoholics will continue to drink so that their brains produce more dopamine.

Naltrexone blocks the receptors to the brain that create the pleasure of drinking alcohol. Alcoholics can take this medication as a pill or by injection. There are some mild side effects, including drowsiness and nausea, but naltrexone can help alcoholics withdraw from alcohol because it takes away the pleasure they derive from drinking.

One North Carolina woman who had attended many Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings and attended multiple alcohol abuse facilities without much success, said that naltrexone worked so well for her that it permanently curbed her desire to drink. (3)

But she admitted that the drug would not have worked without the personal counseling she also received from a psychiatrist.

In fact, these drugs should not be viewed in a vacuum, as they are most effective during the withdrawal phase of alcohol abuse. But for alcoholics to regain control of their lives, they must attend in-patient and outpatient counseling.

Acamprosate Affects Brain Chemistry In Alcoholics

Acamprosate is the new medication on the block, and it helps alcoholics by reducing the effects of withdrawal, such as anxiety and irritability.

Withdrawal symptoms can be huge obstacles to alcoholics gaining sobriety, because they make alcoholics feel as if the physical symptoms of not drinking are too big to overcome. This medication is made in pill form, and requires patients to take several dosages a day.

Does Seeking Medically Supervised Detox and Long-Term Alcohol Abuse Treatment Help?

Many alcoholics are unaware of the number of different drugs that are available to help them curb their desire to drink. That’s in large part because the idea of taking one drug to help you stop taking another drug seems illogical at best, and dangerous at worst.

But the truth is that these medications have proven to be effective at helping control the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal that are such a challenge when alcoholics begin long-term treatment.

How Serenity at Summit offers Helps

If you live in New Jersey,  MA or PA and are struggling with alcohol abuse please check us out. Visit our locations page.

About Summit ….

Our depth of understanding and willingness to do whatever it takes to facilitate the path in which a person becomes free from the alcohol addiction is unmatched. The Professional and Medically supervised approach attached to a holistic atmosphere equips the struggling to gain victory over their addiction. Don’t wait call today. Our behavioral health professionals are standing by at 1-855-855-9199.

Rebecca O’Mara

Executive Director Brand Management




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ReleaseID: 25410

Accident Lawyer Discusses Bike Messenger Injuries

New York City, NY, 10/03/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

According to the New York Times, there are something like 5,000 bicycle messengers in New York City — more than any other city in the world. These intrepid bicyclists deliver food, documents, groceries, and all manner of items — all while navigating thick traffic in one of the world’s largest cities. “Occupational hazards include barreling trucks, barely visible potholes and taxi doors flinging open without warning.”

If it sounds like a dangerous occupation, it is. If you’ve been injured as a bicycle messenger in New York City, you need the help and skill of an experienced bicycle accident lawyer. Here are a couple things to know.

Bicycle Messenger Accident? You Might Not Be Eligible for Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is not available to independent contractors or “gig workers.” Because many bicycle messengers are not employees, but are instead independent contractors, they are not entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

This makes it extremely important for bicycle messengers to work with an experienced New York City bicycle accident lawyer. Just because you can’t qualify for workers’ comp payments doesn’t mean you can’t pursue a personal injury claim. And when an accident causes injuries that impact your ability to earn a living, it’s important to get compensation for your physical injuries, mental anguish, pain and suffering, lost wages, and any other damages. This is where a knowledgeable bicycle accident lawyer can help.

Bicycle Accident Injuries Are Expensive

Not only are bicycle accidents on the rise in the United States, these injuries are generally quite costly. According to one study published in the journal Injury Prevention, the cost of treating bicycle injuries has risen steadily over the past two decades.

The study looked at bicycle accidents occurring between 1997 and 2013 and found that there were 3.8 million non-fatal injuries and 10,000 deaths from bicycle accidents. Furthermore, the total cost for the non-fatal injuries was a staggering $209 billion. The total cost for fatal bicycle accidents was $28 billion.

If you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident as a bike messenger, your injuries may be more severe and long-lasting than you realize. Don’t miss your opportunity to get the compensation you need to cover the cost of your medical treatment.

NYC Bicycle Accident Lawyer Speaks out About Bike Messenger Injuries

New York City bicycle accident lawyer Jonathan C. Reiter states, “Unfortunately, many motorists, and even some pedestrians, view bike messengers as a nuisance. Some motorists in the city feel like they shouldn’t have to share the road with bike messengers. This attitude leads to people getting seriously hurt and sometimes killed.”

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle crash as a bike messenger or just a regular cyclist, get in touch with an experienced New York City bicycle accident lawyer today. A knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney will explain your rights and help you explore the options in your case.

