Author Archives: Qamar

What Age Do Kids Get Tried As Adults In Texas?

Dallas, 08/25/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Should a teenager be sentenced to life in prison? It’s a question that has resonated throughout the criminal justice system in recent years. In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole for juvenile offenders are unconstitutional. In 2016, the Court elaborated on its ruling by holding that its 2012 decision should apply retroactively. This means that any juveniles serving a life sentence without parole will get the chance to be paroled.

However, the Supreme Court’s decision also permits states to impose life sentences for juvenile offenders who are “irreparably corrupt” and “permanently incorrigible.” As these terms are subject to interpretation, many states continue to deny parole to juvenile offenders who are just 16 and 17 years old.

Texas House Passes Bill to Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility to 18

Because the Supreme Court leaves the interpretation of “irreparably corrupt” and “permanently incorrigible” in the states’ hands, many states have taken steps to ensure juvenile offenders in their courts are not slapped with a life sentence before they even reach adulthood.

In Texas, for example, state lawmakers in the House passed the “Raise the Age” bill, which proposes to keep 17-year-olds from being prosecuted in the adult criminal justice system. The bill passed in the House in April 2017. If the state Senate passes the bill, all 17-year-olds would be tried in the juvenile system beginning in 2021.

Proponents of the bill say that keeping these teens in the juvenile system will cause recidivism rates to drop, as well as address the rehabilitation needs of young people caught up in the criminal justice system.

Those in favor of the bill have also shot down claims that removing 17-year-olds from the adult system will raise costs. They point to results in other states, which have not experienced rising costs after changing the rules for juvenile prosecutions.

How Other States Treat Juvenile Offenders  

Currently, just six states, including Texas, treat 17-year-olds as adults.

In Florida, which has the highest number of juvenile offenders serving time in adult prisons, juveniles are transferred to the adult system at a rate eight times higher than the next state in line (California). In fact, Florida has more juveniles serving prison sentences in adult prisons than 28 other states combined.

Over the last five years, Florida has tried over 12,000 juveniles as adults. Additionally, prosecutors in Florida have the authority to “direct file,” which means they can send kids as young as 14 to the adult system without a single hearing and zero burden on the prosecution to prove why prosecuting in the adult system is reasonable or necessary. The state allows direct files automatically for 16 and 17-year-olds.

Contact a Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer About Your Case

If your child has been charged with a crime and is facing prosecution in the adult criminal justice system, speak to an experienced Texas criminal defense lawyer right away.


Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Broden & Mickelsen, LLP

2600 State St Dallas, Texas 75204

Main Phone: (214) 720-9552


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ReleaseID: 25107

FDA Issues Warnings About Contaminated Medicine

Philadelphia, 08/25/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Walk into any pharmacy or big box retail store and you’ll see hundreds of over-the-counter medications. As a consumer, it’s great to have choices. In some cases, however, the sheer variety of products is overwhelming. Which ones are best? More importantly, which ones are safe?

Because we live in a country with rigorous safety rules, most people don’t worry about whether a bottle of cold medication or cough syrup is potentially harmful. Unfortunately, sometimes unsafe products make it past quality control standards and onto store shelves.

In August 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a widespread recall for several different brands of liquid drugs and dietary supplements due to a possible bacteria contamination risk. The recall is extensive — to find out if you have any of the affected drugs in your home, be sure to take a look at the FDA’s recall list.

What the Recall Says

The FDA is warning consumers not to use any “liquid drug or dietary supplement products” made by PharmaTech LLC. The company, which is based in Davie, Florida, labels its products under a variety of names, including Rugby Laboratories, Major Pharmaceuticals, and Leader Brands. The drug manufacturer makes products ranging from stool softeners and dietary supplements to vitamin D drops and medicines for infants and children.

PharmaTech products have been linked to a multistate breakout of an aggressive and potentially deadly bacteria. Currently, the FDA has not reported any deaths associated with the outbreak.

Federal authorities warn that products made by PharmaTech could contain a bacteria called Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia), which is known to cause serious respiratory infections. The bacteria are especially harmful to at-risk populations, including the elderly, chronically ill, and infants. B. Cepacia can also cause serious infections in people with lung illnesses, such as cystic fibrosis.

The FDA has instructed consumers who own any of the products covered in the recall to stop using them and to contact the pharmacy or store where they purchased the products to receive a full refund. It’s especially important for parents to take a close look at all drug labels they have in their home. Because newborn babies don’t have a fully developed immune system, they are particularly vulnerable to infections caused by B. cepacia and other bacteria.

Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Drug Manufacturer Negligence

Philadelphia personal injury lawyer Rand Spear explains, “Consumers rely on medication to make them feel better. The last thing you expect when you purchase over-the-counter drugs is for the medication to make you worse — or possibly land you in the hospital with a life-threatening bacterial infection. If you have any medication produced by PharmaTech in your home, be sure to check it against the FDA’s list of affected drugs covered by the B. cepacia recall.”

Contact a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective or contaminated drug or dietary supplement, protect your rights by speaking to an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Call Philadelphia and New Jersey personal injury lawyer Rand Spear today at 877-GET-RAND.



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ReleaseID: 25110

What Are The Effects Of Corrosion?

Riverdale, NJ, 08/25/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

One of the consequences of air pollution that is seldom talked about is the effect of corrosion on man-made materials throughout the world. As air pollution levels have risen in industrialized countries, so too has there been a corresponding increase in corrosion levels. But this doesn’t just affect man-made monuments; it also affects things closer to homes such as vehicles, barbecue grills, outdoor furniture and household tools.

Corrosion also degrades important infrastructure such as steel-reinforced- highways, electrical towers, parking structures and bridges. In short, corrosion is a subject that bears further investigation, so that you can understand how this hidden degradation impacts your life.

What Is Corrosion?
According to EonCoat, corrosion is the process of decay on a material caused by a chemical reaction with its environment. Corrosion of metal occurs when an exposed surface comes in contact with a gas or liquid, and the process is accelerated by exposure to warm temperature, acids, and salts.” (1)

Although the word ‘corrosion’ is used to describe the decay of metals, all natural and man-made materials are subject to decay, and the level of pollutants in the air can speed up this process.

The reason is that airborne contaminant such as particulate matter (PM) are created because of the chemical reactions between liquids and solids. These same liquids and solids, including salt and black carbon, can interact with the molecules within metals and accelerate decay.

In fact, Corrosion Doctors have identified sulfur dioxide that is generated by power plant emissions and vehicle emissions as one of the biggest contributors to corrosion. (2)

High levels of sulfur dioxide can damage trees and plants by destroying foliage and inhibiting future growth.

But sulfur dioxide doesn’t just help degrade metal and other materials; it also has some harmful health effects. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that short-term exposure to sulfur dioxide can worsen asthma symptoms and make breathing difficult. (3)

Atmospheric Corrosion Study Sheds More Light

A recent atmospheric corrosion study has helped to shed more light about how airborne pollutants directly affect metals in an industrial city environment.

Researchers began with the thesis that atmospheric corrosion of metals and their alloys is very common in the industrial city environment due to the high concentration of corrosive pollutants in the air. (4)

In other words, researchers theorized that air pollution in a major city would accelerate the corrosion process and help degrade metals faster than if the pollution was at a lower level.

To test this theory, researchers exposed various metal samples to an industrial city environment for 12 months to determine the effect of airborne particulates on the rate of corrosion. They chose an area within the test city that had a high level of pollutants.

The study found that metals corroded at a much faster rate during the winter when pollution levels were at their highest. This increase in pollution was caused by higher emissions generated by nearby power plants and heating plants, as well as from vehicle emissions and heating furnaces that were in wide use due to the cold weather.