Media Contact:

Aviation Accident plaintiff attorney Jonathan C. Reiter.

T: 866-324-9211.

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Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case. Recoveries always depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case, the injuries suffered, damages incurred, and the responsibility of those involved.



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ReleaseID: 25424

What Are The Potential Outcomes In My Criminal Case?

Dallas, Texas, 10/02/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

No matter what kind of case you’re facing, being charged with a crime is a scary experience. It’s normal to have a lot of questions, and to worry about the possible outcomes in your case. Will this affect your career? Will you have to worry about a permanent criminal record? How you will tell your family and neighbors? This is why it’s important to work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Although no one can truly predict how a case will turn out, there are definite possible outcomes, and it’s important to be aware of them. A knowledgeable lawyer who has handled multiple cases like yours will be able to give you a good assessment of the likely outcomes in your particular case.

If the Charges Are Dropped – It’s possible that the prosecutor will choose not to pursue a case against you. However, the arrest may remain on your record.

If You Plead Guilty – Talk to a lawyer before you decide to admit guilt. Although many prosecutors may try to bargain with you by offering reduced charges in exchange for a guilty plea, there are real consequences to an admission of guilt. Always discuss this decision with your lawyer.

If You Take a Plea Bargain – In many cases, prosecutors strike a deal with defendants by extending the chance to take a plea bargain. In most cases, you must waive your right to a trial if you decide to accept a plea bargain. According to a New York Times report, about 97 percent of federal cases and 94 percent of state cases end in a plea bargain.

If You Are Found Guilty – If you proceed with a trial, the judge or the jury must listen to both sides of the case and determine if you’re guilty or innocent. If you’re found guilty, you have an opportunity to appeal your case. However, just because you appeal does not mean your appeal will get accepted for a hearing. Furthermore, being found guilty means you could face prison time, a fine, probation, or a combination of consequences.

If You Are Found Not Guilty – Similarly, being found not guilty means the judge or the jury decides you are innocent of the charge brought against you.

If the Court Declares a Mistrial – In a mistrial situation, the prosecutor or the defense must ask the court to declare that an error has occurred and that the case can’t go forward. In some cases, a mistrial happens because the jury is deadlocked and can’t agree on a verdict. In other cases, mistrials occur due to a mistake during the case, such as a juror acting inappropriately. In these instances, the prosecution can typically ask for a new trial with a new jury, starting the whole process over again.

Contact a Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer About Your Case

If you’ve been charged with a crime, don’t hesitate to speak to an experienced Texas criminal defense lawyer about your case.


Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Broden & Mickelsen, LLP

2600 State St Dallas, Texas 75204

Main Phone: (214) 720-9552


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ReleaseID: 25427

NFM Lending Salutes Carlos Garcia

Linthicum , MD, United States, 10/02/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

NFM Lending is pleased to honor Carlos Garcia as the NFM Salute for October 2017.

Garcia joined the Navy in September 1983, just one month after his 18th birthday. He was part of the first crew of the USS Yorktown CG-48, stationed in Norfolk, VA. His duties included firearms training and maintenance; shipboard security; and Mark 45 5-inch gun mount maintenance and operations. While stationed on the Yorktown, Garcia and his crew were involved in the Achille Lauro Hijacking, and the Action in the Gulf of Sidra. In 1986, he transferred to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 1 (NMCB): the SeeBees. While stationed with the SeeBees, Garcia spent time in Spain, Korea, and the Philippines. He did cold weather training at Fort Drum, with temperatures as low as 50 degrees below zero, and jungle training in Okinawa, Japan. In 1989, he transferred to the Naval Mobile Communication Detachment in Maryland. Garcia was discharged from active duty in 1991 and from the Navy Reserve in 1993. He currently works in Maryland as a Realtor.

Garcia was nominated by NFM Lending Branch Manager Chad Jones.

“I am truly blown away that Carlos has not only served our great country, but is still serving the public by helping them achieve the dream of home ownership,” said Jones. “You can tell from his strong military background that he has a thirst for serving others, which can be seen daily in how he helps his team and clients. I am proud to nominate Carlos for our NFM Salute of the month, and can’t think of anyone more deserving.”

The NFM Salute is an initiative in which one military member or Veteran is chosen each month to be honored as the “Salute of the Month.” Salutes are chosen from nominations on the NFM Salute website, The “Salute of the Month” will be featured on the website with a brief biography and information about his or her service, and NFM Lending will make a $1,000 donation to a military or Veteran non-profit in the Salute’s name. Garcia chose The Gary Sinise Foundation to receive this month’s donation.