The most common pollutants that accelerated corrosion were sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, dust and humidity.

The Effects of Corrosion

So what are the effects of corrosion that could actually affect your daily life?

Vortex Energy Saver identifies some of the direct effects of corrosion, which include: (5)
Damage to commercial airplanes that could result in possible in-flight problems
Damage to oil pipelines that could cause a costly and dangerous rupture that creates significant environmental damage.
Damage to bridge supports that could cause a bridge failure
Release of harmful pollutants from iron corrosion that contaminates the air
Costs of repairing or replacing household equipment that fails

“We know that many commercial industries such as oil and gas, construction and electronics are vulnerable to the effects of corrosion,” stated Trent Thiel, Camfil USA Molecular Filtration

Segment Manager. “Without control methods, there is likely to be equipment and structural failure that can have catastrophic consequences. That’s why molecular filtration is so vital to removing corrosive agents from the air and ensuring structural integrity.”

Prevent Corrosion at Home

There are several ways you can prevent corrosion at home. First, you can use surface treatments on all metals to protect them from airborne pollutants. Second, you can galvanize all metal products, which makes them highly resistant to corrosion. And third, you can invest in high-efficiency air filters to improve your indoor air quality and eliminate harmful pollutants that contribute to the corrosion process.


For more than 50 years, Camfil has been providing the most technologically-advanced air filtration systems. Camfil offers the most efficient industrial filtration solutions to clients throughout the world, and has built its reputation on providing quality on a budget. Camfil operates under the guiding principle that clean air is the right of all humans no matter where they live. The company offers clean air solutions that will improve your indoor air quality and eliminate harmful pollutants that help facilitate the corrosion process.

Other Resources for you

Learn aboutHow Molecular Air Filtration Thwarts Corrosion in our Previous blog post
Read our blog post: Data Center Air Filtration

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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ReleaseID: 25113

Sheriff’s Office Mistakes Could Affect Over 100 Convictions

Dallas, Texas, 08/24/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Just a few years ago, the FBI admitted that serious flaws in investigatory practices used by its forensics unit led to nearly every examiner giving inaccurate testimony in almost every single trial over a 20-year span. According to the Washington Post, “…[O]verstated forensic matches…favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials…”

It’s terrifying to think that the nation’s most elite federal law enforcement agency could be so wrong on so many cases over such a staggeringly long period of time.

Now, the same type of situation is occurring in Central Florida. Media reports state that over 100 defendants could have their convictions reviewed due to flawed fingerprinting techniques conducted at an Orange County Sheriff’s Office. Even more shocking, authorities report the defective print analysis could potentially impact over 2,500 cases.

Fingerprint Examiner’s Work Described as “Below Standards”

Fingerprints are used to match suspects with evidence left at the scene of a crime. As a result, fingerprint analysis is extremely useful in helping prosecutors prove their cases beyond a reasonable doubt.

But what if the fingerprinting analysis is performed by someone without the skill and knowledge to carry it out properly?

According to reports, the sheriff’s office used an Automated Fingerprint Identification System. One of the fingerprint examiners who worked with the system was transferred to a new position after his superior gave him a “below standards” rating in a performance review. Additional inquiries into his work revealed possible mistakes in over 100 cases. The mistakes include “performance issues…clerical errors, failure to identify prints of value, and the mislabeling of print cards.”

Further digging into the examiner’s personnel file shows he was prone to errors for years — possibly affecting more than 2,500 cases.

Record Number of Convictions Overturned

Just how common are false convictions? The answer is shocking. In 2015 alone, nearly 150 people — a record number — were freed after being convicted of a crime they didn’t commit. Among those individuals, nearly 4 in 10 were exonerated of murder. All of those exonerated had spent over 14 years in prison, and some had served more than 30 years. “Official misconduct” by prosecutors and police played a role in 65 of the exonerations.

The majority of the overturned convictions came from Texas and New York. There were 54 exonerations in Texas and 17 in New York. According to a New York Times report, one of the reasons Texas and New York had such high numbers of exonerations is that two district attorneys in these states launched broad efforts to uncover mistakes and review questionable convictions. A spokesperson for the National Registry of Exonerations stated, “If that same effort were put in across the country, we’d find many more of these cases.”

Contact a Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer About Your Case

If you’ve been charged with a crime, don’t hesitate to speak to an experienced Texas criminal defense lawyer about your case.


Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Broden & Mickelsen, LLP

2600 State St Dallas, Texas 75204

Main Phone: (214) 720-9552


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ReleaseID: 25092

Driving A Truck A Dangerous Job Says Boca Truck Accident Lawyer Joe Osborne

Boca Raton, FL, USA, 08/24/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Driving a commercial truck has recently ranked as one of the most dangerous jobs you could have. The problem for the rest of us is what makes that job dangerous makes it dangerous for us too. If a driver suffers an injury or fatality on the job it can impact everyone else driving near him or her says Boca truck accident lawyer Joe Osborne.

Driving a truck is listed by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics as one of the most dangerous civilian jobs reports CBS News. That job is listed as the seventh deadliest job, with 24.3 deaths per 100,000 drivers. The most dangerous job is logging at 132.7 deaths per 100,000 workers.

Driving a commercial truck is dangerous for many reasons,

Truck drivers operate day and night, seven days a week, in all weather and road conditions. The need to make deliveries makes many truckers take to the road when most of us would stay home.

Road conditions may be bad because of poor maintenance, poorly signed construction zones and high traffic volumes. As more vehicles pack a roadway, the more likely someone will make a mistake, cause an accident and someone will get hurt. If it’s the truck driver making the mistake, given the size of the truck there’s a good chance another driver or vehicle occupant will be hurt in an accident.

The desire to reach a destination may cause the driver to speed or remain driving instead of complying with federal regulations and taking a break. Excess speed cuts down on the time a truck driver can react to conditions and it amplifies driver mistakes. A speeding truck may not be able to avoid an obstacle like a vehicle slowing down due to heavy traffic. Fatigue often leads to distractions and a driver can doze off behind the wheel and control of the vehicle can greatly be diminished or lost completely.

Because of the lack of proper parking for commercial trucks, drivers may not be able to find safe, legal parking, forcing them to drive when they should be pulled over and taking a break or getting some sleep.

Drivers may suffer injuries on the job which could be a distraction from driving. Sitting for long stretches or working to load or unload trucks can cause a number of injuries, including back problems.

Trucks and trailers may be poorly maintained and as a result difficult to control. Mechanical failures can result in a serious accident, especially at highway speeds.

Trailers that aren’t properly loaded or loaded beyond their capacity can result in poor braking, difficult handling and possible jackknifing.

All these situations and conditions can increase the chances of a truck accident leading to a driver being injured or killed. Since commercial trucks don’t operate in isolation but are often surrounded by other motorists, sometimes at high speeds, when a truck accident happens potentially several other vehicles could be involved as well, injuring or killing others.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury caused in a commercial truck accident, contact Boca truck accident lawyer Joe Osborne at (561) 800-4011 or fill out this online contact form. You can discuss your case, how the law may apply and your best legal options to protect your rights and obtain compensation for your injuries.

Media Contact:

Joe Osborne Personal Injury Lawyer

(561) 800-4011

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ReleaseID: 25095

Victims Of Police Misconduct Can Get Compensation

Philadelphia, 08/24/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Police officers are supposed to protect and serve the public. Unfortunately, news headlines and viral videos often reveal police abusing their power. When the police overstep their authority, people can get hurt or even killed.

Individuals who have been injured by the police have the right to receive compensation for their injuries. In tragic cases where police misconduct leads to a person’s death, the individual’s family members can pursue a wrongful death claim against the officer and usually the police department and possibly the local government. These are complicated cases, however, and victims of police misconduct should work with an experienced personal injury lawyer to protect their rights.