Selected NFM Salutes may choose from one of the following three non-profits: Platoon 22, AnySoldier, and the Gary Sinise Foundation. NFM looks forward to the opportunity to continue to honor military and Veterans through the NFM Salute initiative.

About NFM Lending

NFM Lending is a mortgage lending company currently licensed in 29 states in the U.S. The company was founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1998. They attribute their success in the mortgage industry to their steadfast commitment to customers and the community. NFM Lending has firmly planted itself in the home loan marketplace as “America’s Common Sense Residential Mortgage Lender.™” For more information about NFM Lending, visit, like our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter.

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ReleaseID: 25412

Medication Mistakes – Lawyer Discusses Medication Mistakes During Pregnancy

New York City, NY, 09/26/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Pregnancy and childbirth are supposed to be joyous times in which mothers and parents look forward to welcoming a new addition to their family. These should never be times of fear or anxiety. Unfortunately, medical mistakes can cause expectant parents to experience health complications that can have lasting consequences both for a mother and her baby.

Medication mistakes injure a shocking 1.5 million Americans every year. These medication errors kill 100,000 people each year. When a doctor, pharmacist, or other health professional makes a prescription drug mistake with a pregnant woman, they endanger both the mother and the unborn child.

Pregnant Mother Given Wrong Medication

It’s devastating to think what can happen when an expectant mother is given the wrong medication. For one woman in Canada, a potentially deadly drug mixup could have cost her the life of her unborn child.

According to Canadian media, a 21-year-old mother-to-be was given misoprostol, a medication used to induce labor in women who are full-term with their pregnancy. Misoprostol is associated with serious complications, including uterine rupture during labor. The Canadian mother was only 36 weeks pregnant and was supposed to have received a suppository for group B streptococcus — a routine drug given to prevent an infection that can be passed from mother to child during birth.

Types of Medication Mistakes

Medication mistakes can happen in a variety of ways and at any point in the chain of distribution from the manufacturer to the doctor to the pharmacist.

Confusing drug names – According to the Medication Error Reporting Program, mixups involving drugs with similar sounding names accounts for up to 25 percent of all drug errors.
Dispensing the wrong medication – In other cases, doctors or pharmacists give a patient the wrong medication. This can happen when a doctor or pharmacist confuses one drug for another or simply makes a mistake. It can also occur when a pharmacist gives a drug to the wrong patient.
Dispensing the wrong dose – When it comes to prescription drugs, even a misplaced decimal point can be deadly.
Drug interactions – Not all medications work well together. When a patient is given two or more medications that produce dangerous side effects, a patient can become very ill or even die due to drug interactions.

Contact a NYC Medication Mistakes Lawyer

New York City medication mistakes lawyer Jonathan C. Reiter states, “Pregnant mothers should be able to count on their health care providers to safeguard their health and the health of their unborn baby. Drug accidents are almost always entirely preventable. There is no excuse for these types of medication mistakes.”

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a doctor’s negligence or a medication mistake made by a physician, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, or hospital, get in touch with a New York City medication mistakes lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case.

Media Contact:

Aviation Accident plaintiff attorney Jonathan C. Reiter.

T: 866-324-9211.

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Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case. Recoveries always depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case, the injuries suffered, damages incurred, and the responsibility of those involved.



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ReleaseID: 25332

Should You Extend The Time Between PM Service Calls?

Riverdale, NJ, 09/26/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Ask drivers how often they should change oil in their cars and you’ll likely hear an answer that’s been repeated for generations: ‘three months or every 3,000 miles, whichever comes first.’ The performance of older automobile engines and the low quality of motor oil demanded a short interval be followed to avoid expensive repairs. However, that may no longer be valid as improvements to automotive engines and advancement in oil chemistry has changed the paradigm; saving many companies significant internal or external labor hours and cost.

While car manufacturers are extending maintenance intervals up to 10,000 miles in some cases, that message has not yet reached everyone. Quick in-and-out oil change shops with guilt inducing windshield stickers, are doing their best to insure the 3,000 mile/ three-month oil change remains firmly in place, for obvious reasons.

Oil change intervals are not the only maintenance cycle under challenged due to advanced technology. Recent improvements to HVAC equipment, building automation systems and air filter technology have progressed to the point where the question should be asked: Is it also time to rethink the industry standard of quarterly PM service calls on your HVAC equipment?

Let’s look at just a few recent technical innovations on three key components of HVAC systems and how they give you flexibility when determining the optimum interval between PM calls.

1. Like most mechanical systems, HVAC equipment has benefited from the improved reliability of raw materials in the supply chain. Stress fractures from the vibration of moving parts for example, is less of an issue as the consistency of metals and other materials used for structural supports have become more reliable. Belts, which in the past required regular inspections, now routinely run a minimum of one year between adjustments.