Man Receives $110,000 for Wrongful Tasering

In July 2017, a Colorado man received a $110,000 settlement from the City of Aurora, Colorado after police officers tased him in the back. Video of the incident shows the man asking police, “What are we being detained for?” The man also told police, “Answer my question, officer! I know my rights.”

In response, police officers fired a taser gun into the man’s back. The video shows the man dropping to the ground and writhing in pain. The ACLU of Colorado negotiated a settlement on the man’s behalf. Media reports state that the man was stopped by police who were looking for a suspect who pulled a gun on a child. The man the police stopped and tasered was not the suspect. After police tased him, they charged him with a misdemeanor charge of failing to obey lawful orders. That charge was eventually dropped.

What to Do If Police Abuse Their Authority

It’s terrifying to think that you could be walking down the street or driving, minding your own business, and be unlawfully detained by the police. It’s even more terrifying to think that you could be assaulted and physically harmed by police officers when you’ve done nothing wrong.

If you believe you have been the victim of police misconduct, it’s important to take action quickly. When you sue a public entity, such as a city government, you must often provide the public entity with an official notice that you intend to sue. In many jurisdictions, the deadline for filing this notice is quite short. If you wait too long, you could miss your opportunity to pursue justice for your injury.

Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Compensation for Police Misconduct

Philadelphia personal injury lawyer Rand Spear explains, “The majority of police officers are hard-working people who take their jobs and responsibilities seriously. Unfortunately, it only takes one negligent officer to cause a serious injury or death. It’s important for victims of police misconduct to come forward and tell their story.”

Contact a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has been injured by police officers or any government employee, protect your rights by working with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Contact Philadelphia and New Jersey personal injury lawyer Rand Spear today at 877-GET-RAND.



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ReleaseID: 25098

Texas Law Makes Attacks On Police A Hate Crime

Dallas, Texas, 08/23/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Beginning September 1, 2017, Texas joins a handful of states that have enacted so-called “Blue Lives Matter” laws, which make attacks on law enforcement officials, including judges, a hate crime. Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the legislation, known as H.B. 2908, into law in June 2017.

The new law in Texas is actually an amendment to existing law that instructs a judge during a criminal trial to consider whether “the defendant intentionally selected the person against whom the offense was committed…because of the defendant’s bias or prejudice against a group identified by race, color, disability, religion , national origin or ancestry, age, gender or sexual preference.” The amendment adds “or by the status as a peace officer or judge” to the hate crime component judge’s must consider during trials alleging a crime was motivated by such prejudice.

The law comes about one year after a devastating attack on Dallas police officers in which five officers were killed. Another attack in 2015 targeted a district judge outside her home.

Which States Have Blue Lives Matter Laws?

Texas isn’t the only state with a hate crime law specifically designed to punish attacks on police officers and judges. Louisiana was the first state to enact a Blue Lives Matter law in 2016. Kentucky and Mississippi have both passed similar legislation. Proposed Blue Lives Matter laws were raised in Virginia and Indiana but failed to pass. At least 12 other states are considering some form of police-oriented hate crime law.

Penalties for Hate Crimes Aimed at Police

The new law punishes both physical attacks and threats that put police officers and judges in peril of being harmed or killed.

If convicted of a hate crime under H.B. 2908, defendants face tough penalties. Under the new law, “making a terroristic threat that puts a police officer or judge in fear of imminent bodily injury” is a state felony that is punishable by up to two years in prison.

Defendants convicted of unlawfully restraining or assaulting a police officer or judge are guilty of a second degree felony and face up to 20 years behind bars. Any crimes that result in bodily injury to a judge or police officer are first degree felonies that can carry a life sentence.

According to an NBC News report, hate crimes jumped by 20 percent in nine metropolitan areas in 2016. The data was collected by a bipartisan research group from the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University.

Speak to a Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

If you’ve been charged with a hate crime involving an incident with police officers, it’s important to get an experienced Texas criminal defense lawyer on your side as soon as possible. You have important legal rights. A lawyer will help you protect them.


Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Broden & Mickelsen, LLP

2600 State St Dallas, Texas 75204

Main Phone: (214) 720-9552


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ReleaseID: 25065

Living Near An Airport Could Be A Matter Of Life And Death

Riverdale, NJ, 08/23/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Recent studies have found that living near an airport could be hazardous to your health.

One air quality study found that neighborhoods as far as 10 miles away from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) are contaminated with high levels of ultrafine particles that can easily be swallowed or inhaled. These particles are hazardous to human health because they can penetrate in to the lungs and into breathing passages and worsen asthma symptoms, as well as lead to decreased lung function and impair cognitive ability in children.

Researchers have known for years that the exhaust from aircraft contains ultrafine particles that are harmful to human health. But a growing body of studies is finding that far from just being contained within a small area, airport pollution can spread much further out than previously thought, and cause real health problems in residential areas where people are unaware of the risk. This is an issue that affects everyone concerned about the quality of air where they live.

Airport Pollution Facts

To fully understand this issue, it’s important to detail some airport pollution facts.

According to the Los Angeles Times, aircraft exhaust is the main source of airport pollution at major urban areas in the U.S. The reason is that scorching exhaust vapor from airplanes creates ultrafine particles, which can worsen lung and heart conditions, aggravate bronchitis and emphysema, and even lead to blocked arteries. (1)

These ultrafine particles are, “less than one-thousandth the width of a human hair [and] they can go deep in the lungs, make their way into the bloodstream and spread to the brain, heart and other critical organs. While emissions of slightly larger exhaust particles are regulated, ultrafine particles are not.”

Therefore, the majority of airborne pollutants generated by aircraft exhaust are not regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is of great concern, because of the number of major airports throughout the U.S.

Another source of concern is the LAX study, which found that neighborhoods as far as 10 miles away from the airport had elevated particle levels due to airport emissions.

And the level of pollution at LAX was equivalent to the emissions generated by nearly 500 vehicles stalled in freeway traffic every day.

What’s worse is that researchers have also detected other harmful pollutants in and around airports, such as nitrogen oxide – which creates smog – and black carbon, “a major component of soot found in engine exhaust.”

And it’s not just major airports that are a risk because the American Chemical Society reported that emissions from regional airports were “significantly elevated when compared to background pollution levels.” (2)

Controlling Airport Related Pollution

Given these facts, controlling airport related pollution is vital to preventing the health problems caused by the dispersion of ultrafine particles into the atmosphere.

Some airports have acted on their own and implemented new policies in an effort to reduce emission levels.

According to Enviro Aero, some airports provide electric power and air supplies at terminal gates, which allows pilots to turn off auxiliary power in aircrafts, “reducing fuel burn and pollutants.” (3)

Other airports have tried to shrink the amount of time that airplanes taxi on the runway waiting for a gate to open.

In addition, some airports have begun tackling the problem of emissions generated by vehicles used on the tarmac. They are exploring the effectiveness of alternative fuels, including liquid petroleum gas and compressed natural gas that have less harmful emissions than diesel and gasoline.

“Lowering the rate of pollution at airports is a difficult task,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “It will require a change of mindset by airport officials in terms of how they manage aircraft on the runway. For example, an airport in Minnesota now requires airplanes to remain at cruising altitude for a longer period of time before they approach the airport. As a result, planes burn less fuel and emit less carbon dioxide.”

And as mentioned earlier, this isn’t just an issue for airports but is vital for people living near an airport who are being harmed by the level of pollution generated by planes that take off and land each day.