If we look inside at the heart of HVAC systems, new variable speed compressor technology reduces wear and tear by matching the compressor’s operational speed to the demand load. This also reduces repeated startups from a dead stop which is not only hard on equipment, but requires significant energy.

If the compressor is the heart of the system, coils are the veins and arteries. Micro-channel coil technology, borrowed from the automotive industry, utilizes aluminum tubes as opposed to fins. These tubes are much sturdier with a higher resistance to corrosion. The manufacturing technique used to produce these coils has fewer critical inherent failure points which further improves reliability.

2. A maintenance office in today’s world may resemble an air traffic control tower due to the expanded use of building automation systems. It was not all that long ago, the ability to continuously monitor and adjust the performance of your HVAC equipment from a single computer terminal was limited to Fortune 500 companies with deep pockets. That is no longer the case as the widespread use of this technology has brought its benefits within nearly everyone’s budget.

These systems give the user the ability to monitor the current condition of multiple units with the same level of confidence as a visual inspection. As software continuously improves, diagnostic functions and even equipment failure predictions, will allow managers to avoid running equipment to failure between pre-scheduled maintenance calls.

3. The air filter is the final piece of the puzzle. More than the other two components, the service life of the pleated air filter has historically been the primary driver when developing a PM schedule. In the past, air filters would need replacing every three months. The lack of technical innovation to improve service life by air filter manufacturers coupled with service contractors who built their business models on four changes per year, left the industry with their version of the “3000 mile oil change.”

However, according to Camfil USA’s Food and Beverage Segment Manager, Mark Davidson; “While today’s pleated air filters may look the same as they used to, the similarity ends there. Today, you can find structurally strong, water-resistant pleated filters produced from multiple fiber densities with higher MERV ratings. It may be a surprise to learn, but 12-month service life guarantees are now available”

“Be an active participant when selecting air filters that protect your people and your products. Everyone in the supply chain doesn’t have the same motives so it’s up to the user to request test reports or modeling software projections. After purchase and installation, validate those lab reports with actual field testing to confirm performance.”

“Also, demand those service life guarantees,” says Davidson, “and take advantage of those filters capable of delivering higher performance. PM schedules can now be developed after removing the service life of the air filter from the equation. In other words, create PM schedules based solely upon the needs and performance of equipment; not because an air filter needs to be changed.”

Based on the advancement in equipment performance, building controls and air filter technology, should building managers rethink the practice of automatically scheduling quarterly PM service calls? It may be hard to say yes to that question, but remember that improvements in the auto industry challenged something as deep-seated as the 3000-mile oil change, and we are all the better for it. Overall cost to the consumer is down, performance is up and we are disposing of far less waste oil.

In the HVAC world, it seems technological improvements now allow PM schedules to be based primarily on the mechanical needs of the equipment and not because the air filters need changing. System performance is improved, overall cost down and far fewer dirty filters shipped to landfills.


For more than 50 years, Camfil has sold value added energy and labor saving air filtration products to commercial facilities.

Camfil air filters remove not only dust, but fine particles down to the sub-micron level.

Instead of just improving the air quality, air filters can also save money through a reduction in energy costs. Without effective air filtration systems, indoor pollutants can cause a variety of health problems.

Clean air is a human right because it is essential for life.

Camfil is focused on creating a better future. Camfil air filtration products today are delivering unmatched results, in terms of both filtration and energy efficiency, but there is still much work to be done.

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620,


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ReleaseID: 25314

Opioid Use Causing More Fatal Crashes Says Boca Car Accident Lawyer Joe Osborne

Boca Raton, FL, USA, 09/26/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Use of legal and illegal narcotics and opioid use has risen dramatically. Given this increase in use it should come as no surprise that drivers impaired by opioid use are causing more fatal traffic accidents says Boca car accident lawyer Joe Osborne.

Gov. Scott declared opioid use a public health emergency in May, reports NBC News.

Use of heroin, fentanyl and oxycodone caused the deaths of 3,896 Floridians in 2015, according to Florida Department of Law Enforcement statistics.

Palm Beach County morgues were filled to capacity with 525 fatal opioid overdoses last year.

Use of heroin combined with fentanyl or carfentanil caused 220 deaths in Miami-Dade County in 2016 and 90% of Broward County’s fatal drug overdoses involved heroin, fentanyl or other opioids.

About 92 million adults in the U.S. used prescription opioids in 2015 according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in August, reports USA Today.

Ninety-two million people is about the same as the population of Florida, New York, California and Illinois combined.