Airport Pollution Prevention

If you live near an airport, you can take steps to help improve the quality of the air you breathe. First, recognize that you spend most of your time indoors; so indoor air quality is vital to your health. Second, invest in an air purifier that is rated to remove gas and particle pollution from the air. Third, make sure that you install air filters in your HVAC system that can trap the common pollutants generated by airport emissions.

Camfil is also one of the most global air filtration specialists in the world with 26 production units and R&D centers in four countries in the Americas, Europe, South East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. Backed by over 50 years of experience and innovation, every Camfil product is designed to provide high-efficiency air filtration, low energy consumption, and a healthier environment. Camfil has a solution that is right for you.

Other Resources for you

Learn about how an airport in Minnesota is trying to tackle air quality in our Previous blog post
Read our blog post:  The quality of the air you may be breathing on your next flight.

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

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ReleaseID: 25068

Searching For Effective Medications For Alcohol Addiction

New Jersey, 08/23/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Alcohol-related issues, resulting from drinking too much, too fast, or too often, are one of the most significant health issues in the U.S. Many Americans struggle with alcohol at some point in their lives. In fact, 17 million people ages 18 and over have an alcohol abuse disorder, and 10% of children live in a home with an adult who has a drinking problem. The good news is that people with an alcohol abuse disorder can benefit from treatment, no matter how severe their drinking may be.

Types of Treatment

There are several different treatment options for alcohol addiction. While most people typically think of 12-step programs and inpatient rehabilitation, they may not know that there are additional options available. Thanks to significant research done over the last six decades, there are actually a variety of treatments available. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to alcoholism treatment, so what works for one person may not work for another, and that many times, a combination of treatments are necessary. That means that it is crucial to understand the options available in order to begin on the path to recovery.

Behavioral Treatments

This type of treatment focuses on changing the way a person thinks and behaves, which will help work through the underlying issues that are causing a person to drink. You will find this type of treatment used in inpatient rehab facilities, outpatient programs, and done on an individual basis by therapists.

Support Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), other 12-step groups, and non-12-step groups (like SMART Recovery) focus on using peer support to help people with addiction issues.


Some treatments for alcohol addiction include the use of medications to help stop drinking and reduce cravings. There are currently three medications in the U.S. that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of alcoholism.

Research for additional medications that may help alcoholics is ongoing and there may be new options on the horizon. But first, let’s take a look at the currently used medications.

FDA-Approved Medications for Alcohol Addiction Treatment

The following medications are approved by the FDA and have been shown to be helpful to people in reducing or stopping their drinking.

Naltrexone – This medication can help reduce the cravings associated with alcohol and opiate addiction. It is available in pill form and as the monthly injectable Vivitrol shot.

Acamprosate – Also known as Campral, this drug is useful in maintaining abstinence from alcohol. It’s taken in pill form.

Disulfiram – This medication, also known as Antabuse, causes unpleasant symptoms when a patient takes it and then drinks. It is used as a deterrent to drinking.

It’s important to keep in mind that not everyone will respond to medications used for alcohol addiction. But for some people, they can be a useful tool in overcoming alcohol dependence. Research continues to search for more medications that will help those suffering from alcoholism, hoping to find additional options so alcoholics can find a medication that they respond to best.

The Future of Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Progress is continuing in the search for better treatments for alcohol addiction. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is working to identify key molecular or cellular structures (targets) that may lead to the development of new medications by studying the underlying causes of alcohol addiction in the body and the brain.

Ideally, this would allow healthcare providers to identify the alcoholism treatment that is right for people on an individual basis. The NIAAA and other research organizations are working on identifying genes and other factors that predict how someone will respond to a specific treatment, allowing them to make the best decisions for each individual. These advances would optimize the efficacy of treatments significantly.

Current NIAAA Research

Some medications that are already approved for treating other conditions have shown encouraging results in treating alcoholism and problem drinking.

Varenicline (brand name Chantix), the anti-smoking medication, significantly reduces alcohol cravings and consumption in people with alcohol addiction.