An estimated 12 million people (or about the same number as 60% of Florida’s population) misused prescription opioids by using them without a prescription, taking them more often than prescribed or for reasons other than what was intended by their physicians.

About two million Americans have an opioid use disorder. That’s defined as being unable to control or reduce opioid use, having social problems or being unable to fulfill family, work or school obligations because of opioid use.

For some opioid users it’s not the drug that’s the direct cause of their deaths, it’s the fatal injuries they suffer in vehicle accidents when they drive while impaired. Columbia University researchers reviewed drug testing results for 36,729 drivers in six states who died within an hour of being in a vehicle accident.

The percentage of drivers with prescription opioids found in their systems when they died increased from 1.0% in 1995 to 7.2% in 2015, according to a study published in July in the American Journal of Public Health.

The most common opioids were oxycodone, morphine and codeine.

Close to 70% of drivers testing positive for prescription opioids also tested positive for other drugs and 30% showed signs they were also drinking alcohol.

No matter what impairs a driver, whether that’s drug or alcohol use or fatigue, that driver is a hazard to him or herself and everyone else on the road. Driving while impaired increases the chances of an accident because drivers aren’t fully aware of what’s going on and their ability to make safe decisions decreases.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by a driver impaired by drug use, contact Boca car accident lawyer Joe Osborne at (561) 800-4011 or fill out this online contact form. You can discuss your case, how the law may apply and your best legal options to protect your rights and obtain compensation for your injuries.

Press Contact:

Joe Osborne

(561) 800-4011


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ReleaseID: 25311

Department of Labor Expands Fiduciary Duties Owed Under ERISA

Dallas, Texas, 09/27/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

In an effort to combat perceived conflicts of interest for those rendering retirement planning advice, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) has recently expanded the definition of “investment advice fiduciary” under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

Traditionally, investment brokers have been paid by commissions – hampering their ability to give truly objective advice because their compensation is fully dependent on making a sale. However, under the new rule, those who fall under the fiduciary standard will not be able to receive commissions (unless an exception applies). This change reflects an effort by the DOL to guarantee access to objective retirement planning advice.

Previously only registered investment advisors (RIAs) were subject to a fiduciary standard under ERISA, however, the new definition now includes anyone giving “… advice for a fee or other compensation, direct or indirect…” under the umbrella of a “fiduciary,” meaning that both investment brokers and insurance agents must now comply with the fiduciary standard as well. Expanding this definition means that more people must now follow the fiduciary standard, resulting in an elevated risk of liability for those who were not previously at risk. Consequently, employers who are sponsors of 401(k) plans should use caution to prevent being subjected to liability as a fiduciary under this new rule.

Dallas executive employment lawyer Keith Clouse highlights some important matters for employers who sponsor 401(k) plans  to consider:   

Employers should re-examine all current relationships with plan service advisors to determine the extent of the advisor’s fiduciary relationship with the offered plans;

Employers should increase oversight of their plan advisors and verify that advisors are only offering advice that is in the best interest of plan participants and beneficiaries;

Employers should ensure that any fees charged to plan participants are proper and fully disclosed;

Employers should be aware that health savings accounts (HSAs) are also now subject to this new rule, therefore HSA advisors must comply with the heightened fee disclosure obligations;

Employers should be aware that the rule still allows plan sponsors and advisors to provide general “investment education,” however, employers should make sure that any educational materials provided to employees does not cross the line and become “investment advice,” thus triggering fiduciary duty obligations. Employers should review any materials being distributed to employees to ensure nothing can be construed as individualized investment advice. Additionally, employers should advise their HR Specialist that any communications regarding plans should be hypothetical, rather than specific.

Although the new rule took effect on June 9, 2017, it still remains in a transition period, with the compliance date set to begin on January 1, 2018. This means the DOL will not pursue claims against fiduciaries who are making a good faith attempt to comply with the new rule and its exemptions until next year. However, employers should work to educate themselves on the new rule and take actions to guarantee compliance in advance of this deadline.

This article is presented by the Dallas employment lawyers at Clouse Dunn LLP. To speak to an employment attorney about an ERISA or a fiduciary duty matter, send an email to or call (214) 239-2705.

About Keith Clouse / Dallas Employment Attorney Keith Clouse

Keith Clouse is an employment law specialist with over 25 years of experience representing senior executives, business owners, physicians, and corporations in complex employment litigation, arbitration and negotiations. Senior executives, physicians and other professionals consistently rely on Mr. Clouse for employment law expertise and advice on employment contracts, covenants not to compete, severance agreements, equity awards, trade secret disputes, and breach of fiduciary duty claims.  Source


Dallas Employment Lawyer – Attorney Keith Clouse

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