Gabapentin used to treat chronic pain conditions and epilepsy, has shown that it reduces heavy drinking, increases abstinence, and cuts down on cravings for alcohol in those with alcohol addiction.

The anti-epileptic medication topiramate is shown to help reduce problem drinking, specifically for those who have a certain genetic makeup that appears to be associated with the treatment’s efficacy.

Choosing the Right Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

If you or a loved one has a problem with alcohol, you need to seek help from a medical or an addiction professional.They will be able to offer you support and guidance about which types of treatment you should seek. Gather as much information as you can about their suggestions and decide which feels right for you. Know that there are options and that there is a current treatment that will help be able to help you with your alcoholism.  

Contact Summit Behavioral Health Today

Contact one of our behavioral health experts. Summit Behavioral Health offers both inpatient and outpatient programs to help people recover from alcohol abuse disorder. We can help you too. Our programs are medically supervised and designed to fit your specific needs and goals. Call our behavioral health professionals today at 1-855-855-9199 to speak to a substance abuse expert about your treatment options.

Other Resources for you:

Learn more about Medicaid-Approved Inpatient Addiction Treatment in our previous blog post

Read our blog post:  Is It Possible To Speed Up Recovery?


Rebecca O’Mara

Executive Director Brand Management









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ReleaseID: 25071

Drivers Backing Up Need To Use Caution Says Boca Car Accident Lawyer Joe Osborne

Boca Raton, FL, USA, 08/23/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

A vehicle going in reverse is potentially very dangerous because it may cause an accident with another vehicle or strike a pedestrian. Vehicles are built to go forward and visibility out the back may not be good and passengers or cargo may block the view. We also go into reverse in potentially dangerous situations: crowded parking lots and out of driveways (possibly crossing sidewalks) into streets. No matter which direction a vehicle is moving the driver has a responsibility to drive safely says Boca car accident lawyer Joe Osborne.

A study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that between 2002 and 2006 there were 48,000 injuries nationwide due to accidents involving all types of vehicles backing up on public roads and private property such as driveways and parking lots. These accidents also caused an estimated 463 deaths.

There are all too many instances of serious injuries and deaths involving vehicles going in reverse.

A two-year-old boy was killed in July after he was struck by an SUV driven by his grandmother who was backing out of a driveway in Fontana, California, reports the Los Angeles Times. A police officer at the scene told the Times, “It’s one of the worst calls you can go to.” Police report the child went behind the vehicle without anyone seeing him. A neighbor who works as a nurse tried to use CPR to revive the child but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Another two-year-old boy was killed in June in Jacksonville after being struck by a vehicle backing up, driven by his mother, according to WJXT, in an apartment complex parking lot. He survived the collision but died hours later at a hospital. The boy’s mother was visiting his grandmother and asked her to watch her two small children while she went to the store. The two-year-old left the apartment without his grandmother realizing it and was behind the vehicle when his mother backed out of a parking spot.

A Virginia volunteer firefighter was killed when he was struck by a firetruck going in reverse at the scene of a vehicle accident in May, reports WSLS.

The Florida Highway Patrol stated that a 59-year-old Panama City resident and Bay County Road and Bridges worker was killed in a work site accident in Fountain in February. He was part of a work crew doing street maintenance when he was struck and killed by a dump truck that was backing up, according to WJHG. The worker was taken to a local hospital where he died.

Under Florida statute, “The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.” Violation of the law is considered a moving violation and you may be ticketed if law enforcement finds you were going in reverse in a dangerous manner. In a personal injury case if the driver is cited for violating this law it can be used as evidence of negligence and can greatly help the case.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident or as a pedestrian by a vehicle going in reverse, contact Boca car accident lawyer Joe Osborne at (561) 800-4011 or fill out this online contact form. You can discuss your case, how the law may apply and your best legal options to protect your rights and obtain compensation for your injuries.

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Joe Osborne Personal injury lawyer

(561) 800-4011


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